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My friends just got me into this game, which is pretty much an RTS/DotA genre game. Some people associated with DotA from WoW helped with this, and it is a free game to play (you CAN spend money to permanently buy Champions in the game, but they offer a selection of free ones to use that change every week).

I wasnt sure if I would get into it considering it is an RTS and Ive been iffy with that genre, but it being a fantasy sort of thing with Mages and whatnot is pretty nice.

Was wondering if anyone here has heard of it or played it, since it came out back in 2009. If anyone wants to check it out below is the Wiki link, which has links to the US, EU, etc sites. Oh, and if anyone decides they would like to try it out and would want to help me with getting referrals, that'd be cool too <_<

Also, if there was a topic about the game or if there is discussion going on somewhere my apologies. I tried searching for it but found nothing.


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  • 2 months later...

Do you still play, Vitamin E? My brother and one of my friends both play this, and after spending time at my friend's place and watching her play I downloaded it and gave it a whirl, and I find myself quite liking it. I didn't realize champions rotate out every Tuesday so the first week I played I was playing as Malzahar all the time, got good with him, and then a week later he wasn't available as a Champion and that's when I found out that Champions are rotated in and out every week. >_< So I used some IP and bought Ashe and a few of the cheap Champions, and I've been rocking shit up and down as Ashe. Just got enough the other day to buy Malzahar, so I bought him and now I spend most of my time playing as him.

I love that voice acting. And his lore (as cliche as it is).

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I use to play this all the time, was in the Beta (although I had forgot that account and now on an Account I made in December 09 or so. Meaning no King Rammus). Haven't really played a game since the tree guy came out though, as I actually spent money on him and a skin, turns out I'm terrible as him and I haven't played since. Just from a quick look through, the game has majorly changed with items and new champions, and there's a new game mode coming which looks fun.

My ID in game is Stardy vas DK3, if anybody wants to add me.

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I actually havent played in a while, but I have been looking to get back into it. If either of you would want to play sometime (custom, vs ai, or pvp) I wouldnt mind hopping on. I usually use Orianna now, might be my ball fetish, but I also enjoy using Rumble and Rammus. Trying to get into using Veigar and a couple others more for more options, but it took me forever to come up with a good enough build for Orianna <_<

My username on there is Arro Vandais. If I had known people chose usernames on there like any other place I would have just used my xbox gamertag, but I thought, "oh, this has a bit of a fantasy theme going for it. I think Ill come up with a name that I would use if I were in a fantasy world."

Oh, and if you ever get into a pvp match with a Xin Zao, prepare to get raped. If there is one champion that needs to be nerfed, it is Zao. It isnt even a case of someone being really good with him; I just find him to be OP in that he has an attack that can hit you when they arent near, stun/slow you, and up their attack speed to just rape you without any effort.

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Not entirely sure who Orianna is, going from the ball comment I guess she's the robot they've added but I've never seen her before. I have Rumble (somehow) and he's generally fun, and Rammus is probably the best tank in the game at the moment. And yeah, AP users I generally find difficult to build as well, and once I'm use to one, it's hard to use another. I've found just using the same one for all of them works though. At least, for a low ELO player like myself anyway. :shifty:

I don't really have a "true main" in the game. I'm generally stuck as Shen most of the time due to my team refusing to pick a tank (I'm fine with it though, I have a Shen skin and he's generally badass anyway), but I enjoy playing as a lot of characters. My first main was Twisted Fate, trying to pick him up again. Apparently he's a lot better now but his teleport is being bashed into oblivion, so that's a shame.

And yeah, Xin is just all kinds of BS. 9/10, the team with Xin, wins. The 1/10 is on the very odd occassion that you're playing somebody who just bought him and has no idea what they're doing as him. He needs some serious fixing.

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Yeah, most of mine run between 30 minutes to an hour. I did have one crazy match yesterday though that was under 20 minutes; fastest one I've had so far. We had a beast of a team, though.

Anyway, my summoner's name is Malheurit. Add me sometime.

EDIT: One of the things that irks me about this game - and, really, most multiplayer games like this - is all the people that whine about killstealing. I just had a really good game as Veigar (little tiny guy, looks a little like a black mage from Final Fantasy but in purple) and there was a guy on my team that I laned with who, it felt like, would whine about killstealing every time he didn't get the kill. And then at the end of the game he was bragging about how many kills he had.

The way I look at is like, as long as the enemy Champion dies, who cares who got the kill? I play as support more than anything so kills don't matter much to me. I try to help my teammates stay alive.

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I don't get that either. The point is to kill the enemy champions and destroy their nexus. I can understand if you need the gold, but still. I've never complained or cared if someone takes a kill from me. If the enemy dies then good. What I can't stand is when unused to playbwith my friends and one of my friends friends would bitch when people wouldn't call enemies MIA. I can't type when I'm in a battle so it got annoying, especially when she wouldn't do it either.

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Yeah, people calling "killsteal" over every little thing does really annoy me. I mean, there are occasions where somebody will run in, kill the enemy and steal your gold after doing nothing for the rest of the teamfight, but what's done is done, no point complaining about it, and that way two people get the gold and it's a confirmed kill, it's really a win-win. I try to apologize if I do that anyway, just in case I run into somebody like that. Also a good way of finding out who is cool and who to /ignore. As for MIA, I call it when I can (or do the double ping), but battles happen all the time, and really, if an enemy has vanished off the minimap you should prepare yourself for escape regardless. I don't get why people don't realize that.

Most of my games last around an hour. Makes it really annoying having bad net which makes me disconnect completely at random. I still managed to reach level 30 though, months later.

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