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EWR 2010 Stats Update: October

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Guest The Phenomenal Red

I think there a good chance Pwinsider is wrong about who Ron Myers is.

If you look at the picture of Ron Myers and the old FCW picture of Kris Logan...They don't really look like the same person.


Further evidence..


According to that, Brian Cage(Kris Logan)will be wrestling for M1W in California tomorrow(October 16th)and he also wrestled for PWG last week. Very doubtful WWE would be letting him fly back and forth to do Indies shows.

As for the whole so-and-so is working XYZ in Walla Walla, so he can't be under a WWE deal, that don't mean anything. Case in point look at Tyler Black and Daniel Bryan. They was signed back in the summer and had two plus months to finish out their indy commitments.

From your link, add a tag team called Natural Selection with Kris Logan and Shaun Ricker (He might be in the game as Shawn Ricker.) I guess 10 experience for the team.

Read another message board that Ron Myers is actually New Jersey based wrestler Ron Price. Here's his myspace http://www.myspace.com/ronpricecsa

Perhaps he is, it looks closer than Kris Logan. I am sorry for going with a credible wrestling news website which can be wrong a few times. However I would not jump at putting Ron Price (if he is in the game) as Ron Myers until that is fact such as on cagematch (which does not have an entry for Ron Myers yet proof.)

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As for the whole so-and-so is working XYZ in Walla Walla, so he can't be under a WWE deal, that don't mean anything. Case in point look at Tyler Black and Daniel Bryan. They was signed back in the summer and had two plus months to finish out their indy commitments.

Perhaps he is, it looks closer than Kris Logan. I am sorry for going with a credible wrestling news website which can be wrong a few times. However I would not jump at putting Ron Price (if he is in the game) as Ron Myers until that is fact such as on cagematch (which does not have an entry for Ron Myers yet proof.)

Ok, guess I could been a little more clearer. I was just stating that it was very unlikely that Logan was Ron Myers, not that the guy couldn't be under contract.

Flying back to California weekly just wouldn't make any sense money wise for the guy if he was Myers, he's not getting much from PWG like a Danielson or Black would.

If I hadn't seen the FCW picture myself, I would have posted what pwinsider did too.

Bill doesn't have to put Ron Price in as Ron Myers even though I am nearly sure that who the guy is, just didn't want him to rename Cage/Logan (what ever name he's currently under, haven't played EWR in awhile)to Ron Myers, when its not him.

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After TNA Impact:

Should we consider adding Jenni "JWoww" Farley to the game after her appearance on TNA last night ? I know it's a one shot, but various reports including one I'd read on PWInsider stated that TNA is in negotiations to keep JWoww around for a few more appearances.

I drew up what I thought her stats would be, so if anyone agrees I'd be more then happy to post them and we can all tear them apart together.

Also, I don't know if this is the place to put this, but since it's more of a statement then a request I'd thought that I would post it here.

Looking at the FCW roster, it looks like we need the following wrestler stats to add in the game:

Kenny Li

Kevin Hackman

Mattias Wild

Melyssa Buhl

Verity Thomas

and possibly Ron Price, as looking at the photos he's about 100% the same person as Ron Myers on the FCW roster

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WWE has come to terms on the release of Matt Hardy, effective as of October 15, 2010. WWE wishes Matt Hardy the best in his future endeavors.


Remove Matt Hardy from the WWE. Add him to TNA <ahttp://www.ewbattleground.com/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png' alt=':P'>

Edited by Gabriel19
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-Raise Rich Swann's brawl to 59, speed to 79 and charisma to 55.

-Raise Pelle Primeau's brawl to 49 and charisma to 60.

-Raise Alex Payne's brawl to 47 and charisma to 60.

-Rename Ryu Lee to Matt Saigon. Check high spots.

-Raise Lance Steel II's brawl to 18, speed to 51, tech to 36, charisma to 56 and overness to 16.

-Raise Lance Steel's brawl to 19, speed to 50 charisma to 56 and overness to 16.

-Raise Sabian's charisma to 76.

-Raise Ryan Slater's brawl 43, charisma to 65 and overness to 15.

