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VR Presents: The Best Damn Diary Split


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Guest Vince Russo

I was a bit confused with that show. The promos are dead-on and the match write-ups are good but...the characters just make me secondguess. The heels are either weak or stupid and the faces are these humoristic heroes...it's all too cliched, you know? But, that's just the impression I got + this was your first show so...

I enjoyed it though, and now looking forward to other shows. :)

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Guest Vince Russo

Jakked – Saturday January 5th 2002

The opening credits of Jakked play, and we see clips of various WWF wrestlers in action, before we are taken to the ringside table where Michael Cole and D-Lo Brown sit

Michael Cole: Hello everyone and welcome to Jakked, I’m Michael Cole along with D-Lo Brown, and D-Lo, we got the shock of a lifetime this past Thursday on Smackdown, when Randy Savage of all people showed up, and aligned himself with Vince McMahon

D-Lo Brown: It was a total shock to everyone Michael. Vince McMahon had called out Ric Flair, and told him that as 50% co-owner of the World Wrestling Federation he was changing their match at the Royal Rumble to a tag match, which was a slight surprise, but when the masked man appeared and laid out Flair, it was a complete shock when the mask came off, and Randy Savage was revealed as the mystery man.

Michael Cole: This situation between Ric Flair and Vince McMahon was already intense when Flair made the match between he and Vince for the Rumble, but things were taken to whole new level when Randy Savage was introduced into the picture.

D-Lo Brown: And the question now becomes who will Ric Flair choose as his tag team partner ?

Michael Cole: Well, we may find that out this Monday on Raw. In addition to that, also this past Thursday The Rock challenged Chris Jericho to a match for the Undisputed WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble, and Jericho accepted, but that wasn’t the end of things.

D-Lo Brown: No, it wasn’t, because as The Rock took on Lance Storm later on that evening, Jericho attacked The Rock from behind, and wound up leaving The Rock laying.

Michael Cole: And that match has been signed for the Royal Rumble, so it will be Chris Jericho defending the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship against The Rock.

D-Lo Brown: And I can’t wait to see that match.

Michael Cole: That match is going to be something else. Let’s get to the action.

The music of Lance Storm hits, and this cold and seemingly unfeeling wrestler comes out to solid booing. Lance just shakes his head at the fans, and enters the ring. His opponent, Mike Haynor, is already waiting for him

Match one: Lance Storm v Mike Haynor

This was sound scientific match, which Storm dominated. Haynor was no slouch, and got a couple of good moves in, but he was clearly nowhere in Storm’s league. Lance quickly took control of the match, and swiftly won by submission to the half crab.

Time of the match: 3:44

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Lance Storm picking up the win, and bouncing back from his loss to The Rock on Smackdown.

D-Lo Brown: Lance Storm is always dangerous, and with a possible affiliation with Chris Jericho, you should never underestimate him.

Michael Cole: Someone else you shouldn’t underestimate is the winner of Tough Enough, Maven. This fiery young upstart is someone making waves in the World Wrestling Federation, and here is a special look at this tremendous young athlete

A musical highlight package plays, set to the theme from Tough Enough. It showcases Maven, and we see some the great moves that this tremendous athlete can execute. Maven is shown hitting a great looking dropkick on a number of opponents, as well as several other impressive moves off the top rope, including a Ricky Steamboat-like crossbody, and painful looking bulldog headlock. The fast paced highlight package ends with a still of Maven posing on the ropes, and a slick looking ‘Maven’ graphic underneath

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Maven is certainly an exciting young competitor, and he’s someone to keep an eye on, here in the World Wrestling Federation.

D-Lo Brown: Maven is certainly someone to look out for, because with his youth and enthusiasm, the sky’s the limit for this tremendous rookie.

Michael Cole: And we’ll see Maven in our main event, taking on Justin Credible. We’ll be right back.

Commercial Break

We return to Jakked to see an unknown wrestler in the ring, who is identified by an on-screen dropkick as Ashley Hudson. The hip-hop tones of Rikishi blare out, and this popular wrestler makes his way out to a nice ovation. Rikishi jives his way down the aisle, and enters the ring

Match two: Rikishi v Ashley Hudson

Rikishi thoroughly dominated his much smaller opponent, and Hudson never got any real offence in. Hudson did get a breather with a rake of the eyes, but Rikishi quickly recovered, nailing Hudson squarely in the jaw with a thrust kick. One Stinkface later, and Hudson found himself on the receiving end of a Banzai Drop, and it was all over.

Time of the match: 3:05

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Rikishi picking up the win there, and this big guy was in fine form tonight.

D-Lo Brown: Rikishi’s size makes him very dangerous indeed, and this match proved that, as he was just unstoppable this evening.

Michael Cole: Someone else whose size makes them dangerous is The Big Show, and this past Thursday on Smackdown we saw Big Show and The Undertaker go at it as part of the big eight-man tag main event, and The Undertaker certainly had his hands full with Big Show.

D-Lo Brown: Big Show gave Undertaker all he could handle and then some, as the ending to that match saw both men brawl into the crowd, and out of sight.

Michael Cole: Well, our cameras caught up with Big Show later on in the evening, and he managed to give us these words.

We are taken to a backstage interview area, where Big Show is standing. He is sweating heavily, and has a towel wrapped around his shoulders:

Big Show: Undertaker, we all saw on Smackdown that I’m too much for you to handle. You proved that when you ran away from me, with your tail tucked between your legs. So much for being the American Bad***. Well, Undertaker, you can’t run forever, and one day, very soon, I’m going to catch hold of you, and when I do, it’s Chokeslam City, and you can kiss that Hardcore Championship goodbye. And then, after I’ve got the Hardcore Championship, I might just see what it’s like to be Undisputed Champion as well. Every champion in the WWF pay heed; The Big Show wants gold, and he doesn’t care who holds it.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: The Big Show with some strong words for The Undertaker, and for other title holders in the World Wrestling Federation.

D-Lo Brown: The Big Show is practically unstoppable Michael Cole, and with the power and sheer brute strength at his disposal, I don’t know how any title in the WWF is safe from his giant hands.

Michael Cole: And the first title in his sights appears to be the Hardcore Championship, which of course is currently held by The Undertaker.

D-Lo Brown: I’d like to see those two go at it, because it would truly be a titanic confrontation.

Michael Cole: It could quite literally be groundbreaking. Our main event is next.

