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Battlefield 3


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So I've noticed I don't score as many points when I am with random people who don't work well together. I do typically lead the squad in points during those situations.

I have a lot of work to do but I have been enjoying C4 the last few days. Probably going to use more claymores tonight though.

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I'm warming up to the game especially since I started playing with some people that I know locally last night - there's about four people in my area that I know will be on regularly. The only problem we really ran into last night is trying to get into a game together - but that was remedied by using the Server Browser. And then there's also the fact that the maps are huge and indeed beautiful.. a bit too big I think. I spend over half the game trying to figure out where the action is, and once I do it takes forever to get there and I either get sniped on the way there or make it there just as things are wrapping up.

Another thing is anti-air. Why bother doing it? When vehicles have flares they are unlimited and recharge before I can lock on again.

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I'm warming up to the game especially since I started playing with some people that I know locally last night - there's about four people in my area that I know will be on regularly. The only problem we really ran into last night is trying to get into a game together - but that was remedied by using the Server Browser. And then there's also the fact that the maps are huge and indeed beautiful.. a bit too big I think. I spend over half the game trying to figure out where the action is, and once I do it takes forever to get there and I either get sniped on the way there or make it there just as things are wrapping up.

Another thing is anti-air. Why bother doing it? When vehicles have flares they are unlimited and recharge before I can lock on again.

If you use an anti air gun (they are stationary guns) you can shoot down helicopters and jets with ease if they are close. Mix that with someone trying to hit them with the stinger missile and you can get them out of the air.

What game mode do you play on? On conquest if you guys keep going for A,B,or C that the enemy has control of then you will always find the action. If playing Rush if you are an attacker again go after the stations and there will always be action there. If you're a defender stay back some and the same will apply.

I need to find people that play on PS3. I unlocked mortars and found they can be great if your team spots for you. Plus taking out tanks and such is easy when your team is spotting. They get bonus points for spotting when you get the kill.

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I usually don't like playing Conquest - but that's what the guy controlling our matchmaking was on last night, and it was mostly the bigger maps that I was having problems with like Capasian Border. It was probably just the matches that we were in - but there were so many angles to come in from, etc it was just a pain in the butt to find some decent action.

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I usually don't like playing Conquest - but that's what the guy controlling our matchmaking was on last night, and it was mostly the bigger maps that I was having problems with like Capasian Border. It was probably just the matches that we were in - but there were so many angles to come in from, etc it was just a pain in the butt to find some decent action.

A map like Caspian Border you should get in a jeep to get from one place to another. Spawn on your squad mates, and maybe set a spawning beacon near different places.

What system were you on?

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I am really liking this game. Conquest mode brings me right back to Battlefield 1942 on the PC, and that was a blast. I really like being the assault class. The M16 seems well balanced between range and firepower. Using single fire and picking off distant targets is awesome.

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I've been consistently MVPing the top of my team - but I am still finding the issue of unbalanced teams. It's seemingly always a slaughter for one side or the other. I'm interested in seeing what happens to the onlnie community when a bunch of the people who bought Battlefield 3 to tide them over for MW3 leave.

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I was just in a team deathmatch game that was tied 99 and 99 at the end - when out of the blue I get shot and I think fuck.. I lost it for the team. The screen dims and then spazzes out, and it says that my team won. Odd I thought - and then when it dimmed about, spazzed a bit more and brought me out to the main screen the final score of the game was 100 and 100. Everyone wins!

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It has probably already been covered in here, but what is the campaign/story mode like in BF3? I'm trying to decide between this and MW3 when I realised I really don't know what Battlefield plays like. I understand there is more strategy involved, but is it fun (as in, pick-up-and-play sort of fun)? Same question about online, which I rarely play, but when I do I really just like to jump in, have a few games, then jump out. Modern Warfare is quite fast, so ideal for me really, but if Battlefield is somewhat similar I'd like to try a new game.

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It has probably already been covered in here, but what is the campaign/story mode like in BF3? I'm trying to decide between this and MW3 when I realised I really don't know what Battlefield plays like. I understand there is more strategy involved, but is it fun (as in, pick-up-and-play sort of fun)? Same question about online, which I rarely play, but when I do I really just like to jump in, have a few games, then jump out. Modern Warfare is quite fast, so ideal for me really, but if Battlefield is somewhat similar I'd like to try a new game.

From what I understand and experienced, there's really no jumping in and having fun for a bit with Battlefield. Seems like you need to be playing in a team with other people you know really, or at least to find a semi-competent team to join with, because it's a lot more objective based.

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I like BF3 online, I really do, but I find it very unfun without 3 other friends, you just get idiots joining your squad, spawning on you and giving up your position, really annoying.

Then when you go on mic and tell them to stop, they either don't have a mic, or spout abuse.

And the story from what I've played is good fun, apparently short but so is MW3.

Edited by McDanlad's
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