-Check high spots for Niles Young. Raise his brawl to 40 and charisma to 56.

-Add a tag team between Joe Gacy and Ryan Slater called "The Runaways", 20 exp.

-Add a tag team between Pelle Primeau and Alex Payne called "Black Gate Asylum", 20 exp.

-Add a tag team between Pelle Primeau and Shane Hagadorn called "Black Gate Asylum II", 20 exp.

-Add a tag team between Shane Hagadorn and Alex Payne called "Black Gaye Asylum III", 20 exp.

-Raise "Lancelot"'s experience to 25.

Edited by KrisClassic
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shouldn't guys like micro cro cop and brock lesnar be removed from the game since there is no way the ufc would ever let them wrestler?

They're usually in as non-wrestlers aren't they? plus there's some players who would prefer to have them in because they don't play to strict rules.

(also, in the sentence 'plus [[xxx]] some players' should it be there's or they're?)

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OK, wanted to get some notes down while I had them fresh in my mind:

First, I have pretty much removed IWS from the game. It's looking like the concensus is to add the NWA: Hollywood Promotion, which is fine, but I would need Size, Base, Cash, Image, Risk, Production, Ads and Merchandise if we're gonna get it in the November update. Hopefully, someone has an idea on at least a starting point.

Some responses to posts:

Add Jake Crist, Dave Crist to the 911 Inc. stable

They currently are in HWA, IWC and AAW. 911 Inc. is an FIP Stable... We'd have to remove them from one to get them in FIP to add them to the stable.

I am not sure if Sam Shaw is in the game but he should have Lupus as an alter ego.

I haven't found him in the game as of yet. If we get stats, we can add him.

Ricochet/Helios is now a member of Warriors International

Assuming "Warriors International" is a Stable... Is this the same as the "WARRIORS" stable in the game?

Add Arik Cannon to DGUSA

He's currently in AAW, EVOLVE and WFX...

Make La Mascara the new Mexican Light Heavyweight champion of CMLL.

Is this a new title, or in the game under a different name? If it's in, should it be renamed? If not, gonna need the specs (image, etc) to add it.

Add Austin Aries to NWA Hollywood

While I plan to add NWA-H, as soon as I get the info requested above, Aries is currently in under PWG, DGUSA and EVOLVE... We'd need to remove him from one.

Should we consider adding Jenni "JWoww" Farley to the game after her appearance on TNA last night?

Ugh, I knew this would come up, as soon as I saw her advertised. I guess if we learn that she is doing more than one appearance, the argument could be further made. Theoretically, we could put her in Donald Trump's spot (just an example) in essence removing him from the game and it wouldn't add another worker to the database. That was one reason I did want to stop at 5000 is because, now I see a lot of people claiming that their computer can't even run the game, because the database is too big. Having stats for her wouldn't be bad, but I'm not gonna guarantee she'll get added, especially if she doesn't appear again in the near future.

Shouldn't guys like Micro Cro Cop and Brock Lesnar be removed from the game since there is no way the ufc would ever let them wrestle?

Well, they are in as Non-Wrestlers, so unless you hire them for a PPV or other monthly show, they can't wrestle. Lesnar is a former wrestler, so deleting him from the game entirely, at least in my opinion, wouldn't make much sense. As for Cro Cop, I don't know if he has ever done any professional wrestling. if he has, then I'd think the same about him as I do Lesnar. if he hasn't, then you could easily make the argument that he should be deleted and, unless someone had a damn good reason why he shouldn't, I likely would remove him. As a matter of fact, there are two workers who have has stats suggested that I have not added, simply because I cannot find any actual professional wrestling info regarding them (If you're wondering, they are Mark Hunt and Kevin Randleman). Wile there has been much debate over what would "qualify" someone to be in the database, I think you should have at least had to be part of a PRO WRESTLING event to be considered. Ideally, my hadline would be having to have wrestled in one actual match in order to be considered, but I'm sure that would cause an issue somewhere, as, just off the top of my head, Linda McMahon ha never been in a "match," but not having her in the database doesn't make much sense. On the other hand, it would finally put to rest the great debate of Jaime Koeppe. :)