Commercial Break

We return to Jakked to a musical highlight package showcasing the Intercontinental Champion Edge. Set to fast paced music, we see the major points in Edge’s storied career in the World Wrestling Federation. We see his initial outings in the WWF, as a mysterious figure in the crowd, watching the proceedings, as if waiting for something to happen. We then see him upset Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Championship in his hometown of Toronto. We see Edge and Christian taking on The Hardy Boys in their legendary Ladder match at No Mercy in 1999. It was this match that truly propelled Edge to superstar status. We then see Edge and Christian taking on The Hardy Boys and The Dudley Boyz at WrestleMania 16 in a Tables and Ladders match, and then we see the same teams battle it out at SummerSlam in 2000 in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, and in both instances we see Edge raise his game to new heights, and he reaffirms his status as a true superstar in the World Wrestling Federation. We then see clips of the rematch from SummerSlam 2000 at WrestleMania 17, where, in front of over 60,000 fans, Edge showcases his talent, ability and charisma. The clips then show Edge beating Lance Storm at SummerSlam of last year, to claim the Intercontinental Championship once again. We also see Edge battling and Christian and Test, the latter of whom he defeated to unify the Intercontinental Championship with the WCW United States Championship. The package ends with a shot of Edge holding up high both Intercontinental and US Championship title belts, and the music fades away to be replaced by loud and continuous crowd chants of Edge’s name

We return to the arena to see Justin Credible making his entrance, and he receives some fairly solid booing. He enters the ring, and, with a mean look on his face, taunts the crowd as he awaits the arrival of his opponent in this main event match. The crowd let out some big cheers as Maven makes his entrance, to the theme from Tough Enough. Maven is smiling, and is clearly happy to be wrestling today. This charismatic young athlete tags hands with some of the fans, before climbing into the ring, and getting ready for his match

Match three: Maven v Justin Credible

This was a fine encounter, with both men exchanging solid technical moves, interspersed with some aerial offence. The match was relatively even, but with Credible gaining a bit of an advantage as the match developed, using his experience and willingness to break the rules to take control. The crowd got behind Maven, and were cheering him on, eager to see the young rookie overcome the nefarious veteran. Their hopes were raised when, as Credible went for a crossbody off the top, Maven countered with a dropkick, catching his opponent right in the chest, winding him badly. Maven rallied, using the crowds cheers to spur himself on, and took over on Credible with some dynamic offence, including a tremendous dropkick right to the jaw that elicited a pretty big crowd pop. The crowd were enthusiastic now, and Maven pulled Credible to his feet to pick him up for something, but the ever wily Credible thumbed Maven in the eye, earning himself both a respite, and a warning from the referee. As the crowd jeered at him, Credible just shook his head, and picked Maven up, and readied him for the That’s Incredible piledriver. Maven, however, had other ideas, and slipped behind Credible, and quickly hit a reverse DDT. With Credible dazed, Maven clambered to the top rope, and as Credible turned around, Maven flew off with an awesome looking Ricky Steamboatesque crossbody block, hooked the leg, and scored the three count to get a very impressive win.

Time of the match: 8:24

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Maven getting the win over Justin Credible, and Maven really looked good in that one.

D-Lo Brown: No doubt about that. Maven has made great strides in is ability over the last six months, and he has really stepped up his game. Maven is a sure fire contender for any rookie of the year awards out there, and I believe he has all the tools to make it to the top of the World Wrestling Federation.

Michael Cole: That wraps things up for Jakked this week, and now all eyes turn to the first Raw of the new year this coming Monday, and there is so much that is going to happen.

D-Lo Brown: Raw is literally jacked up, no pun intended. We’ve got Diamond Dallas Page challenging Christian for the European Championship, we’ll see what kind of fallout there is from the shocking return of Randy Savage on Smackdown, and we might find out who Ric Flair’s partner will be for his tag team match at the Royal Rumble against Randy Savage and Vince McMahon.

Michael Cole: In addition to that, we’ll see the long awaited return of Triple H, who we haven’t seen in the WWF for over seven months.

D-Lo Brown: I can’t wait to see what Triple H has to say, because with him being out of action for so long, you know he’s going to have a lot to say.

Michael Cole: Everyone’s eyes will be on that one. For D-Lo Brown, I’m Michael Cole saying so long everybody.

End Credits

Edited by Vince Russo
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Guest Vince Russo

Heat report for January 6th 2002

The opening credits of Heat play, and we see clips of various WWF wrestlers in action, before we are taken to the ringside table where Jim Cornette and Michael Hayes are seated

Jim Cornette: Hello everyone an welcome to Heat, I’m Jim Cornette, and with me is Michael Hayes, and Michael, we are just one day away from what promises to be a most eventful Raw.

Michael Hayes: This Monday’s Raw will be the first of the new year, and not only will we find out Ric Flair’s reaction to what happened this past Thursday on Smackdown, but we will see the long awaited return of Triple H, and who knows what he’ll have to say.

Jim Cornette: This past Thursday on Smackdown saw one of the most shocking events in quite some time, as Randy Savage of all people returned to the WWF, and helped Vince McMahon leave Ric Flair a bloody mess, and now the match between Flair and McMahon is a tag team encounter. We know Vince will have Randy Savage as his partner, but who will Flair pick to be his tag team partner ?

Michael Hayes: Maybe we’ll find out Raw ? In any event, Ric Flair won’t be taking this lying down.

Jim Cornette: And, as you mentioned, Triple H makes his return to Raw this Monday, after a seven-month layoff due to injury. Triple H of course suffered a torn quadriceps back in May, and has been working his way back to full fitness ever since, and we’ll see what kind of shape The Game is in this Monday.

Michael Hayes: The Game will mean business, and you can bet that everyone will be paying attention to what he has to say.

Jim Cornette: Coming up on Heat tonight you will see Diamond Dallas Page take on Test, as he prepares to challenge Christian this Monday for the European Championship. Kidman takes on Hardcore Holly. William Regal is in action. We’ll hear from The APA, Bradshaw and Farrooq, about their reaction to what went down between them and Billy and Chuck this past Thursday. And we kick things off with cruiserweight action, and Chavo Guerrero Jr.

