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Survivor: One World

GoGo Yubari

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Well, Tarzan did go completely bonkers in the tribal council after the merge and announce they should all target Jonas, which seems to indicate to me that Tarzan is probably the last person I'd wanna be aligned with.

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That was a direct response to Jonas' suicide Hail Mary "let's get rid of Michael" thing, though, and in the wake of their big blowup. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't really want to work with Tarzan either but I'd sooner take a lunatic over a tight-knit group that formed before I even stepped foot in their tribe.

Honestly, the problem is everyone but Kim/Chelsea/Sabrina/amazingly Kat is bad at this game.

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I think it has been hinted at several times that Tarzan is horrible at the game. He's got no social skills, he goes off on everybody on his alliance, he can't remember anybody's name and he seems to be out of the loop strategically. The week Monica got voted out, Colton basically spelled out that Tarzan was a liability and could ruin the whole plan. I'm sure that was a lot to do with editing.

I think another reason why Troy and Jay did end up siding with the girls was because Mike didn't want to align with the guys. Tonight, Troy told Tarzan that Mike was never with them and had already switched to the girls by the merge. That was definitely my read of the situation, that Mike was never going to vote with the guys.

EDIT: Yeah, where the hell did Kat come from? She's was edited wonderfully last night.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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The guys clearly lacked communication. I'm sure if Troy and Jay had gotten their heads out of the girls asses early in the merge and like Kim with the girls, formed a back-up plan with the guys they could have. Mike was easily manipulated and Leif and Tarzan know they don't have an alliance so why wouldn't they side with you? I'm honestly surprised Troy said 'go to Christina and Tarzan and tell them to vote Alicia'. Why not Leif? Makes no sense. The fact that Christina told Leif to step down so he's not a threat and won't get voted out says enough; he ain't makin' it to the end with the girls. Ugh, some of these guys have no clue, they are just riding the waves hoping somehow to get to the end by pure luck.

The girls are in a situation now that 5 of them think they will make it to the end; Kat, Kim, Christina, Alicia, Sabrina. It's Redemption Island all over again. If I was Christina I'd be scrambling already. And it's going to be glorious when all the girls are left and just Tarzan :lmao: Bring the guy to the end with you, he's worse than Philip.

I'd love a season when basically everyone after the merge is playing hard. There are always a few people just trying to fly under the radar, or just have no clue. HvV was great 'cause people were playing hard (except for Colby <_<), and same goes for Micronesia (except for Erik :pervert:).

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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I wont lie, between this last episode, and the preview for next weeks episode, I'm fully supporting Troy at this point, mind you its probably sign now that hes used his idol he'll be the next one gone, but I'm a sucker for a underdog story. This season has been a strange one in the sense, that pre-merge it was pretty dull unless Colton was on screen, they where editing it to make Alicia they second fiddle villain, and just about everyone else was a wall flower. Post-Merge as been way better then it had any right to be, Kim has really surprised me with her silent but violent game play but to be honest, if her, Chelsea, or Sabrina end up winning (mostly Sabrina), I will be highly underwhelmed. Oh yeah... and Tarzan clearly went to the Phillip Sheppard School Of Survivor and passed Playing Crazy 101 with flying colors, but that's been stated already -.-.

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Love the Troyzan versus the world and all the cattiness that comes along with it.

Also, how stupid are Christina, Leif, Tarzan and Alicia? This was their only time to move against the four women. At eight, will be a tie and draw rocks. At 7 they won't have the numbers. Dumb dumb dumb dumb.

Here is hoping that Troy goes on an immunity run to the end.

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I'm not. He's an entitled whiny fratboy douche. Congratulations on figuring out how to play Survivor two boots too late and being angry at the Kim/Chelsea/Sabrina/Kat bloc for playing better than you.

Christina/Alicia/Tarzan are definitely playing super-bad in theory though. Maybe something will switch up (if I'm Kim or Chelsea or Sabrina, I wouldn't want to go to f3 with the other two in that group, but Chelsea and Sab seem to be stupid-loyal) but who knows.

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Take Troy out and the whole season is going to get a hell of a lot more predictable than it already is. At least him winning immunity puts the girls on edge.

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Christina is really probably the worst player left, anyway. When she refused to outbid Troy for the Immunity advantage my jaw dropped. I have no clue what her plan even is.