Some other things I have jotted down to mention, before I forget:

I have no problem with people mentioning that "Person X" signed with WWE and is being sent to FCW. But, if the person is in the database already, don't expect a name change to happen until their profile pops up on FCW's website. Perfect example of this is Su Yung being named "Vannah." I didn't make that change intentionally. Siple reason: I had no idea how the name would be spelled in FCW. Sure, the reports spelled it "Vannah," but if I go on that and spell it that way and FCW puts her profile up as "Vanna," now I have to change it again. With all of the notes that I take, in all honesty, renames are a HUGE pain in the ass, so I wanna get them right the first time and not have to rename, just to correct a spelling mistake. That's the reason I don't make changes to most workers that are named one letter differently (like Go Shiozaki, especially when the alternative is listed as an alter ego). It's the "You say 'tomato,' I say 'tomahto' rule... :) If it's actually incorrect (like I I have entered "Stacey Kiebler" instead of "Stacy Keibler" when the first is OBVIOULY incorrect, then sure, by all means, correct me. But, before posting a potential misspelling, please check the alter egoes. If "your correct spelling" is there, chances are, it won't be changed, unless there is a major outcry. I'll keep it noted and eventually get to it, but by then, they might be using the spelling I had listed initially (BTW, I'm still a bit pissed because, after waiting all that time to change "Serena Deeb" to "Serena," WWE cans her and she's using "Serena Deeb" again). :)

Gonna actually start another post (yeah, it'll be a double post... Sue me). But, I'm totally switching gears in the next post and don't want to lump it all together... The next post I'm actually discussing, instead of re-hashing... You'll see. :)


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Recently, I've taken a step back and did an overall analysis of where I wanted this database to go, in order to be as realistic as possible. Obviously, there are hundreds of polls, lista, etc when it comes to pro wrestling, but there wre three that really grabbed my attention and thought that those would be a terrific base to start "analyzing" the EWR data on.

The three I chose were:

1: Diva Dirt's "50 Sexiest Divas." They started with 100 nominees and, after a few series aof voting, narrowed it down to the top 50 vote-getters, who would then be in a "final vote" to determine the list. While "sexiest" certainly doesn't mean "best wrestler," it is a good start when wanting to compile a list of females for the EWR database. The final "Top 50" is here: http://www.diva-dirt.com/50sexiestdivas2010/ Unfortunately, I don't have the entire list of 100 that were considered, but if anyone does, please let me know, as I'd love to have it for further analysis on the database.

2: PWI's "Female 50." This is sort of the Yang to the Yin presented in the Diva Dirt poll. This is (arguably) the best 50 female WRESTLERS. While there obviously is some crossover between the "sexiest diva" and "best wrestler," these two lists combined were a very good start to making sure that the top women wrestlers in the world were included.

3: The PWI 500. Although a few female wrestlers have made the PWI 500, this is pretty much a "top 500 male" list. Obviously, I'm referring to the 2010 edition, as I'm working with the database in 2010. Again, it's arguably the top 500 wrestlers in the world. That's the reason I chose to include 2 female polls, because both of those were 1/10th of the size of this list. While some might not agree that the PWI 500 is in fact the top 500 wrestlers in the world and they do have certain "rules" that prevent some wrestlers from even being included (Shawn Michaels isn't in, due to retiring after WrestleMania, for example) I don't know of a list compiled anywhere that includes 500 wrestlers and is as well known as PWI's.

My thougfht process here is "OK, I have a database of over 5000, FIVE THOUSAND wrestlers. That's 10 times bigger than the PWI 500 and and 100 times bigger than either of the female lists. In theory, I SHOULD have EVERY SINGLE WORKER listed on ANY of these included in the game. If not, They likley should be among the first considered when adding more workers.

First the PWI Female 50. Check. All 50 females included in that list are in the game. As a matter of fact, the Female 50 has been going on for three years now and EVERY SINGLE worker included in the three years of those lists is in the game. Awesome.

Second, Diva Dirt's 50 sexiest. After skimming the list, one name sticks out like a sore thumb...