The latinic music of Chavo Guerrero Jr goes up, and the crowd begin to boo as Chavo Guerrero Jr cockily saunters out. This deceitful looking wrestler sneers at the people as he makes his way to the ring, and, as he climbs in, he threatens one or two ringsiders. An on-screen graphic gives his opponents name as Matthew Charlton

Match one: Chavo Guerrero Jr v Don Corny

Guerrero made relatively quick work of his opponent, who was pretty skinny, with no tan and no body to speak of. Guerrero showed off with some fine technical work, flashing a sneer to the crowd as he did so. Corny tried to affect some very weak offence, but he was no match for Guerrero, who quickly finished things off with a tornado DDT.

Time of the match: 3:03

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Chavo Guerrero made short work of his opponent there, and it’s back to wrestling school for young Don Corny.

Michael Hayes: Chavo Guerrero displaying just some of the skills that show why he is one of the premier cruiserweights in the world, and a threat to the WWF Cruiserweight Champion, Tajiri.

Jim Cornette: Speaking of threats, one of the biggest threats in the tag team division is The APA; Bradshaw and Farrooq. This past Thursday on Smackdown, we saw them take exception to the offer of a rematch from Billy and Chuck, who had defeated them in somewhat questionable circumstances just over a week ago on Raw.

Michael Hayes: Billy and Chuck were being less than sincere in their rematch offer, and even referred to it as ‘charity work’. This naturally raised the ire of The APA, and they soon ran Billy and Chuck from the ring.

Jim Cornette: The matter didn’t end there, because The APA had words for Billy and Chuck. Here are The APA.

We are taken to the backstage interview area, where a clearly riled up APA are standing

Bradshaw: I can’t believe that our year ended with those two mama’s boys, Billy and Chuck, beating us on Raw. I mean, it’s a travesty of justice. But you two punks couldn’t beat us clean, you had to cheat, and that’s the only way you could ever beat us.

Farrooq: And damn, if it didn’t make us mad.

Bradshaw: And then you two go that one step too far, and offer us a rematch out of charity ? What the hell are you two goons thinking ? You see, going that one step too far is going to be something you might live to regret. Boys, and you are boys because you certainly ‘aint men, you better be keeping one eye over your shoulder, because you better believe that we’re coming for you.

Farrooq: And I’ll be damned if we ‘aint gonna stick those pretty headbands of yours where the sun doesn’t shine.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Bradshaw and Farrooq certainly not pleased with the actions of Billy and Chuck, and these two teams will meet again soon.

Michael Hayes: And I don’t think Billy and Chuck have any idea what’s in store for them.

Jim Cornette: When we come back, we’ll see William Regal in action. Don’t go away.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to a video package, set to his entrance music, highlighting the destructive career of The Big Red Machine, Kane. Kane is shown debuting at Bad Blood in 1997 where he tombstone his older brother The Undertaker. We then see then see highlights of the many brutal wars between the two, including Inferno and Casket matches; Kane is truly an awesome monster, as he goes toe-to-toe with the phenom of the World Wrestling Federation. We see Kane battling Steve Austin at King Of The Ring of 1998, where he upsets The Rattlesnake for the World Wrestling Federation Championship in a violent First Blood match. Kane is seen teaming with Syxx Pac, and the two are shown becoming multiple time tag team champions, by which time Kane’s crowd reactions are almost deafening. As they past couple of years are shown, Kane is seen battling all the top names; Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Triple H and more, and in all these encounters Kane’s strength and aura of terror are evident, as is his great popularity with the crowds. The highlight package ends with a slow-motion sequence of Kane chokeslamming opponent after opponent with devastating force, before the picture fades to black, and the screen is filled with a dark red graphic of Kane’s name

We cut to the arena, where imperialistic music heralds the arrival of William Regal. This arrogant wrestler is, rather obviously, looking down his nose at the fans as he makes his way to the ring, and pulls away from them, as if afraid of catching something. Regal steps up onto the ring apron, wipes his boots on the apron, and enters the ring. His opponent is identified by an on-screen graphic as Johnny Lauer

Match two: William Regal v Johnny Lauer

Regal took Lauer apart in this match, flawlessly moving from one scientific hold to the next, and really putting on an exhibition of technical wrestling. Lauer was no match for Regal, and, in fact, got in no offence at all. Regal toyed with Lauer for a bit, before deciding that enough was enough, and put on the Regal Stretch for the tap out win.

Time of the match: 3:46

After the bell, Regal calls for the microphone, and has some words for a particular champion

William Regal: This goes out to a certain ruffian out there, who happens to be in possession of some gold that should be around my waist. There is only one wrestler in the WWF capable of representing Europe, and that is someone who actually comes from Europe, and that is me. Christian, I know you’re getting ready for your title match against that imbecile Diamond Dallas Page on Raw this Monday, but I would advise you to watch your back, because whoever wins your match is going to have to answer to me, because that European Championship is coming home to where it rightfully belongs.

Regal hands the mic to the referee, and walks off, looking as arrogant and aloof as ever

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: William Regal coming out with his intention to take the European Championship, and, as he says, bring it back home.

Michael Hayes: William Regal is from Britain, which is is in Europe, so I can see why he would want to take the European Championship.

Jim Cornette: Well, Regal directed his words mostly towards Christian, because as of now Christian is the European Champion, but that could change tomorrow night on Raw, as Christian will defend the European Championship against Diamond Dallas Page.

Michael Hayes: That match came about as a result of a confrontation between the two on Smackdown, where Christian took exception to DDP’s upbeat personality, and he wants to bring Page down to earth on Raw.

Jim Cornette: Christian may be the one brought down to earth Monday. When we come back, Kidman takes on Hardcore Holly.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to the guitar riffs of the entrance music of Hardcore Holly, who is entering the ring. Holly, with his receding hairline and Cro-Magnon facial structure, looks as grumpy and as surly as ever as he gets ready for the arrival of his opponent. The crowd let out cheers as Kidman’s music hits, and this talented cruiserweight wrestler comes makes his entrance. Kidman tags hands with some fans as he walks down the aisle, and as he enters the ring, Holly immediately assaults Kidman with a fistic barrage

Match three: Kidman v Hardcore Holly

Holly’s sneak attack gained him the initial advantage in the match, as he used his brute force to muscle Kidman around, and put a real pounding on him. Kidman kept fighting back, and his refusal to gown frustrated Holly, who complained to the referee repeatedly about slow counts. Holly’s complaining cost him dearly though, as Kidman took advantage of the mental lapse, and nailed Holly right in the jaw with a great looking dropkick. With Holly woozy from the dropkick, Kidman fired up the offence, and took control of the match, and never really looked back. Kidman dazzled the crowd with his highflying moves, and Holly had no defence against them. In short order, Kidman levelled Holly with a dropkick off the top rope, and followed that up with a shooting star press to get the win.

