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EWB's Favorite Movie 2011: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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1. The Muppets (90 pts, appeared on twelve ballots)

Dear EWB,

I forgive you for all previous transgressions, including all of the things you're about to have South Park win.

Positively moist,


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It was so tempting to make "Maniacal laugh... maniacal laugh..." my "Next Time" quote. I went with Jack Black instead.

Very delighted with the Muppets winning. Totally unexpected, I thought it was going to be between Drive and Thor before I started the voting thread. It's maybe not really my favorite movie of 2011 but it was really fun and from the moment they started the actual Muppet Show portion of the movie I never stopped grinning like a lunatic. And I still have "Life's a Happy Song" stuck in my head.

Thanks to everyone for voting! My next countdown list will be EWB's Favorite Singer III, probably around June.

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I have "Man or Muppet" imbedded in my brain since seeing the movie. It's funny though it won by just a point over X-Men: First Class. X-Men: First Class was a pretty good return to form for the series. After the abysmal X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine they needed to do something to bring the series out of the doldrums or just bury it. As many glaring continuity errors there are between this film and the others I don't consider it a prequel. And while it doesn't have all the og X-Men like I was hoping it would(Cyclops, Angel, Marvel Girl, and Iceman) it has a good group of characters. It's a fresh start for the franchise. The castings of Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy were great choices. I love the ladies man Xavier trying to pick up chicks. Magneto's a straight up bad ass in this movie as well. The Darwin character as said before was pretty disposable and I don't really care for the Angel Salvadore character either. It was a much better film than I expected it to be. Probably because Bryan Singer was a producer on the film and I liked the first two X-Men films because of Singer.

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I thought First Class was... decent, but not in the least memorable. It suffered from the usual superhero movie team movie problem--too many characters, not enough people worth giving a shit about. Sebastian Shaw's entire entourage in particular was extremely forgettable. Magneto was good, Xavier was all right even if it was basically a complete character rewrite, but I had a hard time giving a toss about most of the rest of the cast.

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I thought First Class was... decent, but not in the least memorable. It suffered from the usual superhero movie team movie problem--too many characters, not enough people worth giving a shit about. Sebastian Shaw's entire entourage in particular was extremely forgettable. Magneto was good, Xavier was all right even if it was basically a complete character rewrite, but I had a hard time giving a toss about most of the rest of the cast.

All the X-Men movies suffer the same problem, it's like they only focus on Magneto, Xavier, and Wolverine. I remember Azazel but I always forget about Riptide being in the movie so I'll give you that his goons were pretty unmemorable. It's kind of like they scraped the bottom of the barrel for X-Men characters. Or just drew names out of a hat at random. Also the problem with calling it a prequel is the movie takes place in the 1962. Havok is Cyclops' younger brother, yet in Wolverine which I guess takes place during the Vietnam War Cyclops is a teenager. Meaning that Cyclops would be the younger brother and Havok would be the eldest. Also there's no mention of Havok by Cyclops in any of the other films and Mystique never makes reference to being an X-Men or knowing Xavier prior. Beast is the only one eluded to as ever being a member of the X-Men before in X-Men The Last Stand. Also, there's the case of the two Emma Frosts and the small matter of Xavier walking in the 1980s when being crippled in First Class in the 60s.

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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