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Survivor: Philippines **SPOILERS probably*

GoGo Yubari

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Abi in an all stars season? I doubt it, she doesn't get that much air time. Although it is pretty difficult to cast real villains I guess and she's definitely one so far, what an annoying creature. I can see Pete getting the nod over Abi in a HvV2 scenario. Great episode though, very refreshing to see people switching it up after the merge right from the start instead of the boring formula of the two tribes sticking together. Jeff Kent is good TV, he's done well so far, he knows how to get people on his side and play the game. The only flaw so far is his obsession with getting out Penner, I just don't get it. He was the top dog in his alliance and could have gotten Penner out with 6 or 7 people left, now he and Carter are at the bottom of the other alliance.

Man, I was praying for Pete to get the final vote.

By the way, was that immunity challenge fair? 25% of your body weight. Abi and Denise seemed pretty comfortable for a good while 'cause they are skinny as hell. Penner is fat-ish, so he obviously struggled. You could argue more body weight means more muscle but I don't think that's always the case. For some reason the two most toned buff guys, Pete and Skupin, struggled the most.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Jeff Kent is only semi-okay. He'd be a good player if he didn't have ridiculous tunnel vision.

I can see Pete getting the nod over Abi in a HvV2 scenario

They're not competing for the same spot. And it's not a "you can't cast people from the same season to be on the same tribe" thing either; Tina and Jerri were on the same starting tribe in All-Stars (unfortunately for Tina), and Coach and Tyson were on the same tribe in HvV.

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Jeff Kent and Carter are, bar none, the dumbest people playing the game. Worst move of the season. They essentially traded top 4 in 6 to unknown in 9. Durrrrrrrrrrrr...

Also, my bet? Carter and Jeff are next to go. Flipping on your alliance never works out. Will blow up in their faces. Ask Candice (twice before), Brandon in Australia, Troyzan, etc.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Holy fucking Christ. That is how Survivor should work. Penner fucking won his first ever individual immunity. Carter and Jeff, you guys look so dumb now.

EDIT: And Pete is an idiot.

EDIT2: Sorry... he is the mastermind.

EDIT3: Holyyyyyyyyyyyy shit.

EDIT4: Abi is horrible.

EDIT5: And Lisa is now telling Malcolm to play his idol tonight.



EDIT8: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Three tribes has made this game amazing.

Whoooooooooooooooooo voted for Abi?!

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Jesus, that shit got exciting quick.

Yeah, whoever voted for Abi fucked that up royally. I would have liked to seen Jeff stick around longer and seen Carter go tonight, but it looks as if Lisa finally realizes how terrible Pete/Abi/Artis are next week.

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It was Penner. My thought is that they may have broke the votes down 5 Pete and 1 Abi in case an immunity idol was played by Tandang. Skupin ended up voting for Jeff, so the plan may have been thwarted by him.

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Somebody explain Penner's vote for me, because it makes absolutely no sense. The only way voting for Abi would be effective is if Tandang votes for Malcolm and he (along with Abi using an idol on Pete) plays his idol. Considering he was the one to lead the "are you six with me?" thing, I find it odd that he would just throw away a vote.

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All-time classic. What a clusterfuck of weird decisions and awesome reversals. No pity for Jeff, who made a stupid move last week and let small-time thinking cost himself a good position. Penner costing him his season is magnificent.

Plus, Jeff's final comments were amazingly douchey. He's a shithead (albeit a great TV character). I hope the election results nationwide (he's also a homophobe!) + his eviction tonight sting like hell.

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I'd put down Penner's Abi vote as safety net. Really Penner was in a win win situation at tribal, and just last episode had been betrayed by EVERYONE he was trying to work with tonight.

If all 6 of them vote Pete, and Abi plays her idol for them? No hope.

A vote for Abi is just insurance incase they vote for Malcolm and he does the same, too many variables so unlikely to work, but worth the shot in this situation.

If just one person he thinks is on his side isn't? No hope. It's possible that he would be wary of this considering, and in that case? Voting Abi who is insane, and the type of person to react poorly to even one vote? Not damaging to him.

And then finally? Everyone he thinks he has, he actually has, and his vote for Abi forces a tie, no problem revote, send Pete home.

Skupin once again proves he's unwilling to work with Penner, and Jeff Kent goes home after a thoroughly entertaing tribal.

Penner didn't lose anything from the Abi vote, and was covering a longshot.

Watching this episode go from The Fall of Penner 3, to Malcolm gets beat by the Facts of Life, to Jeff Kent screws Jeff Kent, to Mastermind Pete being fleeced, back to Kent? Best viewing experience, ever.

Pete won a few brownie points with me by telling Abi to cut her crazy shit out, and then lost them all by believing the guy that looks like a deer in head lights.

Great episode.

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While I can't stand Skupin's flip-flopping and constant agreements with Penner, his best move is clearly to go with Abi/Pete/Artis.

Not really. They openly admitted tonight that the order was Penner-Skupin, they just switched it up when Lisa threw Malcolm under the bus. Pete, Abi and Artis are, to be frank, pretty horrible players and pretty unpredictable. Lisa's best move is to definitely align with them, but it is definitely not Skupin's best move. R.C. was the complete wrong vote last week and the fact Tandang voted her off proved that they are not very bright. They had numbers and people were willingly to vote off Skupin and Penner. Should have split the votes that way.

Skupin's best move is to align with Lisa and try to form a 5 person alliance with Malcolm & Denise and the survivor of Carter/Penner and to vote off Artis-Pete-Abi in that order. That is probably also Malcolm-Denise-Carter/Penner's best option too. But Lisa really is the only one who would get screwed by the alliance. Right now, if she sticks with Abi-Artis-Pete, I'm thinking she'll get dragged to the end and probably end up winning.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Abi is one of the worst overall players in Survivor history, let alone the worst social player. At this point the game is all up for grabs and I have no clue who is going to win it. I'm hoping Penner, Malcom, and Lisa make the final three with Penner taking it. He's by far playing one of the best social games this season and getting lucky at the right times. Overall this season is waaayyy better than last season.

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