Time of the match: 7:34

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Kidman gets the win, as his fast moving and aerial offence was too much for Hardcore Holly.

Michael Hayes: Holly too slow, Kidman too fast, and Kidman gets the clean pinfall win over Hardcore. Kidman beginning to put himself into contention for the Cruiserweight Championship, and he could get himself a title shot with more wins like that.

Jim Cornette: Someone who is going to want to get back into title contention himself is Triple H. Triple H has been out of action for seven months, having torn a quadriceps muscle back in May. He’s been through a lot since then, undergoing gruelling and intensive rehabilitation for his injury, but this Monday on Raw Triple H will make his return to the World Wrestling Federation.

A musical highlight package plays, set to Beautiful Day by U2. It shows clips of Triple H in action against various opponents, in numerous matches. We see him becoming the 1997 King Of The Ring, by pedigreeing Mankind. We see him battle Mankind in other matches, including a cage match at SummerSlam ’97. The clips then move on to 1998, and we see clips of his Intercontinental Championship ladder match with Rock at the SummerSlam of that year, and, after titanic struggle, Triple H climbs the ladder, and grabs the Intercontinental belt to become the new Intercontinental Champion. We then see Triple H become part of Shane McMahon’s Corporation, and then, on the Monday Night Raw after SummerSlam ’99, we see Triple H pinning Mankind, with Shane McMahon as guest referee, to become the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. Clips are then shown of Triple H facing off against numerous challengers; Steve Austin, The Rock, Mankind, Big Show, and more, and each one goes down for the pinfall after a devastating pedigree. And then, we are shown clips of Triple H’s last match, a tag match on Raw last year that saw he and Steve Austin take on Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit, and see the moment where Triple H tears his quadriceps muscle while breaking up Jericho’s Walls Of Jericho on Austin, and the subsequent moment where Jericho applies the same move to an injured Triple H while both are on top of the commentary table at ringside.

We then cut to clips of Triple H talking with Dr James Andrews, the foremost expert on sports surgeries, and Andrews is using charts to show Triple H where he’ll be operating, and what exactly he’ll be doing. We then see a short clip of Triple H being operated on; he has tape over his eyes, a blue cap over his hair, and there numerous tubes and pumps attached to him, while Dr Andrews operates on the torn muscle.

As the music starts to hit the final minute, we then go to shots of Triple H vigorously rehabbing his leg, training hard, working out, and, at one point, looking out of a window, seemingly lost in thought over the amount of time he has been out of action, possible even wondering if he can ever return to action.

Finally, the music ends, and the final shot of the video is of Triple H posing in the ring, beneath which is a green lettered graphic that says: Triple H Returns To Raw. This Monday

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Triple H has been through a lot this past seven months, but this Monday on Raw he finally makes his return to the World Wrestling Federation, and you can bet that he’s going to want to make an impact.

Michael Hayes: Triple H, a former WWF Champion, is returning just in time for the Royal Rumble, so he may have something to say about that. Or, he could sit his sights on Chris Jericho and the Undisputed Championship right from the get-go. This is one situation that everyone, and I mean everyone, is going to be watching as it unfolds, this Monday on Raw.

Jim Cornette: And it happens live this Monday on Raw, and you can bet that you will not want to miss this one. When we come back, it’s time for our main event, as Diamond Dallas Page takes on Test.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see Test making his way out, and getting some strong booing. This tall and rangy wrestler looks none to pleased at the reception he is getting, and jaws back and forth with a number of fans as he makes his way down the aisle. Test enters the ring, and begins to argue with the referee, seemingly just for the hell of it. Diamond Dalls Page's music plays up, and the crowd let out strong cheering as this always happy wrestler, bounds to the ring with obvious enthusiasm. Page enters the ring, and poses in the corner, to more cheers, and then turns to face Test. The referee makes sure everything is in order, and then calls for the bell

Match four: Diamond Dallas Page v Test

This was a good heavyweight affair, with both men putting in a lot of effort. Page obviously wanted to gain some mementum going into his match on Raw against Christian for the European Championship, while Test wanted to get the win, as a win would probably see him get the title shot against Christian, instead of Page. Both men opened up with some heavy blows, exchanging lefts and rights, with Test getting the first advantage due to his size and power. Page wasn't giving up easily though, and not once did his smile leave his face, which pleased the crowd, and infuriated Test. Page sustained the attack of Test, and his resiliance was really shown when he countered an attempted snake eyes by slipping behind Test, and hitting an impressive looking back suplex. Page maintained the offensive by nailing a clothesline on Test, and following that up with a discuss clothesline, and from that point on Page was the one in control. Test tried firing back, but Page had all the momentum, and one Diamond Cutter later and it was all over, with Page picking up the win.

Time of the match: 9:13

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: DDP picks up the win over Test, and Page has the momentum going into his European Championship title match against Christian this Monday on Raw.

Michael Hayes: Page is getting on a roll, and hopefully he'll be able to keep it going into Raw this Monday, and walk out of Raw as the new European Champion.

Jim Cornette: That wraps up another edition of Heat for this week, and we head into the first Raw of the new year with a lot of questions to be answered. What will Ric Flair's response be to what happened on Smackdown this past Thursday ? Who will be his tag team partner at the Royal Rumble ? And what will Triple H have to say when he makes his return to Raw, after a 7-month layoff due to injury ?

Michael Hayes: Triple H has been waiting for this moment since May, and this Monday on Raw he finally returns to the World Wrestling Federation. What is going through the mind of Triple H ? So much has happened in the WWF since he was last an active competitor, and you've got to believe that The Game is going to have plenty to say, not just about how he was put on the shelf, but also on what happened since he was injured.

Jim Cornette: This Monday's Raw promises to be something special, with a great deal going in the World Wrestling Federation, and some of it may just come to head on Monday. I'm Jim Cornette, for Michael Hayes, saying see you this Monday.

End Credits

Edited by Vince Russo
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So DDP is wrestling on Heat and then on RAW the next night?

Not to mention that WWE's always used Cornette as a color commentator and not a play-by-play...and maybe it's just me but I can't see Michael Hayes using the word "ire" in a sentence.

Other than those two minor instances, good show.

