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I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! (2010)


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Anyone else gonna be watching? It starts tomorrow night on ITV 1 (and in HD for those with the option... possibly 3D too if you're up for going down the pub to look a twat.)

The ''celebrities'' (in tags just in case people don't want to know until tomorrow)

Linford Christie

Kayla Collins

Britt Ekland

Sheryl Gascoigne

Nigel Havers

Gillian McKeith

Lembit Opik

Shaun Ryder

Aggro Santos

Stacey Solomon


Ok, as is the case every year, I only know of a handful - it doesn't matter with this show though, as seeing anyone face the trials is fun... and it's obvious Stacey Solomon (a bit thick, but very, very sweet X Factor contestant last year) will be doing most of them. She has a kid though, so I hope she doesn't give this up too easily, because depending on how brave she is with everything, she's a potential winner.

And I'm by no means Ant and Dec's biggest fan, but their material on this programme is the best you're gonna get from them.

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On tonight's show, we'll see them going in as usual, but the article on MSN news seemed to suggest that they got a surprise upon arrival...

Apparently they were split up into boys vs. girls and all ten of them took part in an eating trial. I didn't read far enough to see the results, as I'd rather watch it myself - I just hope we get to see it tonight. Considering it's on for an hour and a half, it's a safe bet I think.

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Gilliam McKeith is a proper dick, she pisses me off something ridiculous. How in fucks name she can claim she didn't know what they expected of her is beyond me. Linford Christie's a bit of a twat as well

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I actually really like Lembit Opik - Nigel Havers is a moody bastard, but his whole "Lembit just talks BOLLOCKS" schtick is quite funny, I must admit.

And yeah, I hate it when people claim they had no idea what they'd signed up for - ugh, surely, if you're asked to appear on a TV show, you do some reading up on it first. It sounds like complete nonsense to me, and she wants the sympathy vote. Sadly, the British public are going to keep voting for her to do trials whenever they can, which would normally be good if the person on the receiving end was willing to try stuff.

Not on tonight because of the stupid football. :( (:shifty:)

Should be action packed tomorrow night though, where we should catch up on two trials hopefully. And it appears as though the two new celebs joining is going to be Jedward. Ugh. I knew they were out there, but hoped it'd be for some other reason like getting lost or some shit. :/

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Ha they never learn do they, it's the ones that make a huge fuss that always get voted to do the tasks, so what does Gillian do? Through a scream fit everytime anything gets remotely close to her, gotta admit she is good entertainment though. Loved the pub thing, that was really cool.

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