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EWR 2013 Stats Update: April ***PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Turn Ryback Heel

I got him as a tweener currently... Maybe it's me, but just because he didn't help Cena against the Shield and has a title match, is that enough for Ryback to reallly be a heel now?

He's fueding with Cena currently, turned on Cena a few weeks back, his promo was heelish, let Cena get beaten up to clarify him being a heel, he now gets boo'd by the fans as they believe he is a heel. And he has a title match vs Cena, I think it's almost definite that he's a heel, but if people still aren't convinced wait until next weeks Raw and see if he does anymore "heelish" things.

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Bill, have you thought of adding more sponsors? Like RF Video, SmartMarkVideo, Highspots etc? Those could be realistic options for companies like CZW, CHIKARA etc.

More sponsors? To be honest, no I haven't thought about it... Also, to be honest, probably won't be adding any, either. Let me explain:

Currently, the game has 280 sponsors. Each promotion can have a max of 4 sponsors. So, even with 34 promotions in the game (I always leave at least one promotions slot open for anyone wanting to do "Backyard to Global") that's a max of 136 sponsors needed. There's already more than double that amount in the game.

I really don't think the game needs anymore sponsors... Now, renaming some of the current ingame sponsors to some of the ones you've suggested? That's certainly a possibility. The only thing is, it's hard to put sponsors in a specific slot to match up specifically to promotions.

If you look through the current sponsors list, I have in fact, subbed some sponsors in that deal with independent promotions. Death Grip Clothing, One Hour Tees and even Direct for TNA... Again, the prroblem is, matching it up so that TNA actually uses Direct as a sponsor.

No promises for the May update, but I'll look into it and see what I can do about swapping some of those in in the future.


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Turn Ryback Heel

I got him as a tweener currently... Maybe it's me, but just because he didn't help Cena against the Shield and has a title match, is that enough for Ryback to reallly be a heel now?

He's fueding with Cena currently, turned on Cena a few weeks back, his promo was heelish, let Cena get beaten up to clarify him being a heel, he now gets boo'd by the fans as they believe he is a heel. And he has a title match vs Cena, I think it's almost definite that he's a heel, but if people still aren't convinced wait until next weeks Raw and see if he does anymore "heelish" things.

The Rock fueded with Cena... Didn't make The Rock a heel.

"Let Cena get beat up"... As Ryback said, how many times did the Shield beat Ryback up, with no help from Cena...? Cena's not a heel because of it. Now, had he helped beat Cena up, I'd agree.

Personally, I don't recall Ryback being booed... He might have, I just don't remember it. Half of the crowd boos Cena all the time... Doesn't make him a heel.

"Turned on Cena"... Yeah, he gave Cena a shell-shock... But, similarly, Cena gave Ryback an AA this past Monday...

"Has a title match vs Cena" Again, The Rock defended that same title against Cena at WrestleMania... Neither one of them was a heel.

Again, might just be me, but I just don't see Ryback as a full-blown heel at this point...


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Very quick update on the Sponsors... I was able to get RF Video, Smart Mark Video and Highspots in, replacing Beano, Harley Davidson and Waste Management. So, those three will be in for the May Update.

Please keep in mind, swapping sponsors out isn't usually that easy, as I tend to want to slot sponsors in spots that make sense. In other words, mega sponsors like Pepsi, Nike, etc have high dollar payouts, while smaller sponsors payout less money. If there are other suggestions for swapping sponsors in, I'll look at them, but no guarantees I'll find a suitable slot for them.


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The Shield - I think it's time these guys get pushed to the Upper Mid level. Going over guys like Taker, Kane, Daniel Bryan. Taking out guys like Orton, Sheamus, Big Show, Cena and Ryback ? These guys are obviously being pushed to the MOON right now. Ambrose beat Undertaker on SD and The Shiled KILLED HIM afterwards.

Ambrose should be 81, Reigns and Rollins 80 MINIMUM

Undertaker won via Submission.


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Bill, have you thought of adding more sponsors? Like RF Video, SmartMarkVideo, Highspots etc? Those could be realistic options for companies like CZW, CHIKARA etc.