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If there's one thing I almost never like when reading your shows, VR, it's the announcing. With the exception of Don Callis on Smackdown, who is written true to form, the announcers' lines are almost always completely and totally generic and don't really add that much. And when you're using someone like Jim Cornette and he's talking like Mark Lloyd, that's a bad thing.

On the other hand, the shows themselves are entertaining and you've got the charicterizations for the WWF roster circa 2002 down pat. Good stuff for the most part with the aforementioned exception.

As for DDP wrestling on Heat and then Raw; uhm, so? Stuff like that happens.

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WWE Monday Night RAW January 5th 1998

Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler are your announce team

RAW comes on the air with Degeneration X’s music playing and them already on their way to the ring. Shawn Michaels is obnoxiously chewing his gum as he and Hunter mock the audience.

Ross: Well fans as you can see we are on the air for Monday Night Raw and unfortunately we have to start off the show with these two low life degenerates.

Lawler: JR is that anyway to talk about two of our finest champions and one of the hottest babes on RAW?

Ross: You think Helmsley is a babe?

Lawler: (indignant) You know I was talking about Chyna. Check her out! Oh baby!

Still the champion and still the man

Chyna holds the ropes for both men as the group climbs into the ring. Both men raise their hands high in the air and form an X over their heads. The crowd boos them and Michaels assures the audience that they can address all complaints directly to his crotch and motions as such just in case they didn’t get it the first time.

Ross: Oh come on! Was that really necessary?

Lawler: Come on JR. Get with the times. He is just telling this audience what they can all do. (a shot of a good looking woman in the crowd with a DX shirt) Oh look at her I bet she would do that.

Ross: That’s enough King!

Back in the ring Helmsley has gotten a microphone and looks ready to address the masses.

Helmsley: Man is this place huge? (Hunter looks down) Or is it just me? But don’t be jealous fellas. I’m just like you. (Michaels nods and is already trying to contain his laughter) Oh yeah. I am. I put my pants on THREE LEGS AT A TIME!

Hunter goes to hand the microphone over to Michaels, but the World Champion is doubled over in laughter, so it takes him a moment to compose himself.

Michaels: You are the man Triple H. (Hunter shakes his head and points at Shawn) Me? I’m the man? Well how can I argue that? All the women in this town know that I am the man! (some high pitched cheers followed by a lot of loud booing, which causes Shawn to smile) And after last week that little itsy bitsy insignificant nugget Owen Hart knows I am the man. I may not have flushed you yet Nugget, but you are swirling my man. But the fact is I don’t have the time to deal with crap right now. You want crap that’s what the other Hour and Forty-Five minutes of this show is for. Oh! I didn’t just say that did I?

Helmsley: (laughing) I think ya did.

Michaels: But seriously folks! Everyone knows I am The Showstoppa! (Hunter nods) Everyone knows that I am THE MAIN EVENT! (Hunter and Chyna nod) And everyone damn sure knows that I am the only Icon in this business that can still go! But what everybody doesn’t know is that I have beaten damn well everyone on this show that there is to beat. 30 men are going to go into the Royal Rumble for the honor of losing to me on the grandest stage of them all. And now since we have the night off… (Sgt. Slaughter walks out onto the ramp) Oh looks it’s The Chin. Heya Sarge!

Helmsley: We should really give The Sarge a salute.

Both men make a big production out of pointing to their crotches, and then greet Slaughter with a mock salute.

Slaughter: You two men think you are really funny. Well I got two words for you gentlemen YOU AREN’T! And as far as your night off is concerned consider that canceled you maggots. Because tonight you men will be taking on Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie!

Ross: Oh yeah! What about that you punks!

Lawler: JR please!

Michaels: Triple H… Chyna. Why don’t you go and show The Sarge how we feel about that?

Hunter and Chyna climb out of the ring and start slowly walking up the ramp towards Slaughter. The fans begin cheering as Michaels watches the impending doom moving towards Slaughter. It finally becomes evident what the fans were cheering for as Michaels is taken down from behind by OWEN HART!

Ross: It’s Owen Hart! Go after him! Go ahead and get a piece Owen!

Owen gets on top of Michaels and rains down a series of right hands before the other two member of DX finally notice there is a problem. They rush back towards the ring as Owen retreats back through the crowd. They hit the ring and yell at Hart, but he is long gone.

Ross: The Black Hart strikes again King! And DX is none too happy.

Lawler: Where did he come from JR?!? I didn’t even see him come in here.

Ross: Out of nowhere as usual King. I don’t think he is through with Shawn Michaels just yet.

The show goes to commercial with DX in the ring looking angry and Michaels holding the back of his head.

Rating: 93%

8 Ball with DOA vs. Savio Vega with Los Boricuas

The show comes back on the air with 8 Ball and Savio already brawling in the ring. They exchange punches with 8 Ball getting the better of it until Savio goes low to take over the match.

Ross: Fans these two have been fighting all throughout the break and I don’t like this situation with their respective gangs at ringside. This could be explosive.

Savio lands a spinning heel kick taking 8 Ball down to the mat. On the outside however Chainz is swinging his bike chain at the Boricuas. This distracts the referee and Savio long enough for Skull to pull 8 Ball out of the ring and take his place!

Lawler: JR did you see that?

But before JR can respond “8 Ball” is up and plants Savio in the mat with a DDT! 1…2…3! Los Boricuas rush the ring and Skull quickly rolls to the floor.

Rating: 40/35/56

DOA backs up the ramp celebrating their victory as Savio is helped up and handed a microphone by Jesus.

Savio: Ey! I tired of this man! The double U double U Eff es not big enough for all of us. So what we gon to do is ave a match. And da winner. Dey gonna stay ere. And da loser. Dey gonna leave! Dis match will happen at Royal Rumble. What you say? You een?

Chainz nods and makes the traditional YOU’RE DEAD hand gestures before DOA disappears backstage.

Ross: It looks like we have a big match for the Royal Rumble King! One of these two groups is going to leave!

Lawler: Well Savio said the WWF isn’t big enough for the both of them and after the Royal Rumble it wont have to be. And let me tell you about the…

Ross: King sorry to cut you off, but we have a situation backstage!

The Rock says…

We quickly cut backstage to see security holding Ken Shamrock back from The Nation and more notably The Rock who is holding up his Intercontinental Championship and talking trash.

