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TEW05 Real World Update: October 2011

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- like I said Jennifer Blake is in Mexico right now, but should be back for the next tapings (in 2012)

- Buggy Nova was at the tapings? Haven't read about her or saw her in the taping results

- Rebecca Knox was at the last tapings, because she was in the states for studying. I don't think that she will be back at shimmer

- after a look at the shimmer website Malia Hosaka is listed as alumni, so she is also gone from shimmer

- Taylor Made, Anna Minoushka, Jessica James and Rhia O'Riley are members of the Sparkle Development System in Shimmer. They don't wrestle on every show but train with the shimmer staff

- With Jennifer Blake since she isnt active in Shimmer now she'll be taken out till she returms.

- Buggy Nova mainly had dark matches from the reports on cagematch.

That leaves the following as a list of talent who wasnt active at the tapings

- Amber O'Neal

- Anna Minoushka

- Annie Socal

- Daffney

- Jamilia Craft

- Jennifer Blake

- Jessica James

- Malia Hosaka

- Misaku Ohata

- Rachel Summerlyn

- Rhia O'Riley

- Sarah Stock

And I now need stats for the following

- Allysin Kay

- Davina Rose

- December

- Jett Riley

- Kimberly Maddox

- Veda Scott

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- Add Derrick Bateman to the WWE Roster as a Lower Midcard Heel.

- Add Percy Watson to the WWE Roster as a Lower Midcard Face.

- Make Percy Watson and Titus O'Neil a team with Low Experience.

They're all on NXT.

Increase the popularity of Bateman, Watson, O'Neil and Darren Young.

Edited by ThTmp4
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- Increase Incognito/Hunico/Sin Cara II's popularity to a C in All US and Mexico, and a C- in Canada.

Also, not sure why someone mentioned putting Stevie Richards in LLUSA.. the announcers are Kevin Kelly and Todd Romero. Nigel Sherrod is the ring Announcer.

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- Increase Incognito/Hunico/Sin Cara II's popularity to a C in All US and Mexico, and a C- in Canada.

Also, not sure why someone mentioned putting Stevie Richards in LLUSA.. the announcers are Kevin Kelly and Todd Romero. Nigel Sherrod is the ring Announcer.

That show was taped back in December. So yeah....the roster has changed drastically since. For example, Rellik was a big player there in December, he's not even with the company at this point and hasnt been for some time.

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Richards was on the last taping (back in July, iirc) as a member of RJ Brewer's stable The Right

Ahh. Well somebody mentioned him being the announcer, that's why I asked about it lol

He was doing color commentary before joining the Right. Pretty sure he still does it part time, so hard to tell with LLUSA airing shows taped almost a year ago.

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Averno said in an interview over the weekend that many people thought that once he lost his mask that he would go on a downward spiral in his career but that has not been the case as he has felt reborn since losing it because he now has his family’s honor to uphold. Averno also talked about the report by Super Luchas in May that he was signing with WWE and said that nothing was ever concrete and that while it is a dream of his to become a star in the United States as he has already conquered Mexico along with having success with New Japan his home is with EMLL. Averno said that if WWE comes with a deal that he would listen to it of course but his heart is in Mexico. Averno then talked about WWE becoming big in Mexico and said that the wrestlers themselves are to blame because they go out and throw around these big challenges for mask and hair matches but never deliver which angers the fans because they get their hopes up and some of these guys never follow through.


-Tick Japan for Averno.

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- Possibly remove Sara Del Rey from ROH. She still isn't on the website (which has been updated twice), even though she was at the first tapings where they took the roster photos.

- Tick Mexico for Sting.

- Johnny Calzone is the new F1PW Heavyweight champion.

- Ryan Slater is the new F1PW Heritage champion.

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Tiana Ringer's bio says she is inactive but in game she is set as active. Any reason why?

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