33: Melanie Price "Its a Brit entry for European up-start, Pro-Wrestling: EVE!"

Admittedly, I don't know a lot about Pro Wrestling: EVE. I live in the US and as I understand, this promotion is faily new. You might have noticed that for October's update, I did add a few members of the Pro Wrestling EVE roster, including Melanie Price (who, from what I read, is no longer with EVE). I'm not sure how accurate the stats are, as I based their stats on opponents they had faced and did my best to find mathes with workers already in the database. If any are wrong, please feel free to chime in. On top of that, after checking their website, I have found four workers that I would like to add, but haven't as of yet, because I can't really find anything on them:

Amazon, Destiny, Nikki Storm, Stayce Baybie

Finally, the PWI 500. Honestly, I was somewhat disappointed with this... I'm hoping some of these workers are in the game under a different name, because I have a list of 63 potential workers that made the PWI 500, but I don't even have in the game. That's 12.6% of the list.

That's where you guys come in. :)

Below is the list of workers on the 2010 PWI 500 that, to the best of my knowledge, are NOT in the game. I want to correct that, so any info on these guys that helps us add them to the database is greatly appreciated. If you happen to have the PWI 500 magazine, the anmes are listed in the order they appear, so, highest ranked first:

Ryota Hama, Tommaso Ciampa, Mascara Doarado, Ryan Eagles, Mike Rollins, Benjamin Boone, Hartley Jackson, J.C. Kea, Dal Knox, Tommy Thunda, Mahoney, Jonny Puma, Shane Haste, Lynx, Tank, Marion Fontaine, Zaquary Springate III, Orion Bishop, Titan, Damien Slater, Josef von Schmidt, Eric Cooper, Breaker Morant, Vinny Dunn, Scott Zen Zen, Steve O, Eddie Taurus, Mikaze, Chris Rockwell, Davey Deluxeo, Joe Bravo, Robbie Gilmore, Ryan Sawyer, Will Calrissian, Ananzi, Reiko DMF, Ron Falco, Vince Beach, Corey Hollis, Tommy Mack, Bill Collier, Scott Chase, Barry Ryte, Chrisifix, Chris Black, Kid America, Hellcat, Cameron Thomas, Marc Mandrake, Ray Alexander, A.J. Strokes, Phil Latio, Chris Cooper, Primo Scordino, Barry Hardy, Shockwave The Robot, Robert Roma, Billy Gibbs, Steve Kruz, Super Sweet, Brandon Thurston, Gabe Saint, Barry Wolf

After typing those, I'm hoping that some are just in the game under a different name, as some sounded familiar. Again, any help on reducing this list would be appreciated.

Finally, I must admit that I am getting pretty fed up with the whole "Wrestlicious" experiment. It seems to be taking them half of forever to get their content out to viewers and nobody seems to know when (or IF) there is going to be a "Season 2," as I personally have only seen 12 of the 13 "Season 1" episodes. I understand it's a wrestling/comedy show and that they supposedly are having talks with MTV2 about a show, but that remains to be seen.

Anyway, I see it like this: I'm working on a WRESTLING database, not a comedy database with some wrestling in the shows. Hell, if that were the case, we could put Drew Carey in, as he was actually a Royal Rumble participant. Anyway, the short story is, I'm running thin on patience with Wrestlicios and am starting to think that, while we can add the wrestlers/staff/etc into the game, maybe they shouldn't have one of the 34 promotion slots. I'd like to get others opinions on this but, if we do decide to remove Wrestlicious, I already have the promotion that would replace them in place and would just be looking for a few workers' stats. I'll put it in a spoiler if you want to be surprised, but if you want to help, the workers I need stats for are in the spoiler as well:

NCW Femmes Fatales

Angie Skye

Caroline Reno (Staff)







Finally, for those interested, I'm planning on having November's update out on October 30th, which is a Saturday. Most Sundays, I'm out watching football (American) and this would also have the update out before Halloween, meaning that if your computer is set right, you won't have to adjust the date. I know that sucks to do... :)


Edited by Bill1996
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