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Survivor: One World

GoGo Yubari

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This was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on the show. To me this is far worse then throwing a challenge like they did to get rid of Russell because at least that was a move to get rid of someone who was a cancer.

This is what happens when you put people on the show who haven't actually been fans of the show. Why are they just blindly following Colton? Why are they not flushing the idol? Why would people who knew they were on the chopping block agree to go to Tribal?

Colton is just an idiot.

Edited by sahyder1
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The only reason I'm loving Colton right now is that everybody else is just boring as all fuck. Leif, Jonas, Michael, Troyzan. None of them have personalities. Colton is a riot. He's a sociopath, racist, socially maladjusted ticking time bomb. He is being set up for a huge fall and it's going to be so lovely when his ass gets booted.

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Colton is indeed a complete asshole, but good TV. Tarzan is an interesting cat too, he can be very annoying, but does seem to understand the game, like protecting Colton during tribal council etc. Jeff definitely was trying to paint Colton in a bad light, as talking about his life and stuff wasn't relevant to the vote anyway. I'm glad Bill is gone 'cause he was annoying as hell with his "bro" attitude. Michael switched from being in the frat boy alliance to a quiet minion of Colton effortlessly, which was smart because he would have had no chance going against Colton. Right now it looks like he has taken Leif's place.

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That was a horrible play by the mens tribe. They couldn't wait til they actually lost to vote? Colton's running the mens tribe (in the most annoying way ever) and I don't see anyone really challenging him. But it looks like next week is a switch which is good, the men/women tribes have been stale this season and hopefully it'll become interesting with the mix up. Plus I really want Colton gone. I can't stand him and his personality and annoying little neck crack that he always seems to be doing everytime he's on camera...

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Hmmmm. Sometimes I like swaps, other times I don't. On one hand, I like them because they can shuffle up alliances and alter the game significantly, which it sorta did on episode 5. But it can also significantly disadvantage one tribe because the other tribe is stacked - which also happened in episode 5. So while it's awesome that there was a swap, I'm not so happy that it seems as though one tribe is going to just be a sitting duck.

Kim is playing a fantastic game. She knows how to make friends, socialize, and position herself in a fantastic way in the game. She's a pragmatic player who holds so many cards and knows the right people to talk to. Jay, I feel, is the same way. When the young guys got targeted before, he was definitely in the best position out of everybody and made sure to get the misfits feeling like he was with them. Cutting a deal with Kim and Troyzan was very smart.

On the Manono tribe... there is just a misfit of personalities. Tarzan is insane. Alicia is clueless. Jonas is just dead pan, but probably the best player on the tribe. Leif is the little person nobody can trust. Monica as the likeable, challenge threat who was in the wrong place, wrong time. And Colton is "the queen". I actually like Colton has made the best moves he could in the game thus far, just his social skills are horrible. Taking out Matt, Bill and Monica were all his best moves, he just went about it in the worst ways possible. I understand the rational of blindsiding Monica - too many question marks in a post-swap, too many chances to gain the numbers. He's just too catty and smug about it. I love it, because heck... somebody needs to be playing for the camera rather than the million dollars.

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This was a bad tribal swap, but it wouldn't have mattered had they stayed on the same beach. Instead, after a couple episodes of the one beach stuff only sort of mattering, they totally blew their chance to have tons of intermingling between tribes.

Kim is definitely playing the best game by a mile, followed by probably Chelsea, Sabrina, and Jonas. Also, I'm betting on Tarzan as the medivac victim.

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Jonas is playing a great game at this point, but he's in a really shitty spot. He's in a tribe with a flip flopper (Leif), a crazy person (Tarzan), a sociopath (Colton), a numbskull (Alicia) and the woman who is next on the shit list (Christina). Jonas is going to be hugely disadvantaged after a merge, having not made the same bonds/in-roads that Jay and Troyzan have made into the woman's alliance. At this point, Jonas best move is to keep players like Leif, Colton and Alicia in the game, who are much bigger targets post-merge. Jonas would be dumb not to knock off Tarzan or Christina next.

