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4-2 in my placements. All my wins come from support, all my losses come from top. I'm a support main in ranked, it seems.


(which sucks, because in the last two games, even though I set support as my #1 role, I get top!)

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I went 5-5 in placements, got placed in B5. I was B5 56LP at reset, lost 56LP cos of the reset.

But i've won 5 in a row and am now in a promo series for the third time!

BTW Bard is so fun and good right now. Q+Auto = instant thunderlord's proc.

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I am still on tilt from my ranked games from last night.


First game: I manage to get my primary role (support), but someone asks to trade. Because I'm a nice guy, I do so. I then proceed to have the WORST ADC game I've had in awhile. Went something like 0-9-3. Thresh is giving me shit ("Should have let me know if you couldn't play ADC"....well, I can, I just suck), and then the Rumble after the game adds me to their friends list and well...



Second game: I go Malphite top, something I haven't played in awhile (I'm on tilt, whatever). Mid, jungle, and support all die to the jungle/mid in the first 4 minutes, I realize we're in for a long ride. Thankfully, I was against Malzahar....so we got a bunch of kills on him in lane (although I was still losing CS, couldn't handle the harass). Unfortunately, Wukong and Lux were just SO DAMN FED. Literally nothing we could do to them. 


Maybe being placed in silver won't be so bad...

3-5. Only 2 more games to go.

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Good news, friends! In my final two placement games I got support and went Leona, which, as everyone knows, is a guaranteed win!


(Even though both games we had toxic teammates...and fell behind. And threw. And I tried to surrender 3 times between the two games)


But ending my placements 5-5 put me in....Gold V! Woo! Already getting a Victorious Skin and it's only January! That means I have 9 months to climb back into Plat and feel like a big shot!

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I forgot how strong Volibear is. Man, he is beast with Grasp of the Undying. 

Also! Out of three games I've had on Jhin, only one went well. But once he's fed, he hits HARD. The problem is getting to that point (low mobility + no peel=dead)

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On 2/5/2016 at 23:10, Ruki said:

I forgot how strong Volibear is. Man, he is beast with Grasp of the Undying. 

Also! Out of three games I've had on Jhin, only one went well. But once he's fed, he hits HARD. The problem is getting to that point (low mobility + no peel=dead)

Screw Voli, it's all about the Trundle and Shen. Those are gonna be my go to top laners for a bit, I think.

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Because he was fine before. He was a good trading laner, and a really good support. His kit made his Q/W minigame so interesting and they changed it for no reason at all, in the process neutering his laning as a support.

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His Q gave so much poke at literal no cost. And his W was basically a no interaction shield on a low cool down. Frustrating to play against. And I would saw his Q/W now is a lot more interesting and can change even the most dire of teamfights.

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  • 2 weeks later...
31 minutes ago, Plubby said:



Also, man, fuck TSM. 2-0 and looked strong last week...looked like noobs (AND LOST TO FUCKING DIG) this week.

Also also......I am never going to win another ranked game in my life. Went from 5-5 and climbing to 8-14.

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