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Christina is really probably the worst player left, anyway. When she refused to outbid Troy for the Immunity advantage my jaw dropped. I have no clue what her plan even is.

She's been treated like shit in every tribe shes been in thus far, I thought it was a nice little "FU" back to the girls clique who made her an out cast during the first week or so. Maybe the others should have waited out the storm before spending cash, why should it have been up to someone who, from the vibe I get, knows she isn't going make to the finals anyways, to help further people who will be there long after shes gone?

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She's been treated like shit in every tribe shes been in thus far, I thought it was a nice little "FU" back to the girls clique who made her an out cast during the first week or so.

How is it a nice little "FU" to fail to get yourself an advantage and then vote with them anyway? Christina isn't being vengeful, she's just being bad at Survivor because she's a recruit. Hell, she was wearing Alicia's dress at the auction.

And yeah, Troy not immediately bidding $500 shocked me too. He left the door wide open and was just lucky that Christina was dumb and clearly has no endgame.

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Troy definitely needs to keep winning to make things interesting 'cause there's already a set way of who goes home next for the 4 dominant girls which makes things boring obviously. No idea what Leif, Tarzan, Christina and Alicia were thinking and it's not the first time we've seen this in Survivor where a group who definitely will not make it to the end decides to vote with the dominant alliance anyway to be safe. It's ridiculous, you know might as well go for it now then be content with 6th place or something. I'm sure Alicia still thinks she'll manage to weasel her way to the top 3 but you can't take that risk. Also, Leif should have been the done politicking after the challenge :s :wacko:

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Yeah, some very stupid moves were made in this episode but I love the whole "Troyzan vs. The World" because everything else happening during this season has either been boring or annoying (Colton) so I'm glad Troyzan livened it up a bit. The stupid moves were obviously Christina and Troyzan not immediately betting $500, what else were they waiting for? The other was the bottom four not jumping with Troyzan, wouldn't you rather compete against the three other horrible competitors and Troyzan rather than four other decent to good competitors in the Power 4? Overall I liked the episode and I hope Troyzan continues his streak but I really have no idea what Tarzan is doing in this game, his voting of late has been questionable but hopefully he can see the fact that he's next and form some sort of alliance with Troyzan and what have you. If the girls run the rest of the game it's going to be very predictable and boring. >_<

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She's been treated like shit in every tribe shes been in thus far, I thought it was a nice little "FU" back to the girls clique who made her an out cast during the first week or so.

How is it a nice little "FU" to fail to get yourself an advantage and then vote with them anyway? Christina isn't being vengeful, she's just being bad at Survivor because she's a recruit. Hell, she was wearing Alicia's dress at the auction.

And yeah, Troy not immediately bidding $500 shocked me too. He left the door wide open and was just lucky that Christina was dumb and clearly has no endgame.

...Because she should know by now, that no matter what she does, she isn't going to win? Its been beat into her head throughout the season, mostly pre-merge. No matter she she did at that last vote, she was going to have the advantage over what other group was left, at least as much of advantage one in her position can get, siding with either Troy or Kim wasn't going to do much harm to her endgame no matter what, because again, she has to know she has no end game, none - once the alliance is done with her, shes gone. At least sticking with the girls, and Troy remaining as public enemy number one, the focus is off her for a bit, and now with impending impulsion within the girls alliance thats being teased, she may buy herself some more time, but again, as long as public enemy number one is still around, shes an extra vote, no focus is on her, and she worms her way further then what shes had any right to.

Maybe I'm just reading into this too much, and she is playing a horrible game.

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Every Survivor auction baffles me actually. There's always one person that only bids once, or not at all thinking there's something better coming and there are infinite options up for sale. If you're a Survivor fan you can sense the auction is getting to a close, especially when he auctions off an advantage in the next immunity challenge. If you haven't had food why not bid 250 right off the block or something? Now Kim and Kat both got two items, how did that happen? Maybe we are underestimating the impact of being able to keep the money afterwards. Troy probably hoped they'd not outbid him so he could keep a sum of his money, maybe same reason Christina didn't go on bidding.

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My thought was that it a) people either wait too long and hold onto their money for too long or b) that it is edited to make it look like they didn't get food when they in fact did.

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