More sponsors? To be honest, no I haven't thought about it... Also, to be honest, probably won't be adding any, either. Let me explain:

Currently, the game has 280 sponsors. Each promotion can have a max of 4 sponsors. So, even with 34 promotions in the game (I always leave at least one promotions slot open for anyone wanting to do "Backyard to Global") that's a max of 136 sponsors needed. There's already more than double that amount in the game.

I really don't think the game needs anymore sponsors... Now, renaming some of the current ingame sponsors to some of the ones you've suggested? That's certainly a possibility. The only thing is, it's hard to put sponsors in a specific slot to match up specifically to promotions.

If you look through the current sponsors list, I have in fact, subbed some sponsors in that deal with independent promotions. Death Grip Clothing, One Hour Tees and even Direct for TNA... Again, the prroblem is, matching it up so that TNA actually uses Direct as a sponsor.

No promises for the May update, but I'll look into it and see what I can do about swapping some of those in in the future.


It isn't so much purely the number of sponsors vs number of feds, though, because you could have 6-7 feds around the same level, competing for the same sponsors, and you'd need to have enough to accommodate all of them. Just because you have so many sponsors it doesn't guarantee there will be enough at each level for all the feds.

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Add a love relationship between Jimmy Uso and Naomi Night, they are engaged

Possibly add Paul London to ROH? He will be working for them May 4th and 5th.

Yes finally I love Paul London and Kendrick as a tag team and singles so hopefully Kendrick goes to their or TNA soon :P

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Add a love relationship between Jimmy Uso and Naomi Night, they are engaged

Possibly add Paul London to ROH? He will be working for them May 4th and 5th.

Yes finally I love Paul London and Kendrick as a tag team and singles so hopefully Kendrick goes to their or TNA soon :P

Sadly it seems more like a special guest spot replacing the injured Naomichi Marufuji, who originally was going to be in those matches. If he continues to show up then add him.

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Bill, have you thought of adding more sponsors? Like RF Video, SmartMarkVideo, Highspots etc? Those could be realistic options for companies like CZW, CHIKARA etc.

More sponsors? To be honest, no I haven't thought about it... Also, to be honest, probably won't be adding any, either. Let me explain:

Currently, the game has 280 sponsors. Each promotion can have a max of 4 sponsors. So, even with 34 promotions in the game (I always leave at least one promotions slot open for anyone wanting to do "Backyard to Global") that's a max of 136 sponsors needed. There's already more than double that amount in the game.

I really don't think the game needs anymore sponsors... Now, renaming some of the current ingame sponsors to some of the ones you've suggested? That's certainly a possibility. The only thing is, it's hard to put sponsors in a specific slot to match up specifically to promotions.

If you look through the current sponsors list, I have in fact, subbed some sponsors in that deal with independent promotions. Death Grip Clothing, One Hour Tees and even Direct for TNA... Again, the prroblem is, matching it up so that TNA actually uses Direct as a sponsor.

No promises for the May update, but I'll look into it and see what I can do about swapping some of those in in the future.


It isn't so much purely the number of sponsors vs number of feds, though, because you could have 6-7 feds around the same level, competing for the same sponsors, and you'd need to have enough to accommodate all of them. Just because you have so many sponsors it doesn't guarantee there will be enough at each level for all the feds.

Just did a quick experiment. I took the lowest ranked promotions at the Cult, Regional and Small levels.

Cult (Shimmer/Shine): 50 Interested Sponsors at the start of the game

Regional (SCW): 37 Interested Sponsors at the start of the game

Small (WSU): 22 Interested Sponsors at the start of the game

My guess is, anyone who plays EWR signs sponsors on the first day... Since you're only running one promotion in the game and pretty much get "first dibs" on sponsors, I really don't see an issue with not being able to sign sponsors. I know I've personally never had an issue, even when I do get the chance to actaully play the game.


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Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a running list of workers to be added?

Short answer: If they have been suggested before, I have any info given on them.

I've cut into the backlog a fair amount this month, so again, if you're going to suggest a worker (or workers) that have already been suggested, there's a chance that I've already added them for the May update.

If you wanna just post a list of the names you're asking abut (menaing, no stats or anything) I can go throgh and see who has or hasn't been added, along with if I have info on them. As long as the list isn't 3000 names long... :)


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