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EWB's favourite beat 'em up (fighting game) characters

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My favorite Yoshimitsu spot is the sword pogo in Soul Caliber.

I'd have him on my list if not for BlazBlue.

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Since I pretty much only give a fuck how cool someone is, and could give a fuck about fighting styles, ease of use, or, pretty much, anything else...


- My favorite video game character of all time. This dude is smooth with a capital OOTH. Doing splits, punching dudes in the sack, then signing an autograph and laughing all the way to the bank. My dude.

2. Ken

- Because Ryu is a pussy.

3. Guile

- Cuz Amurika. And flashkicks. And that sweet, sweet hair.

4. Kano

- Yeah, he's just cool.

5. Sub Zero

- He. Rips. Out. Your. Spine. Then serves you a scotch on the rocks, using your nuts for the rocks.

6. Chun Li

- Fast as shit.

7. Fox McCloud

- DO A BARRELL ROLL! No, seriously, Fox is just this cool. I don't even like SSB that much.

8. Raiden


9. M. Bison


10. Balrog


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1. Reptile (Mortal Kombat)

2. Steve Fox (Tekken)

3. Baraka (Mortal Kombat)

4. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

5. King (Tekken)

6. Blanka (Street Fighter)

7. Yoshimitsu (Tekken)

8. E. Honda (Street Fighter)

9. Noob Saibot (Mortal Kombat)

10. Paul Phoenix (Tekken)

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1. King (Tekken)

2. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

3. Bryan Fury (Tekken)

4. Yoshimitsu (Tekken)

5. Lee Choulan (Tekken)

6. Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)

7. Guile (Street Fighter)

8. Nina Williams (Tekken)

9. Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters)

10.Tina Armstrong (Dead Or Alive)

*edit* There's a Yoshimitsu in the Soul Calibur games, but its supposed to be the Tekken character's ancestor or something like that, and Tekken Yoshi would own SC Yoshi in a fight.

Edited by GhostMachine
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1. King (Tekken)

2. SubZero (Mortal Combat)

3. E Honda (Street Fighter)

4. Wolverine (Marvel vs Capcom)

5. Yoshimitisu (Tekken)

6. Gohan (Dragon Ball Z)

7. Goku (Dragon Ball Z)

8. Johnny Cage (Mortal Combat)

9. Ken (Street Fighter)

10 Deadpool (Marvel vs Capcom)

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:( Bastard

1. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

2. Marshall Law (Tekken)

3. King (Tekken)

4. Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)

5. Ken (Street Fighter)

6. Christie (Dead Or Alive)

7. Kano (Mortal Kombat)

8. Yoshimitsu (Tekken)

9. Tina Armstrong (Dead Or Alive)

10. Jax (Mortal Kombat)

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