Rock: You say you want The Rock? Well The Rock says that he doesn’t give a damn what you say! You aren’t even ranked and The Rock is a blue chipper. Ken Shamrock you want to face The Rock? You’re gonna have to beat D’lo Brown tonight!

Shamrock: You’re mine Rocky!

Rock: The Rock belongs to the people! Now security get this chump out of The Rock’s sight.

Shamrock screams something unintelligible as security drags him off and the show goes to commercial.

Rating: 92%

Ross: That was quite a situation backstage King. And from that we have another match for later tonight.

Lawler: Shamrock wanted him a piece of The Rock, but The Rock don’t work for free Jack!

Ross: Cute. Did The Rock teach you that one?

Lawler: JR you’re just jealous that The Rock and I are cool and you think that Puff Daddy is a guy who sells Breakfast Cereal.

Ross: (annoyed) Breakfast cereal. Give me a break. (The LOD’s music hit and Animal and Hawk walk out onto the ramp) King! Are you ready for this one? We are about to see one half of the legendary Legion of Doom in singles action.

Animal with Hawk vs. Billy Gunn with Road Dogg

Animal and Hawk climb through the ropes and raise their hands in the air as the crowd cheers them on. Both men lift off their spiked shoulder pads and Animal readies himself for the entrance of his opponent.

Ross: These two are true legends in this business King! The LOD have been the top of the heap for years now.

Lawler: Top of the heap? More like over the hill JR. The LOD need to make way for the new best tag team in the world. (The New Age Outlaws music begins) And here they are!

The New Age Outlaws make their way onto the ramp. They look cocky as they pose for the crowd and hold their tag team titles high in the air. The crowd boos as Road Dogg points to Billy Gunn and proclaims how great he is.

Lawler: Now this is the team of the future JR! Look at them. They are great!

Ross: They certainly are on a winning streak.

Gunn rolls into the ring and Animal attacks! The bell rings and we are underway. Animal pounds him down with a series of forearms and stomps. Animal pulls Gunn to his feet and whips him off the ropes and into a PRESS SLAM! Animal holds Gunn over his head and presses him a couple times before slamming him down to the canvas. Gunn quickly rolls out of the ring to regroup.

Ross: What power by that big Animal!

The crowd cheers Animal on as Gunn and Road Dogg talk it over on the outside. The referee continues his count and just before he reaches 10 Gunn rolls into the ring and rolls back out again! The Outlaws continue their talk as Animal begins growing impatient in the ring. Animal moves towards the ropes and begins yelling at The Outlaws who do their best to ignore him. Finally Hawk has had enough and makes his way towards The Outlaws. The two men spot Hawk and scramble around to the opposite side. Animal joins his partner in the hunt and they finally chase The Outlaws into the ring. They beg off and the LOD look to the fans for support. Referee Jack Doan tries to restore order, but the LOD are having none of that and move in for an attack. Road Dogg tries to make a run for it, but Hawk grabs him by the hair! Dogg grabs his title belt from around his waist and tries a shot, but Hawk blocks it and tosses the belt to the mat. Gunn tries to help his partner, but Animal catches him with a clothesline.

Ross: Uh oh! The Old Road Dogg is in trouble King!

Doan is yelling at the LOD trying to regain control of this match up, but instead Animal lifts Road Dogg onto his shoulders! Hawk begins climbing the turnbuckles.

Lawler: You put him down Animal! Put him down right now!

Ross: Oh he is going to put him down for sure. Put him way down to hell!

The LOD connect with the DOOMSDAY DEVICE! The Dogg is down and out as Doan bends over to help him and Hawk exits the ring. Animal turns around and Billy Gunn nearly takes his head off with one of the tag title belts! Billy tosses the belt to the outside and yells for Doan to turn around. Gunn makes the cover and hooks the leg 1…2…3!

Rating: 76/87/83

Gunn bails out of the ring and grabs up the tag team titles as Hawk rushes back into the ring.

Ross: Highway robbery! The Legion of Doom were just robbed here tonight.

Ladies and Gentlemen…

The Outlaws stumble up the ramp as The Road Dogg clutches a microphone in his hand.

Dogg: Ladies and Gentlemen Boys and Girls Children of all ages…

Hawk: SHUT UP! You little punks have been prancing around with those belts for too long now! You couldn’t last two minutes in the ring with us in a fight. WEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL! We’ve got two minutes to kill so bring your corpses back down to the ring so Animal and I can kick your butts!

The Outlaws look angry, but stand still on the top of the ramp. The crowd begins chanting LOD! LOD! LOD! In the ring Animal and Hawk are ready for a fight that just doesn’t seem to be coming.

Ross: Look at those two cowards up there! It’s time to fight you cowards!

Lawler: I don’t know JR. Billy Gunn just had a big match. Maybe they should wait for a different time for this.

Ross: Maybe they should back up their words with some action.

Dogg: Oh we could throw down. We could go all night long! (the fans cheer) But were not about that. So…

Dogg and Gunn together: NAH!

The Outlaws take a walk to the back as Animal and Hawk look on dumbfounded.

Rating: 86%

Ross: Nah?!? NAH?!? These two are our tag team champions?!?

Lawler: Live to fight another day JR.

Ross: (disgusted) We’ll be right back.

Demanding more respect

The show comes on the air with Jim Cornette in mid sentence. Jeff Jarrett is in the ring with him proudly displaying his NWA North American Title.

Cornette: All you idiots want to see is Sable wiggle her breasts at you like all the cheap tramps that used to chase The Midnight Express! (someone outside the ring motions at him) Shut up director I know we are back on the air. You see I’m glad the WWF has finally seen fit to give us the TV time that we deserve. The NWA is one of the strongest forces in the wrestling world for a reason and we have come out here tonight to prove it. The man in the ring with me right now is one of the best wrestlers in our sport today yet he struggles just to get two minutes of TV time. He has a NWA North American Title defense right now against Steve Blackman, but I bet none of you here tonight even knew that. Now why is that? I have my theories, which I will go ahead and explain to you now.

The sound of glass shattering reverberates throughout the arena and all 15,000 in the crowd simultaneously rise to their feet. Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way into the arena and is walking quickly towards the ring.

Ross: Here comes The Rattlesnake!

Austin climbs into the ring and stomps straight up to an indignant Cornette and Jarrett. Cornette goes to bring the microphone up to talk, but Austin snatches it away.

Austin: You have theories? Well I have a theory of my own.

Cornette’s eyes go wide, but he is too slow to react.

