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Big Brother 2011


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This is still on? :wacko:

Yes it is. The celebrity one finished and now they've put the 'normal' people in the house.

I know that he was talking about doing it, but I didn't think that he actually would :(

Exactly. When he mentioned it I was kind of sad. But not for one moment did I think he would go through with it. I guess he had to do what he had to do. He said he had done what he had to do and he was happy with it. It's that he didn't find it fun anymore. And that is when you know its time to go. If he had stayed he could have won the show. :(

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I hope somehow he or they find a way for Mark to come back. Watching him on BB's bit on the side and you can clearly see how much of a great housemate he is and how much the show will miss him and that he is clearly the winner of BB 2011. The ink blot bit was funny. "Its looking at me going you shouldn't have left you knob head."

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I like(d) Jay, but he overreacted a bit. It is annoying when a Big Brother contestant takes it too seriously.

Which is why I love Harry. He is treating it like a game and is having fun with it, and I'm glad. He, Aaron and Alex have a bit of a laugh with it which makes the show a much more entertaining for me.

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The fact Jay had to go ground and pound a pillow for five minutes says a lot about him. Louise's "he's lovely, you're lovely, i just think he's lovely... he's lovely..." seemed reaaaaally fake. Aaron is my own personal favourite, Harry is fantastic. I like Faye a lot, too. Anton is playing the game, so fair play - but he and Arden are annoying.

Do they have any twists lined up before the show ends? Extra housemates, etc?

I'm so, so, so disappointed that they didn't use the food colouring in the pool.

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From the look of the preview for tonight its going to be good and more "Legend" Harry moments :D hopefully Faye will stay I prefer her to Maisy. The shopping change had me laughing a lot. Arroan is someone who I think has a chance of staying til the final. I don't think he will win. But if he stops sitting their looking into space all the time and lives it up I think he will win.

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Weird. As a former developmental WWE talent and a former Gladiator, she'd normally qualify for celebrity Big Brother. Oh well, one step closer to a Big Brother Wrestling Federation.

Just a thought: Alex Shane would be an excellent housemate.

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Now watching last nights episode.

First of all, I would have found the revenge food colouring washing prank funny, but then it became terribly unfunny when it became an act of malice and then the guilty parties started denying it.

Also, wow, Anton. Yesterday he was in on the joke and found it funny, next day he hates the joke and wants revenge. And anyone who swears on his mother's life is normally a massive cunt anyway, but when they are telling a barefaced lie too, wow, just wow.

In two days I've gone from liking Jay to really disliking him.

EDIT: "Want to play some chess?" is my new favourite line from Harry.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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