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Assassin's Creed: Revelations


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Did anybody else pick this up?

The short film that came with it was rather nice (without spoiling it, to me it comes off as a nice set up for the next installment of the series). Havent listened to all of the soundtrack but what I did was nice.

The story mode I only did the first mission to get it started. Took some getting used to as I couldnt remember how to really do anything but attack.

The multiplayer is as nice as I was hoping. Some maps were left in from Brotherhood (St. Michel, Gandalfo, Venice). The trip wire bomb is amazing (I stood in the open and planted one around me, waited for an enemy to approach me and stunned them after they set it off), and there are two new abilities: Teleport and Bodyguard. Unsure how I will feel about Teleport once everyone gets it, but Bodyguard sounds interesting (just like it sounds; a clone protects you from enemies or something).

The layout of the multiplayer menu isnt too bad, either. The customization for the characters looks nice (can change stuff like the physical to the weapons). The logo you can create is pretty basic, selecting a basic shape, a pattern, and two colors. Nothing amazing but it is still nice.

One thing is that you now earn Abstergo Points or something from matches, which you spend on buying new abilities, emblems, patterns, characters (I assume), perks, etc. I find it to be a bit of a downgrade, but at the same time it can be somewhat good.

Already level 9 in multiplayer, only stopping because of D&D tonight. The six games Ive played thus far Ive finished first or second. Cant wait to go against players that have played before and try some of the other modes out.

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Did some more of the story today. Not spoiling the plot, but the hookblade is a nice addition. The Eagle Sense isn't bad; you use the left stick (pushing it in) for it instead of I think Y from Brotherhood, and there is a small circle sight thing in the middle to help find targets or something.

Multiplayer Im now level 15. Got my Morph back and bought Bodyguard to see how it is. Needs more testing from me to get it right. You basically clone yourself in a group and the clone lasts 8 seconds, and if any pursuers are nearby the clone will go and stun them (according to the info in the Ability menu).

Firecrackers, Smokebomb, and Tripwire Bomb you can all quick set or you can hold the ability button to aim and throw. Very useful as you dont need to be super close and in threat of being stunned/killed.

I have been having problems of stunning civilians, though, and it gets annoying. Regardless, multiplayer is still quite fun. Managed to even get a CTF game in (forgot what its called in game). It seems interesting. A map is divided in half, and if enemies come to your half you can kill them and if you go on the enemies half you can stun them.

Apparently you can now Prestige in multiplayer as well, which seems interesting. Also makes it so that you can make enough Abstergo Credit to buy more stuff for multiplayer.

Edited by Vitamin E
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Reached level 30 and have unlocked the Craft Ability thing. It is pretty cool. Your abilities start off with the basic range/duration/cooldown/etc, and instead of having to complete challenges to get better versions of the abilities you craft them. You're given 2 points per ability, and each ability has 3 stats you can alter up to two times. So you can build an ability the way you want by putting both points into lowering the cooldown or putting one to increase the range and one to increase the duration.

I also have to say the story that you unlock progressively throughout multiplayer is pretty cool. You unlock documents to read (20 total) that explain the history of Abstergo/the Knights Templar, and videos that involve 'you' testing to become a Templar yourself.

Possible spoilers about the documents:

More than once is mentioned a sleeper/mole being in the Assassin Brotherhood, and the document I just unlocked was about Subject 4, the 'second best sleeper' they have or something along those lines. That, and they mention Subject 4 going into the Animus to relive an ancestors memories from 1908, so a possibility that either the AC III or possibly IV will delve into more recent times for a main era to revolve the plot around.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Well, you can't exactly

bring back somebody that's dead for new series, especially if they're not an ancestor of anybody.

I had a thought on that...

... yes you probably can. There's always the possibility that she was saved after death. The Templars could've pulled some kind of switcheroo on the body in order to try and extract her memory and knowledge of the assassins. Plus, from what I recall, there's some hints that she may still be a Templar spy. She even disappears from Monterrigoni (sp?) without explanation during a few sequences in Brotherhood.

Either way, I doubt she'll be back. From what I recall, AC was originally meant to be just three games, so Kristen Bell probably had her contract expire by doing ACI, II, and Brotherhood.

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Well, you can't exactly

bring back somebody that's dead for new series, especially if they're not an ancestor of anybody.

I had a thought on that...

... yes you probably can. There's always the possibility that she was saved after death. The Templars could've pulled some kind of switcheroo on the body in order to try and extract her memory and knowledge of the assassins. Plus, from what I recall, there's some hints that she may still be a Templar spy. She even disappears from Monterrigoni (sp?) without explanation during a few sequences in Brotherhood.

Either way, I doubt she'll be back. From what I recall, AC was originally meant to be just three games, so Kristen Bell probably had her contract expire by doing ACI, II, and Brotherhood.


Apparently during Brotherhood, if you leave the Animus at one point, Lucky is gone and its only Rebecca and Shaun, they say Lucy left to get food. If you leave the sanctuary, you can find her footprints with eagle vision, but instead of the blue "ally" color, their the red "hostile" color

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which level was that? I don't remember

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That's the one where you're chasing the guys on a boat through the underground caverns while they shoot/occasionally lob gunpowder at you. It's almost a pure free-running level.

I liked Galata Tower, which to me seemed like it could have been pulled straight out of an Uncharted game (just insert Ezio saying "Crap oh crap oh crap!" every time something collapses underneath him). :shifty:

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