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Honestly, Alicia played post-swap right. Monica and Christina were never in her alliance so she didn't break any of her real bonds, and if Colton wasn't willing to play ball, and he obviously wasn't even though she clearly tried to get him to switch, her only move was to work with the men and keep her name out of the conversation for at least two tribal councils (and honestly, probably more; Colton should be getting rid of Leif before her at bare minimum). Her only move right now is to play keep-away until she can hit the merge and her original alliance.

And really, she and Colton mutually need each other as final jury options.

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Agreed 110%. Alicia made the best move possible. I just call her clueless and numbskull because she's been edited in a very poor manner - from her stupid vote with Christina in episode 1 to her constant bickering with Kat as of late.

I will say, this swap saved Jay big time. Not Mike, who was already being targeted by Kim/Troyzan/Jay. But Jay swapping now means that Troyzan has no option other than to align with him and Jay also has the chance to make in roads with the girls. Colton on the other hand got screwed big time by the swap. His great position in the men's tribe was thrown off and the girls he got on his tribe were arguably the least valuable to him as they hold no power from their former tribe and the men he got was Tarzan, a crazy old man, and Leif, somebody who is probably not the best in challenges and seen as a flip flopper.

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I was torn! I really really really wanted him to get his ass handed to him. But in the same breath, there was something rewarding about him saying "she can fall in the fire" and than he himself being removed from the game re: health problems. The one thing I will say - as somebody who would love to be on Survivor, I completely empathized with him not wanting to be removed from the game. Especially for Colton, who was in a decent position to make it deep in the game (albeit with no chance at winning). That must have been tough. But still, he deserved it and had it coming and it was complete poetic justice.

Kim's going deep. I expect a brilliant move with the idol. The recaps made a big deal about her big moves and finding the idol being key. I said it from episode 1 - she is gonna win or come damn well close to it.

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It's hard for me to feel bad about Colton wanting to be there so bad and getting medivaced because you know he's going to get a spot on an All-Star season someday. I feel for him in the sense that he's a human being and I have a friend who needed an appendicitis and even the second-hand experience made them terrifying to me, but he's such a miserable human being and you know he'd have no sympathy if it happened to someone other than him.

Tarzan immediately IDing it correctly and then failing to remember Christina's name ten minutes later was great, though.

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Oh, agreed. I have no sympathies for Colton at all. He was a great TV character, though. Him leaving with the idol? Priceless and just basically encapsulates what a person he is. He has a chance to give it to Alicia, a girl he seemed to legitimately like and that could legitimately move her ahead in the game.

His response? Fuck that bitch, I wanna hang this on my wall at home.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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I quite enjoy this season. On the one hand I would have liked to have seen Colton in the merge and see how he'd play the idol and try to work both sides. On the other hand his attitude was just sickening and annoying, so luckily we won't have him hogging the camera anymore. Jeff clearly was trying to find a way to keep Colton in the game like they did with James in HvV. He will definitely return in all stars season or second chance and it will be interesting TV again but damn what a brat. I wanted him to randomly give the idol to Jonas or something so bad.

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I love how karma bit Colton in the ass, hopefully when he does comeback he's less of a prick, but I doubt it. The girls look as if they'll be losing the numbers with christina jumping on with the guys, but it looks like Tarzan its going to ruin that with some crazy argument with.. I wanna say John.. Having a Tarzan moment. Hopefully he's smart enough to not stray off with the women because then he'll have no shot at winning then.

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because you know he's going to get a spot on an All-Star season someday.

Seems a bit weird that there hasn't been any interviews with Colton today after he left last night...

Strange indeed.

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Strange. I googled Colton Survivor interview and nothing came up. Well, in that case, than he we are spared back to back seasons of Colton.

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