Ross: STUNNER! Cornette hit the mat like a ton of bricks. Here comes Jarrett! STUNNER! What a thunderous stunner by Austin!

Austin gives both men the two-finger salute and then grabs up the microphone again.

Austin: Now who has a cold beer for Steve Austin?

Two cans come flying at Austin who makes two great one hand catches and cracks them open. Austin’s music hits again as he poses on the turnbuckles with the beer.

Rating: 94%

Lawler: This is horrible JR! Doesn’t Austin respect anyone?

Ross: Steve Austin is out for one man only King and that’s himself.

Austin continues drinking beer as Steve Blackman makes his way down to the ring along with Jack Doan. Blackman rolls into the ring as Austin turns around to meet him. The two men share a couple words and Austin just shakes his head and leaves the ring. Much to the surprise of the just now recovering Jarrett the Referee calls for the bell!

Steve Blackman vs. Jeff Jarrett (Champion) NWA North American Title

Blackman connects with a kick to Jarrett before the champion can regain his footing. Blackman continues kicking at Jarrett making it impossible for him to make it to his feet.

Lawler: This is not fair JR! Jeff Jarrett was just attacked! He isn’t ready for this yet! Give him a break.

Ross: There are no time outs in wrestling King. If Jarrett wants to show how tough he is than he can recover from this.

Blackman continues his onslaught as Doan checks on the motionless lump that used to be Jim Cornette. Jarrett sneaks in a low blow knocking Blackman to the mat! Jarrett makes his way to his feet and begins stomping away on Blackman. Doan finally rolls Cornette outside the ring as Jarrett hits a scoop slam on Blackman taking him to the mat. Jarrett grabs a leg and looks to be going for the figure four! Blackman counters with his free leg by hitting Jarrett with a leg sweep. The two men trade holds on the mat with Jarrett getting the better of it and ending the exchange with Blackman in an arm bar.

Lawler: What do you think about Jeff Jarrett now JR? He is looking pretty tough to me.

Ross: It’s still early King. I like Blackman’s tenacity.

Jarrett continues to control the match with some beautiful chain wrestling as the crowd dies. The crowd only bothers to respond when the finally revived Cornette yells how stupid they are. Blackman is caught in a rear chin lock, but is starting a comeback. He shakes his arms and begins moving towards his feet. Blackman plants two elbows in Jarrett’s stomach and the hold is broken. Blackman rattles off a series of chops sending Jarrett stumbling back into the ropes. Blackman is going for his big Ninja Kick! Jarrett dodges out of the way and Blackman crotches himself on the top ropes. Jarrett hits a clothesline and knocks Blackman to the floor. Cornette begins to creep over as Jarrett distracts the official.

Ross: Come on referee! Turn around!

Jack Doan finally turns around just as Cornette is about to unload with his tennis racket. Wait a minute they weren’t cheering for Doan!


Jarrett is out cold as Austin rolls to the outside of the ring. Blackman makes his way to his feet as Cornette is screaming at the referee.

Lawler: What the heck is Austin doing helping Steve Blackman?!?

Blackman crawls over to the unconscious Jarrett and makes the cover 1…2…3!

Rating: 60/49/86

Ross: Blackman is the new NWA champion! My god I can’t believe it.

Lawler: We can blame Steve Austin for this!

It Aint over yet

Jarrett rolls to the floor as Blackman is handed the NWA North American Title and holds it high above his head. Austin rolls back into the ring and walks right up to Blackman. Austin says something to him, which causes Blackman to smile and give him a thumbs up. Austin shakes his head and instead of the thumbs up gives Blackman a two-finger salute.

Ross: Uh oh! STUNNER! Austin just gave Blackman a Texas sized Stunner!

Austin grabs a microphone as the crowd goes crazy. He kicks Blackman over to the corner and gets ready to address his crowd.

Austin: Save your thumbs up for your jack ass friends! Stone Cold Steve Austin is not your buddy. Now I aint out here to flap my gums, but the fact is Stone Cold has done damn well everything he can here in the WWF besides one thing. The fact is I want the WWF title. (the crowd cheers) And I will whip any man’s ass that stands in my way of that title.

Lawler: And he’ll never get it if he keeps making enemies like this JR.

Austin: But the fact is Shawn Michaels is too damn much of a coward to sign a match with Stone Cold. (crowd boos) So I decided to do it the fun way. I am going to be the first son of a bitch to throw my name into the Royal Rumble!

Ross: King that is huge! Stone Cold is in the Rumble!

Austin: I am going to roll into that ring, stomp a mud hole and walk that sum bitch dry! If you want to see Stone Cold open up 29 cans of whup ass give me a Hell Yeah!


Austin: Oh HEEEEEELLL YEAH! Steve Austin is going to Wrestlemania and that’s the bottom line. CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

The glass shatters and Stone Cold calls for some beers as the show goes to commercial break.

Rating: 92%

Ross: We are back on RAW! It has been a hell of a night so far fans! And we have still got two big matches to bring you.

Ken Shamrock vs. D’lo Brown with The Nation

Ken Shamrock’s music hits and he stomps out into the arena. The fans cheer, but Shamrock seems focused only on the ring. Shamrock immediately begins stretching as his music cuts off and The Nation’s music begins.

Ross: Shamrock is in the zone here tonight King. I don’t see how D’lo has a chance in this one.

Faarooq leads his men out into the arena and the crowd begins booing immediately. The Rock is talking to D’lo the whole way down the ramp seemingly giving him a last minute pep talk. The Nation circles the ring and The Rock point towards the ring and D’lo rolls in ready for competition.

Lawler: The Rock is a heck of a leader isn’t he JR? Look at how pumped up he’s got D’lo.

Ross: I thought Faarooq was the leader of The Nation. The Rock needs to know his role King.

The bell rings and the two men begin circling each other. They lock up and Shamrock takes him down with an arm drag. Brown rushes in again and again gets taken down with an arm drag. Brown seems to be a bit slow to learn from his mistakes and rushes in a third time. This time Shamrock sidesteps D’lo and tosses him over the top and to the floor! D’lo crashes down next to The Rock who helps him up and then quickly tosses him back into the ring. D’lo turns towards The Rock looking confused and Shamrock catches him in a waistlock. D’lo’s eyes get wide and Shamrock takes him over with a Release German Suplex! Shamrock shoots The Rock a dirty look and The Rock responds by raising his eyebrow.

Ross: Shamrock is ready to explode on anything that moves out there!

