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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


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I should upload the video of me getting the most epic knife throw game winner. Ran around a corner, couldn't see the guy hiding behind a table up top of an area (I don't remember the name of the map), and threw the knife. It skimmed the table and got him square in the groin. It was a good 10-15 metre throw.

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Had an awesome moment on Team Defender yesterday. Was playing in a random game against a team made up entirely of a clan of people, they were really dug in this room on Baakara. Eventually I start to get a little frustrated, especially when I end up getting a Deathstreak! (The C4 one) So I decide, fuck it, I'm going Kamikaze. I make a sprint for the room, manage to get right in the center, I'm destroyed by like 5-6 guys... then BANG.



We still lost, but it was an awesome moment and actually made me feel like there was a reason for Deathstreaks.

Also I played properly as a Sniper the other day! It was pretty fun! On Team Defender, my team lost the flag... but I had a direct sight on it, inside a room, with only two entrances. The entire enemy team kept attempting to pick it up, but I just picked off every one of them. I think I got something like 8-9 kills in a row before someone had the sense to kill me before taking the flag. :P

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Just had a few awesome games playing with the Shotgun again for like, the second time ever. Got myself a nice little class and using the Assault Killstreaks again instead of the usual Support set up. (UAV/CUAV) Forgot how satisfying it can be to go from Predator Missile to Helicopter. Also Team Defender really is wonderful, lots of people all bunched in one little area, perfect for me and my Shotgun.

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