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The Avengers


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They all act pretty well as a set up in their own ways. Other than Iron Man and Hulk, which don't really have much outside a post-credit scene each and Iron Man introduces Agent Coulson, who's one of the things that links all the films together.

Iron Man 2 is mostly all set up, it introduces Nick Fury and Black Widow and just basically has a lot of Shield stuff, along with a Thor tie-in.

Thor is probably the main one I'd say you should watch, as Loki and Thor have a fantastic dynamic that'll be one of the main features of the film, it also obviously works as an Origin for both Thor and Loki, Loki being the main villain. I'd suggest watching Thor at the very least to understand Loki a lot better. It'll also help you understand why a God of Thunder is on earth, why Loki wants to destroy everything and who the Eric Selvig is and why he's around.

Captain America... it features something that's central to the plot of Avengers (the Cosmic Cube/Tesseract), but it never really defines it much outside of being a "Source of infinite power". It shows the level of power and explains a lot about Captain America (obviously), but because it takes place in the past, it's not totally central to the plot of Avengers. (I wouldn't think)

They're all wonderful films if you like the characters, none of them are really bad, at worst there's Iron Man 2 (which suffers from a bit too much being packed in, but it's still fun if you're a fan of the source material or the characters) and Incredible Hulk (which doesn't majorly tie in and is only really 'pretty good'. It's most peoples least favorite, but the fight at the end is pretty awesome.).

Watch Thor, definitely. That'll have the most stuff central to the plot of Avengers, from what I can tell. Captain America is really fun and so is Iron Man, but neither have quite the ties to Avengers that Thor does.

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I ask primarily as I have Thor, and bought Captain America and The Incredible Hulk. I've watched Iron Man and Iron Man 2, but can't really remember as much of that as I would like.

I really want to watch Thor, but not sure if I'll get around to the other two.

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I ask primarily as I have Thor, and bought Captain America and The Incredible Hulk. I've watched Iron Man and Iron Man 2, but can't really remember as much of that as I would like.

I really want to watch Thor, but not sure if I'll get around to the other two.

Watch Thor, then if you feel like watching more at some point watch Captain America. Hulk is fairly missable. It's not bad, but it's not as fun as the others.

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I watched it last night for the first time. I wouldn't say it was phenomenal but it was alright. The guy who was Loki was much more entertaining than the guy who was Thor (Who seemed more at home in Cabin in the Woods than he did as the lead man in an action/comic film).

I like the guy they've got as Hawkeye (I'm assuming its the guy with the bow who says something along the lines of "You want me to take the shot or are you going to send more guys in for him to beat up first?")

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I watched it last night for the first time. I wouldn't say it was phenomenal but it was alright. The guy who was Loki was much more entertaining than the guy who was Thor (Who seemed more at home in Cabin in the Woods than he did as the lead man in an action/comic film).

I like the guy they've got as Hawkeye (I'm assuming its the guy with the bow who says something along the lines of "You want me to take the shot or are you going to send more guys in for him to beat up first?")

Yeah, Loki totally steals the show. I quite like Hemsworth too, but you can kind of tell it's his first real feature. And yeah, that's Hawkeye. Being played by Jeremy Renner who was pretty great in Hurt Locker, though from what I can tell so far he doesn't seem like enough of a dick to be Clint Barton. >_> Apparently he's the one that gets the least screen time, but it's not surprising considering he has the least build.

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Watched Captain America last night, would say that it is a better film than Thor. Is Red Skull in the Avengers film? His mysterious exit leads me to believe he will be at Loki's side.

There's some rumors he might be and he was released in a Avengers toy set alongside Loki, so it's possible he'll have an appearance of some sort or perhaps be set up as the villain of the second film. The latter seems a lot more likely, though there's a chance he'll be in the after credits scene.

At the very least, I think he'll be back for Captain America 2 or 3.

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This movie is fucking awesome. I swear, there is not one thing I would change in it. It has lots of action, a good, solid story, some drama, some (really funny) comedy... I loved this movie. Also, be sure to stay for a couple of minutes after the credits begin, there's a scene afterwards that is also really good.

Some highlights:

-Hulk fucking rules. Him bashing Thor after they defeated the giant monster, him bashing Loki like he was a rag doll like Bamm Bamm from the Flintstones ("puny God")... That is the stuff of legend. I cannot stress how I loved Hulk in this movie enough.

-Stark's... Stark. He's exactly the same smarmy wiseguy from his own movies, and I wouldn't change it. Him always testing Banner was hilarious.

-Black Widow deceiving the God of Lies? THAT was badass.

-I'm not a Coulson fanboy, but him being a Captain America fanboy was great. Too bad he died.

-The fight between Hulk and Thor was awesome and I wish it had more time. Just watching these two guys bashing each other, Hulk trying to lift Thor's hammer in vain... I was watching it and I was having flashes of comic stories, it was THAT perfect.

-Loki was brilliant, even moreso than in Thor.

-Hawkeye could have been given a bit more time, but he was badass during the final fight.

-THANOS! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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It's good. The interplay between Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Cap is every bit as good as I'd hoped for, the final fight sequence is spectacular and the script is hilarious. Oh, and I normally couldn't give a drizzling shits about Hulk, but he is fantastic in this.

On the slip side, most of the build isn't too well paced, the story is by-the-by and you never feel like Earth is in any danger at all. A three block section of Manhattan Island, yes, Earth, no.

In summary: Well worth the wait, not a knockout.

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Thoroughly badass.

Act I a touch slow but inevitable when you're trying to pull more than half a dozen threads together. Still had some excellent bits and pieces...

...Mainly involving Black Widow or Stark.

Act II (Helicarrier) got into the swing of things very well. Act III (Manhattan) was beautiful carnage.

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That. Was. Awesome.

Personally, flawless. I can see where people may have had issues, but they weren't for me. Just brilliant stuff. Some highlights being:

Hulk. Full stop.

Iron Man's "Entrance Music" over the PA system.

Pretty much all of the final act.

And the teaser. Oh God the teaser.

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:w00t: I fucking loved it. It was just brilliant. Hulk steals the show. God damn, I haven't been this excited by a movie since The Dark Knight.

Hulk punching Thor during the 3rd acting and Hulk throwing Loki around like a ragdoll were hysterical. Best moments.

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