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EWB's Favorite Movie 2011: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Finally, now that's a list right there! Though I haven't seen Moneyball, Tucker & Dale was the most hilarious movie I've seen of 2011. Red State in my opinion is Kevin Smith's best movie to date, not my favorite but it's definitely his best looking one. Probably the one movie I've watched the most from 2011.

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Red State should've easily made the top ten but I think Kevin Smith's problem was waiting so long to release it even after he toured the thing around the whole country. The whole time I watched that film I had the most excited, nerve wrenching feeling in my gut - it still amazes me to this day when I think back on my viewing of it. No matter how excited I was about that film and how closely I followed everything that Kevin did with it, he was damn good at not giving anything away and I had no clue who was going to live, who was going to die and how the film was going to end. The ending is brilliant.

And wasn't Tucker and Dale like.. 2010?

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Tucker & Dale appeared to be a "film festival in 2010, general release in 2011" one, like Submarine. If that's not the case then whatever, I'm not changing it anyway because like fuck am I reordering everything for #31, The Adjustment Bureau's sake.

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Tucker & Dale appeared to be a "film festival in 2010, general release in 2011" one, like Submarine. If that's not the case then whatever, I'm not changing it anyway because like fuck am I reordering everything for #31, The Adjustment Bureau's sake.

But I really liked The Adjustment Bureau.

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Too bad!

I've seen none of this five. Moneyball is top on my list of 2011 films I need to watch, though, and I'd love to watch Tucker & Dale with a group and maybe Hanna sometime too. Red State just doesn't interest me at all because it's a) a project by Kevin Smith made post-2001 that isn't Clerks-related and b) apparently torture porn horror? I fucking hate torture porn horror. And Tintin I just don't see myself ever going out of my way to watch, not because I have anything against it but because I have so much other stuff to watch and Tintin wasn't really a big part of my childhood. I had one or two volumes of the comics but they weren't like "holy shit this is so great" or anything.

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Haven't seen Tucker & Dale, will check it out when I have time.

Tintin was a lot of fun, even if the action sequences were blatant rip-offs of Uncharted. I actually look forward to there being a sequel.

Red State was alright. The best thing about it was John Goodman, who was brilliant, but the rest of the movie didn't quite bring me in for whatever reason. All the not-Westboro Baptist Church felt very heavy-handed.

Hanna was good, I enjoyed it.

Moneyball was great, even for someone who doesn't know anything about baseball. Jonah Hill can't act straight to save his life though.

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I liked Source Code, Limitless and Hanna for being really fun movies. With that kind of film I always go into the cinema hoping for a good time, instead of a critical masterpeice, and I usually come out feeling happy and entertained. I'm a big fan of Duncan Jones and I liked Source Code alot on initial viewing, but I don't have any strong urge to watch it again. Same with Limitless & Hanna, really - but I was most pleasantly suprised by Hanna, that was suprisingly tough and violent and the young girl is really good in it.

I think Hugo should be highger. I adored that film, the visuals, the story - it all really connected with me. That was the biggest suprise of the year for me, just how much I enjoyed that film. Tin Tin was fun, too.

Really want to see Money Ball and Dale & Tucker vs. Evil, but that's just mostly for Alan Tudyk.

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Too bad!

I've seen none of this five. Moneyball is top on my list of 2011 films I need to watch, though, and I'd love to watch Tucker & Dale with a group and maybe Hanna sometime too. Red State just doesn't interest me at all because it's a) a project by Kevin Smith made post-2001 that isn't Clerks-related and b) apparently torture porn horror? I fucking hate torture porn horror. And Tintin I just don't see myself ever going out of my way to watch, not because I have anything against it but because I have so much other stuff to watch and Tintin wasn't really a big part of my childhood. I had one or two volumes of the comics but they weren't like "holy shit this is so great" or anything.

Red State has one uncomfortable scene of execution that I really hate watching myself, but it serves its purpose. The rest is just anticipation over what could possibly happen next. And John Goodman is fucking amazing.

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Woo, a whole bunch of films I haven't seen!

PA3 was okay I guess. I wind up going to see them in the cinema with my cousins most of the time and don't mind it, but that whole genre of horror really isn't my thing. BOO, HERE'S SOMETHING TO POP UP ON THE SCREEN AND SCARE YOU. Same deal with Insidious. Then again, I'm generally not much for horror at all so whatever.

I thought Limitless was a pretty decent popcorn flick, if you sort of didn't think too hard about the (lack of) science. I enjoyed DeNiro and Bradley Cooper in it, anyway.

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil is absolutely phenomenal. I'd heard good things when it was showing at festivals, then just sort of forgot about it -- and then about two weekends ago, I was sitting around with my brother and some friends looking for something to watch on Netflix and decided "what the hell, why not?" and it was a great decision. Great film.

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I thought Michael Parks was the best part of Red State, don't get me wrong Goodman kicked so much ass but I love Parks' performance in the entire movie. And I thought Red State was added to netflix, like right after the tour ended? I don't remember waiting very long to see it. But I could be wrong.

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Red State is on Netflix. I was considering watching it just to have ten films seen so I could start sooner, but I decided to hold out until I could see The Descendants instead.

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15. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (31 pts, appeared on four ballots)


14. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (32 pts, appeared on four ballots)


13. Horrible Bosses (36 pts, appeared on eight ballots)


12. Warrior (37 pts, appeared on seven ballots)


11. Bridesmaids (43 pts, appeared on six ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 30 Movies of 2011: Excuse me, can I have another order of fries? Because my friend here is fat.

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this continues the trend of my having seen one movie from each set! This time it was Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I cannot pass judgement on it though becuase I fell asleep like rtwenty minutes in to it. This is not because it was a bad film. I was just really tired. I think I would have liked it though. I liked the book. I like John le Carré books in general actually.

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Horrible Bosses was one of these movies that looked like it would be incredibly shit but turned out surprisingly good.

Bridesmaids would have been the same but I heard the hype before hand, I went in expecting it to be good and it was better. Loved every minute of it.

Warrior was really good, I liked it, but equally it had some frustratingly bad moments. Biggest example of this would be the commentators at the tournament, and people say Lawler is bad.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was the best crafted movie this year. Was incredible, though I found with my friends who watched it that you need quite a bit of patient if you are not familiar with the source material. Fantastic acting though, probably the best ensemble cast this year.

And Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ... erm ... exists. I can't say much more than that.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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Some thoughts on the last five; congratulations to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo for being the first remake of a movie that's already been on this list before to make the list, Bridesmaids is just behind Moneyball on the list of 2011 movies I still need to see, I also decidedly want to see Warrior, and Tinker Tailor was a good movie that might be great upon rewatch. Now, let's get started on the home stretch.


10. The Artist (46 pts, appeared on seven ballots)


9. Attack the Block (48 pts, appeared on nine ballots)


8. Super 8 (51 pts, appeared on nine ballots)


7. Captain America: The First Avenger (51 pts, appeared on twelve ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 30 Movies of 2011: Look at me. You have your mother's eyes.

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