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EWR 2012 Stats Update: October ***PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Punk's charisma 100? DAFUQ! his mic work is overrated and he's only considered a top guy now on the mic because he's compared to the rest of the current roster. Jericho, Kennedy, JBL, etc. destroy him on the mic and they have charisma at 92, 98. Punk only shines on the mic when he is cutting a worked shoot, which exposes him as a one trick pony on the mic, he fails at comedy, acting, intensity(most of the times), versatility etc.

Comedy: look at his work with Colt Cabana in Ring of Honor, or his work in the Jericho feud where he pretended to be drunk or even some of the zanier Pipe Bomb stuff (like the WWE Ice Cream bar thing) he has done

Acting: Granted he's never starred in a movie, but he's shown a wide range of emotion (guess this also ties into versatility) from being angry, sad, cocky, ecstatic, whatever... He's never had difficulty expressing his emotions.

Intensity: How the hell can you say he fails at intensity? I'd say this is his strong suit, but really he's so damn well rounded. But lately he's been bitter, angry, and driven, and he always comes off as intense and determined.

I agree Jericho and JBL are great. Kennedy is pretty good, too. But Punk is a cut above all those guys right now, although Jericho is close.

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Reactivate The Beautiful People(Angelina Love & Velvet Sky).

They worked together as Faces last Month and this month in two Feds in New York

Maybe rename Angel Williams to Angelina Love

Add Xix Xavant

Xix Xavant



Birth Month unknown

Age 26(Guess)


Brawling 60

Speed 65

Technical 65

Stiffness 75

Selling 55

Over 25

Charisma 65

Attitude 90

Behaviour 90

Check High Spots,Menacing

Wage 7000

Speaks Yes

Nationality American

Finsiher Go to Sleep(Impact)

Swinging DDT(Impact)

Employer WWC


Gimmick Mysterious

Rename Mike Taylor to Micah Taylor

Edited by Kustimonia
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-Raise BROCK LESNAR's brawl to 83, stiffness to 86, selling to 88, and charisma to 80. Check High Spots. Lower his behavior to 81.

-Raise John Cena's selling to 81 and his overness to 99.

-Raise CM Punk's charisma to 100.

-Check Fonz Factor for Hulk Hogan. Raise his charisma to 96.

-Raise Dusty Rhodes' overness to 81 and charisma to 96. Raise his wages to 70,000. Change his gimmick to Unique.

I wouldn't raise Cena's overness. He still gets a lot of boos despite being a face. I know WWE plays it off as him being controversial, but he's not doing anything to garner the boos; they happen naturally because a lot of people dislike him, and since he's a babyface, that's not exactly a testament to him being over with 99% of the wrestling fans.

Anyway, I agree with Hogan getting fonz factor. Not sure about raising his charisma to 96. Same goes for Dusty. Those guys' best promo days are clearly behind them.

As for Brock, why do you think he deserves 88 in selling? I could maybe see around 80, but 88 seems awfully high for a guy who still has this aura as a monster and bad ass. He flat-out no-sold a Pedigree right before latching on the match-ending kimura against HHH. Even if it's part of his character, he's no-selling moves and I don't think even when he DOES sell he deserves an 88.

Regardless of if he is getting the desired reaction or not, he is still getting a reaction, what overness is all about. EVERYONE in wrestling knows who he is, as well as people outside of wrestling, he's transcended that cultural barrier.

As for Brock, it is based off of his match with Cena. No selling a move for character purposes isn't the same as being incapable of being a good seller (See: Undertaker). His selling was near perfect at Extreme Rules.

-Raise Kaitlyn's brawl to 51, stiffness to 41, and selling to 73.

-Raise Eve Torres' brawl to 49.

-Raise Mr. McMahon's overness to 98. I feel like his brawl should be raised to 61, as well. Tremendous psychology and emotion put into his brawls.

Edited by KrisClassic
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CW Updates:

Make Julian Starr the CW New England Champion. Tick SS Look for him.

