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This is on the second page? Unacceptable!


Here's a video for everyone looking to climb the rankings next year. Odds are, it's not your team, it's you :)


(I had that mentality back in Season 3/4)


Also! SNowball skin thing! If you buy a Legendary skin, you get a free mystery skin. If that one is a legendary, you get another skin! I bought Aetherwing Kayle (was debating between that, DT Trist, and Forecast Janna)...got Caterpillar Kog'Maw.

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I went 5-2-12 as Poppy support. Huh. May have to try this more.

Edit: My current record is 2-1 (would be 3-0, but we threw hard)....my overall score with her is 15-11-33. A 4.3 KDA for a support Poppy isn't bad. Works best with an aggressive ADC (Luc, Vayne), and her new W just destroys a Trist (twice we got kills on her because she tried to jump away)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I...I think i've started to get it. Kind of. I'm climbing :) This is my run over the last six days:


Lulu (Support) - W - 3/1/22 - Toxic ADC, started out 2-0, backed up the fed Kog'Maw and we took it out easy as you like.
Lulu (Support) - L - 5/7/7 - ADC was as dumb as two planks. Just super, SUPER bad. But that doesn't excuse how badly I played, either. Bad game by me.
Soraka (Support) - W - 0/4/19 - Raka is so dumb xD
Lucian (ADC) - W - 7/5/9 - My support Shen couldn't land a taunt to save his life, but everything else he did was really good.
Shen (Top) - W - 2/2/13 - I actually think I played this really well. The enemy Wukong had a miserable time in lane.
Mundo (Top) - L - 14/5/4 - Had a raging Nidalee that I muted after 15 mins. After the game she said "gg can't carry noobs" I did most damage on the team with 47K. Nidalee did 10K. Incidentally they got punished by the system after this! :)
Kayle (Top) - W - 12/7/11 - OK this was a debacle. So we have Top/Supp/Jungle locked in. Me and another guy are last rotation on blue side. I ask to go ADC because I can't mid. He says he can only AD. I go to play Kayle mid and just try not to feed. Teemo (who has locked in top) volunteers to go mid, so I just decide to play Kayle top as time was running out and I didn't know what to play into Darius. The other guy locks in Soraka support. He then blames everyone else for his own misunderstanding. To salvage the game, and SOME SORT of reasonable comp, I stay Top Kayle. Teemo, who volunteered to go mid, agrees to go ADC, and FIRST PICK support morg is forced into mid so that we can accommodate. To make matters worse, Ezreal cross-map invades us along with Darius and we give up a double kill on our blue side...to go with two kills down guarding our red buff, and we give up FOUR level one kills to a comp that can snowball with Darius AND Master Yi. We win in 35 minutes, obviously. Basically after the level one, we utterly smash them. The Soraka somehow manages to die ten times and triggered three surrender votes. Siiigh. Oh well, it's a win.
Shen (Top) - W - 2/3/15 - Our Tristana was actually sick and really knew how to push down towers, so we did very well. I think we only lost one tower.

So 6-2 in the last 8 days, with a 45/34/100 KDA :)

AAAAND i've used it to hit my promos! Here's hoping I can get into Bronze 4 and continue to climb :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Season 6 begins tomorrow! So get ready to climb that ranked ladder! Thanks to the new awesome champ select, I am guaranteed to get one of my two good roles! Although, I've been digging ADC recently with Tristana.


Also! Plubby! Did your team win? 

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Hi folks :)

As Ruki has alluded to, i've started working with Oceanic Pro League team Sin Gaming as an analyst of sorts. Just starting off as a data miner, gathering soloq trends and statistics etc but hopefully developing more with the help of their coach Bencel, who worked with Giants Gaming of the EULCS (he came on board for their relegation tournament in Spring and run into the EU playoffs last season).

About 18 hours ago we had our first match of the split (OPL plays Bo3's.) We played Legacy, who went to the IWC Worlds qualifier in 2014 as Oceania's representative and finished second in Split 2 last year before adding one of the best two ADC's in the region to make them a real strong team. They 2-0'd us unfortunately - really well executed Snowball in game 1 and perhaps a mini-throw in game 2.

For anyone interested, here's the full VOD of the match:



You can break it down into smaller (g1 and g2) VODs here: https://www.youtube.com/user/RiotGamesOceania/videos

Cheer for us and we will do our best to show good games! :) 



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