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Survivor: One World

GoGo Yubari

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Great. We've gone from awful to boring. This is probably the single least interesting post-merge tribe in Survivor history. Kim's winning and I think she's just going to Brian Heidik her way there at this point.

Jonas' move was desperate and pointless but he saw the writing on the wall. Tarzan's move is... I don't even know. If I thought he wasn't legitimately fucking stupid at Survivor I'd say it's a decent way of trying to get in good with everyone in the dominant alliance, except none of them like him to begin with.

Troyzan is such a disappointment. For all that supposed eccentricity he's just a middle-of-the-road player getting a thoroughly dull edit.

EDIT: Though I did love that we finally got a real intro for this season... the week after Colton, life-long Survivor fan, was booted.

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Didn't see this posted last week but apparently Colton wanted to give Jay the idol but the producers wouldn't let him. Apparently the plan was also to vote out Alicia but unless I see some unaired footage I don't know if I believe that one.

Agree with whoever said earlier that Kim seems like the likely winner.

Edit: Probst has said that Colton probably won't be brought back. Thank God.

Edited by sahyder1
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I don't trust Probst. And also Colton's "but we were going to get rid of Alicia, I swear!" thing sounds like bullshit and/or a plan he entertained in the back of his mind but never told anyone about.

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I really like Troyzan, but he's not going to make it to the end. I feel like he's might make it to mid-merge (about six players left or so) due to his strength and hidden Immunity Idol. Tarzan seems like the kind of guy that you should keep around as he's not going win any jury vote, but he's just annoying enough that people are going to want him gone. Boston Rob realized how smart it was to keep Phillip around, but I'm not sure this group will be smart enough to keep him around.

The girls definitely remind me of the Micronesia alliance. They've got the guys wrapped around their fingers and they're going to be able to pick them off one-by-one. The person I'm most interested in seeing how their game plays out is Christine. She's in such a weird position right now and I'm not really sure when her time will come.

EDIT: Just threw on Jonas' exit interview on Rob Has A Podcast, and it turns out that most people want to keep Tarzan around because he's such a "Phillip Sheppard". Interesting.

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This season feels like Vanuatu all over again.

I think the problem of splitting the tribes along gender lines is that by the time the whole male chauvinism v. girl powah shtick plays out, everyone just comes across as an unlikable twat. Considering the last season worked perfectly well without any unnecessary gimmicks, I hope they just keep to the basics next season.

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Considering the last season worked perfectly well without any unnecessary gimmicks

Last season had Redemption Island and two returning players, so that's not really true.

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Now that Jonas is gone (and he wasn't that great either) the only people I kind of almost like and kind of almost want to win are Kim and Chelsea. I won't quit watching, but this is dull and bad all wrapped into one. There isn't a single player that seems like they know what they are doing aside from maybe Kim...maybe.

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Kim and Chelsea definitely know what they're doing, but Chelsea is clearly more naively moralistic than Kim, who is in full-on gamebot mode.

I mean, at this point I seriously like Kat more than anyone else because at least she provides humor that isn't just in a "oh my god this is so awkward" way like Tarzan. That's how bad it is.

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I'm not completely down on this season like GoGo is. It's good. Not great. Not excellent. But it's good. Last night merge episode was predictable and a bit tepid, but I didn't completely hate it. I think what is evident is that the producers really got fucked over by Colton going home. Colton was the editor's wet dream - a sociopath, racist nut job who was good train wreck television. Losing him to an injury just sort of left the season limp. They built the first 6 episodes around him and than he goes home via injury. No great, triumphant blind side with an idol in his pocket. He just goes out quietly without any sort of pleasure for the audience. And it sort of leaves the editors in a situation where they know have to figure out how to edit and frame the rest of the season, which seems to be "girls rule, boys drool".

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Barring anything crazy happening, Kim is winning, which has been fairly obvious since day #1. Sabrina MAY win, but I just think Kim has gotten more focus as a strategic threat.

I can't get over what a stupid move Chelsea made tonight telling Jay he was going in the next few eliminations. I than couldn't get over how dumb Jay was when he voted out Mike. Chelsea just told you that you "are not necessarily going home next". Doesn't that signal to you that you are going home verrrry shortly and that maybe you wanna flip the script on the girls?

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Yeah, this season isn't quite as strong as the last few we've seen. The guys are pretty much dead men walking, can't believe they actually believed the whole "Mike's turning on you" deal without even talking with him. Hopefully they can work some magic next week but I doubt it..

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Also: wow. I know some people aren't digging this season, but I really am. That was a great episode right there. Not many times are the votes revealed and you are legitimately confused over who voted for who and who was going home. This season has been great post-merge because of the four potential difference voting blocs - original girls, original boys and the two mixed tribes. I don't think it was an exceptionally dumb move for Troy and Jay to take out Jonas and than Mike like they did. Their plan - stick with the woman - was decent. It just didn't turn out because the woman were more organized and saw the men for the threats they were.

EDIT: To add to what a gong show post-merge has been - what the fuck would have happened had Colton been there? Take out non existent floaters Alicia OR Christina and add in a psycho path with a hidden immunity idol.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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It was a really well-edited episode.

And "stick with the women" is a terrible plan, especially if you're a Survivor fanboy like Troy is. And ignoring everything else, the very fact that Jay thought his optimal final three was with Kim and Chelsea makes him a bad player.

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Agreed. But in honesty, the alternative was to stick with Leif and Tarzan. I don't know which is worse for the Troy and Jay. The men fucked themselves over big time by targeting Matt and Bill.

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But in honesty, the alternative was to stick with Leif and Tarzan.

How is that bad, beyond Tarzan being irrational and sort of a wild card? The very fact that Chelsea, Kim, and Sabrina are all smart and composed and respectable is exactly why Troy and Jay should have wanted to foil their plans. Instead it's this insane honor-first let's-be-buddies nonsense that only they believed in.

Of course, Troy was also completely unable to get anyone to vote with him so who even knows anymore.

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