Rename "Greek Squad" to "The Platinum Greeks II" and reactivate.

Create a stable called "The Platinum Greeks" w/ Alex Arion (leader), Elia Markopoulos, and Frankie Arion. Make them all heels and change their gimmicks to Old School Heels.

Make Biff Busick a face and change his gimmick to Cocky.

Make Brian Fury a face. Raise his overness to 23 and make him an Upper Midcarder. Remove Sean Gorman as his manager.

Delete "The Empire" stable.

Make Brian Milanos a face and change his gimmick to Old School Face.


Rename Elektra Arion to Adrianna and tick Shooting Ability.

Raise AAW Heavyweight title's image to 40

Raise AAW Heritage title's image to 30

Raise AAW Tag Team Title's image to 35

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-Raise BROCK LESNAR's brawl to 83, stiffness to 86, selling to 88, and charisma to 80. Check High Spots. Lower his behavior to 81.

-Raise John Cena's selling to 81 and his overness to 99.

-Raise CM Punk's charisma to 100.

-Check Fonz Factor for Hulk Hogan. Raise his charisma to 96.

-Raise Dusty Rhodes' overness to 81 and charisma to 96. Raise his wages to 70,000. Change his gimmick to Unique.

I wouldn't raise Cena's overness. He still gets a lot of boos despite being a face. I know WWE plays it off as him being controversial, but he's not doing anything to garner the boos; they happen naturally because a lot of people dislike him, and since he's a babyface, that's not exactly a testament to him being over with 99% of the wrestling fans.

Anyway, I agree with Hogan getting fonz factor. Not sure about raising his charisma to 96. Same goes for Dusty. Those guys' best promo days are clearly behind them.

As for Brock, why do you think he deserves 88 in selling? I could maybe see around 80, but 88 seems awfully high for a guy who still has this aura as a monster and bad ass. He flat-out no-sold a Pedigree right before latching on the match-ending kimura against HHH. Even if it's part of his character, he's no-selling moves and I don't think even when he DOES sell he deserves an 88.

Regardless of if he is getting the desired reaction or not, he is still getting a reaction, what overness is all about. EVERYONE in wrestling knows who he is, as well as people outside of wrestling, he's transcended that cultural barrier.

As for Brock, it is based off of his match with Cena. No selling a move for character purposes isn't the same as being incapable of being a good seller (See: Undertaker). His selling was near perfect at Extreme Rules.

-Raise Kaitlyn's brawl to 51, stiffness to 41, and selling to 73.

-Raise Eve Torres' brawl to 49.

-Raise Mr. McMahon's overness to 98. I feel like his brawl should be raised to 61, as well. Tremendous psychology and emotion put into his brawls.

Cena isn't getting the desired reaction, though. When Rocky Maivia was getting "Rocky sucks" chants, it wasn't because he was "over." It was because the fans didn't buy into his act. The same thing is going on with Cena, granted on a much larger scale. I know we're only talking about a point or two here, but 99 puts him in a special class that I don't feel like Cena is in.

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I feel like the WWE roster needs somewhat of a major overhaul when it comes to the overness of superstars on the roster, especially when it comes to the midcard talent on the roster.

- Raise Antonio Cescaro's overness to 71

- Raise Darren Young's overness to 77

- Raise Titus O'Neill's overness to 76

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Punk was acting in self-defense, even if he did end up hitting the wrong guy. The douche who hit him was bragging about it on Twitter even, so I really don't think Punk is in the wrong here. It's fucked up he hit the wrong guy, but his reaction was understandable given the circumstances.

Edited by FckFace666
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- Add an active tag team of Lance Archer and Harry Smith called "Suzukigun"with 1 experience. They won the IWGP Tag Team titles last night.

- Rename Harry Smith to Davey Boy Smith, Jr. as that is the name he's been going by recently.

- If not already, Low Ki, Lance Archer and Davey Boy Smith, Jr. should all have touring commitments with NJPW. They all won titles on last night's show, meaning they'll be sticking around at least for a little while.

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