Shamrock turns back towards the ring to see D’lo attempting to crawl away. Shamrock quickly pounces on his opponent and applies the ANKLELOCK! D’lo screams out in pain as Shamrock looks to break Brown’s foot right off his leg! D’lo tries to hold out, but Shamrock yells and cinches the hold in even tighter causing Brown to instantly tap out!

Ross: Pure domination King! Shamrock was dominant here tonight.

Lawler: It’s not over yet JR! Here comes The Nation.

Rating: 69/73/81

Kama hits the ring first and Shamrock meets him with a Belly-to-Belly suplex! Mark Henry and Faarooq slide in at the same time and attack. Shamrock begins wildly throwing right hands, but the two men finally overtake him. Then and only then does The Rock finally makes his way into the ring. The Rock walks cockily up to the restrained Shamrock and gives him a slap right across the face! Shamrock looks enraged and kicks at The Rock who quickly jumps back.

Lawler: This is great! Look at The Rock in there having a good old time. Give him another one Rock!

Ross: (mocking Lawler) Give him another one Rock! Come on King! Take your lips off The Rock’s butt for a minute. This is ridiculous!

The three men begin stomping away at Shamrock until out from the back come Flash Funk, Ahmed Johnson, and Bradshaw! They hit the ring and the battle is on! The Rock manages to bail out before receiving any punishment, but the rest of The Nation is overpowered by their four adversaries and sent retreating back towards the ramp. Faarooq starts yelling at The Rock, but the show quickly cuts to a video feed.

A Family Reunion

The video opens with a close up of Kane’s face. We pull back to see Kane and Paul Bearer in some sort of basement lair. Kane turns away and goes back to some sort of metalworking and Bearer addresses the camera.

Bearer: Undertaker you can’t avoid us forever. Your brother will have his vengeance! Just because you can’t face your past doesn’t mean it will stop coming for you Deadman. You can’t ignore your past Undertaker! We know you had planned on entering the Royal Rumble so Kane has entered first! If you want to make it to Wrestlemania you will have to go through Kane to get there. Undertaker you brother has already begun building your coffin. At the Royal Rumble he will put you inside it. It’s all over for you Deadman!

Bearer laughs maniacally as Kane hammers away and the video fades into a commercial.

Rating: 95%

We come back on the air to the sounds of Cactus Jack’s music. The fans cheer as he and Chainsaw make their way into the arena. Chainsaw is wildly swinging his chainsaw everywhere as they walk down to the ring.

Ross: Fans we don’t know much about this Chainsaw Charlie, but I say if Cactus Jack trusts him then he must be a tough guy.

Lawler: Well he looks just as crazy as Cactus. So they will probably make a pretty good team.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Shawn Michaels with Chyna vs. Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie

Degeneration X’s music hits and the cocky trio make their way out onto the ramp. They go to pose, but are quickly cut off by a charging Jack and Charlie. The two men rip into DX with a series of punches knocking them down to the metal ramp way. Both men roll to their feet and are quickly knocked back down with clotheslines.

Lawler: JR! What is going on here? The match hasn’t even started yet!

Ross: These two don’t give a damn King! They just want a fight.

Cactus picks up Michaels and slams him back first on the ramp. Michaels arches his back and yells out in pain as a smile crosses Jack’s face. Charlie picks up Helmsley for a piledriver attempt, but has it reversed into a back body drop! Jack attacks with a clothesline, but Hunter ducks and Chyna connects with a LOW BLOW! Jack doubles over so Hunter follows this up with a spinning neckbreaker. Cactus stumbles to his feet and HHH sets him up and executes a PILEDRIVER!

Ross: Good god King! You could hear that reverberate all through the arena!

Michaels is back up and pounding away on Charlie now. Michaels picks him up and tosses him down the ramp. Charlie rolls all the way to the bottom and finally comes to a stop when he rams into the ring apron. This leaves DX free to double team Cactus at the top of the ramp.

Lawler: Cactus is in trouble now. This is what you get for trying to jump DX you idiot!

DX does a number on Cactus mostly consisting of stomps and kicks. Chyna even gets in a few good kicks to Jack’s gut. When things look like they couldn’t get any worse for Jack they indeed do as The New Age Outlaws make their way out.

Ross: What the hell is this?!? Come on!

Lawler: JR! Now you are the one that told me that this was ok because they wanted a fight. Well it looks like they got a fight now doesn’t it? (Lawler pauses presumably waiting for JR’s reply) Doesn’t it JR?

Ross: It’s 5 on 2 out there King! It’s not right.

The Outlaws and Chyna drag Cactus down towards the ring where Charlie is still down and twitching on the floor. Gunn climbs up onto the apron and The Outlaws hit Cactus with a SPIKE PILEDRIVER! Road Dogg and Chyna pick up Charlie and look to be about to give him the same treatment.

Ross: By god King these two are getting decimated! That’s just not right. (The Outlaws roll into the ring and look out onto the ramp to see DX clapping for them) King look it’s OWEN HART!

The Outlaws try to warn DX, but it’s too late as Hart connects to the back of Michael’s head with a steel chair! Helmsley makes a run at Hart, but gets the same treatment! The Outlaws look on unsure of how to react. Before they can provide some assistance they have some problems of their own.


Rating: 75/86/82

Lawler: This is horrible JR! They have got Chyna trapped!

Ross: That Amazon had better not cross either one of these guys King. She better make a quick retreat. The BlackHart is ruling the ramp and The Rattlesnake has the ring under control! We’ll see you NEXT WEEK!

Chyna stands her ground on the floor between Hart and Austin. The fans cheer as Chyna keeps looking back and forth trying to find an exit and the show fades to black.

Overall Card Rating: 78%

T.V. Rating: 5.84

Attendance: 6003

Stunner Count: 6 and rising!

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A quick update:

I am back online, a new computer working quite fine I might add, and I am working on getting my things in order. I have redownloaded TEW and was looking for a nice place to redownload EWR4.0 when while browsing .400 Studios I came across a new TEW 1995 Scenario. So, I have downloaded that and am once again awaiting my new validation code so that I may actually play the game. Once that is done and I can be assured that the scenario is fit to use I shall get my ass in gear and actually contribute something besides a convoluted backstory to this split.

I would also like to commend VR on his three shows thus far as well as JHS on her RAW. Thanks for keeping this thing going while I was computerless for a week. :wub: to you both.


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