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The Headphone Thread


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I was walking through Zellers one day, who are going outta buisness and having clearance sales all left and right. Came across a bin of pairs of headphones on sale for $5. Looking at them now, they don't have a single bit of writing on it besides the left & right marks so I can't tell you the brand, but they're actually pretty good though, and they've got a couple cool little bonuses with them.

It's got slots on the outside of each 'ear-cover' if you will, that you can plug an iPod/mp3 player into and have it sit inside the headphones while you listen.

It also came with the standard headphone cord, along with an input for it on both the left and right headphones, allowing you to switch the side the cord comes from. The cool thing that I noticed about that, mainly due to my curiosity, is that you're able to plug in another set of headphones into the other input and it plays through both sets. Would be very handy if you ever wanted to have someone else listen to your iPod at the same time as you.

Edited by Mountainous Cleavage
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I was walking through Zellers one day, who are going outta buisness and having clearance sales all left and right. Came across a bin of pairs of headphones on sale for $5. Looking at them now, they don't have a single bit of writing on it besides the left & right marks so I can't tell you the brand, but they're actually pretty good though, and they've got a couple cool little bonuses with them.

It's got slots on the outside of each 'ear-cover' if you will, that you can plug an iPod/mp3 player into and have it sit inside the headphones while you listen.

It also came with the standard headphone cord, along with an input for it on both the left and right headphones, allowing you to switch the side the cord comes from. The cool thing that I noticed about that, mainly due to my curiosity, is that you're able to plug in another set of headphones into the other input and it plays through both sets. Would be very handy if you ever wanted to have someone else listen to your iPod at the same time as you.

A buddy of mine has headphones with the same feature and it's really fun for long train rides or something like that. I simply plugged my headphones in as well and we had a blast listening to the same music and discussing it afterwards (we switched players as well so we heard either his or my music).

As for what headphones I own...

I still have a pair of Sennheiser HD 202. They aren't that expensive and they sound totally fine, although they come with a really long cable that is slowly but surely dying on me. They're good to have around anyways.

My main headphones are TMA-1 by AIAIAI and I really love them. They have a great sound quality and the best thing about them (which is the reason why I bought them actually) is that you can simply switch the cable out if it breaks or if you need a longer one when you're using them at home or something. The cable being damaged was always the reason why I had to get new headphones, so no more of this for me!

Edited by fr34k
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I go through earbuds like crazy.Need em so I can keep one ear open when I'm walking the roads. I have a pair of full sized Koss headphones I use at home that I'm pretty sure I've had since I was ten years old. UR/10 is the model, dunno if that lines up with my memory or not but they work amazingly aside from the fact everyone else can hear what comes through them.

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