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Sim City 5

Herr Matzat

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It's hard to do anything like that right now, I tried to build a casino city but I bought one of the $120,000 casino's and it lost tons of money. After searching online a guy from Maxis said that casino's are bugged. I've also had issues with mines not getting water despite having tons of water and the recycling centre not doing anything and saying it's full, which are both known bugs too.

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It's hard to do anything like that right now, I tried to build a casino city but I bought one of the $120,000 casino's and it lost tons of money. After searching online a guy from Maxis said that casino's are bugged. I've also had issues with mines not getting water despite having tons of water and the recycling centre not doing anything and saying it's full, which are both known bugs too.

Weren't casinos the subject of one of the big "look how awesome this game will be" videos they did before release?

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Still working towards the international airport. The city sending oil was losing 20k an hour so I had to change things around to stop it going bankrupt. Kicked out a lot of the richer people and got some more working class in, ditched the university and some of the nice parks etc and replaced them with good old factories.

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Still working towards the international airport. The city sending oil was losing 20k an hour so I had to change things around to stop it going bankrupt. Kicked out a lot of the richer people and got some more working class in, ditched the university and some of the nice parks etc and replaced them with good old factories.

I've got an oil deposit. I just can't afford to build the oil well. And the oil deposit is under a big chunk of my residential zones. >_>

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I don´t know about that airport. Right now the number of how much i send was jumping up and down, i got the feeling i send ton´s of goods into digital oblivion. Also there is not much i can do in my supling city right now, so with cheeta speed disabled it´s realy draging on.

My other citys universety is working on unlocking the solar power plant right now., so asides theee arc we could also do that next. But it kinda is the same, i can´t change anything and have to wait for it to finish. :D

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You go to the great works site in the region map then click the little power button under crude oil, until it goes green. Then you set your trade depots that store oil to use it locally (don't export it).

Got 118 500 of 250 000 oil in the airport now, but the metal and alloy are both quite low, they come from another city and I can only control one at a time.

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You go to the great works site in the region map then click the little power button under crude oil, until it goes green. Then you set your trade depots that store oil to use it locally (don't export it).

Got 118 500 of 250 000 oil in the airport now, but the metal and alloy are both quite low, they come from another city and I can only control one at a time.

I just logged in to start sending oil to the airport, and it said it didn't have any.

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