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I get the shit ganked out of me on my Xerath :(

First thing you want to do is ban Ahri, a good Ahri is horrific after 6 if you're playing Xerath. If they have a jungler who can get on you quickly (Vi, J4, Rengar, Yi, Warwick etc) you want to play extra safe, poke the mid-laner down with your W and Q combo but don't move from around your tower. Always save your stun incase of a gank or to secure a kill. If it's a tough matchup you want to regen mana by attack the minions, only hit the champ if it's safe. You only want to ult when you're in a safe area too, don't do it in the middle of the lane because the jungler could come fuck you up while you're trying to hit them with it.

I go all-in damage on Xerath, got full damage/mana runes for him. He's the kinda champ that you have to really, you want to outrange your opponent not trade with them.

No bansies :( Still in normal

How do you build Xerath? I go for an early Morells, then into Zhonyas/Void Staff/Rabadons, filling in boots as I need. If I take an early death (ie if it goes to poop) I get a second Doran's Ring so I can recover more mana and safely farm from range for longer. And I max R/W/Q/E.

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Like Evelynn before him they'll take away everything that makes Kassadin playable in favor of balance. Then nobody will ever play him again.

You're next Lucian!

My friend plays Eve! He's quite good with her.

Also...the next champion teaser is up...he's a masked bard or something.

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Guarantee you he's a support. This LoL panel I was at during the con this weekend showed a graph of the five roles and which ones had the lowest/highest percentage for primary champ roles. Support and ADC were the bottom 2. I think we'll be getting primarily new bot lane champs this year.

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I get the shit ganked out of me on my Xerath :(

First thing you want to do is ban Ahri, a good Ahri is horrific after 6 if you're playing Xerath. If they have a jungler who can get on you quickly (Vi, J4, Rengar, Yi, Warwick etc) you want to play extra safe, poke the mid-laner down with your W and Q combo but don't move from around your tower. Always save your stun incase of a gank or to secure a kill. If it's a tough matchup you want to regen mana by attack the minions, only hit the champ if it's safe. You only want to ult when you're in a safe area too, don't do it in the middle of the lane because the jungler could come fuck you up while you're trying to hit them with it.

I go all-in damage on Xerath, got full damage/mana runes for him. He's the kinda champ that you have to really, you want to outrange your opponent not trade with them.

No bansies :( Still in normal

How do you build Xerath? I go for an early Morells, then into Zhonyas/Void Staff/Rabadons, filling in boots as I need. If I take an early death (ie if it goes to poop) I get a second Doran's Ring so I can recover more mana and safely farm from range for longer. And I max R/W/Q/E.

My go to mid laner. Buils should be Athenes/Morello into Rabbadons to Void, Zhonya's seems like a waste on him unless you are against an AD assasin, less damage on a champ with huge range, you shouldnt be in the fights.

Start with W but max Q first. Q is a ton of poke, while W/E can slow/stun as needed. Poke the hell out of your lane opponent and save your stun for ganks/engages/kills since you are pretty much a sitting duck without it.

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After two Rumble games tonight, where I went a combined 20-7-28 I'm now back to break-even on Rumble and break-even on Top lane.

The race to 200:


107-97 Support

25-25 Top

9-17 Mid

16-14 ADC

20-29 Jungle

I think I need to start spamming some midlane if I want to get to 200 and 5x20 at the same time.

Top 5 champs by WL ratio. minimum 3 games played.

5-1 Nami

6-3 Braum

2-1 Garen

4-2 Tristana

39-22 Leona

Honourable mentions to Cho'Gath and Azir, as I'm 2-0 on both :shifty:

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I just had a ridiculous game on Xerath. I was doing awful in lane, but made up for it with tossing an Arcanopulse at Dragon hopeing for a lucky steal, ended up blind killing Dragon AND their Jungler. Then I went from doing awful, to being just a jackass stealing everything. Riven tring to get scuttle crab, arcanopulse steal! Stole their blue. Team fight at dragon, we win, Ahri is running away, ult and kill her, use my last charge to stop Graves recalling from halfway across the map so my team can kill him too. Doing well on Xerath is just so fun,and i'm sure everyone just hates you.

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I am undefeated on my last 5 Rumbles with a 32/18/57 KDA. Happy with my improvement considering I fed hardcore with him my first few games. I had a few nice Equalizers in my last game which I recorded, might upload some highlights just so people can see some of those Bronze playz.

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Zed's the most popular mid lane champ, what about him?

Talon's next on my list actually.

My rotation is looking like this:

Top: Xin Zhao, Poppy (depending when I get to pick), Kayle

Mid: Annie, Veigar (on hold until they replace DFG), Syndra

ADC: Sivir, Ashe, Tristana

Support: Sona, Annie, Kayle

Jungle: Kayle, Amumu

Granted I hardly touch Jungle. Kayle and Syndra are the newest ones to my rotation.

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Ehh...not a fan of Kayle support or in the jungle anymore. Mid and top though? Fucking love it. Also, I wish I played more Poppy, but there are just so many instances of when it would be bad, so it's better to go with the safe pick of Maokai or Gangplank.

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