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Can now cross this off the list... banner of command on a caster in base. We fight for baron, win, take it, minion pushes wave and takes out inner turret. Banner cooldown up, throw it on a siege minion and they take down inhibitor turret. Caster minion ends up joining a tam fight and going back to the inner turrent and KILLING LEONA, goes back and destroys inhibitor as I buffed a mid minion, before finally dying to a nexus turret.

One BoC caster minion took down 2 turrents, an inhibitor and got a kill, surviving long enough for me to use the banner two more times on other minion.

Would have killed faster if it was a Taric :shifty::P

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I dropped to Bronze 2. After three straight losses. Dying the least still - except for one game where I somehow got last pick mid and Jax camped my lane. I don't have a problem getting camped, but our jungle nidalee just powerfarmed. Of the two junglers, it is correct that one camps lanes pre-6 and one farms, but that is not the right order.

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I just played jungle kayle - man that's fun. I had REAL troubles farming until like...the second dagger onby devourer enchantment. From there, it's just free. Free farm, free gold. Also the enemy midlander was Zed. Zed is...not very good against Kayle. I countered about four of his ultimates I reckon. The first I flashed in to drop the ultimate with about .2 seconds to go before the Death Mark popped.

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So this Urgot top thing they hyped up is pretty legit. Friend played it just now and we destroyed the other team after 20 minutes (conveniently about the exact time our Jinx wanted to surrender). Also, bruiser Karma did a lot of damage.


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I have no idea what a yoober is but...

Rich Gang got banned? :( I saw them on Reddit last month and thought it was amusing that they where obviously just joking around and having some fun.

Edit: Nevermind, apparently they throw racist insults around and such, fuck them.

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You try and say EWB as one word :P "yoob"

The worst thing they did is several weeks ago they removed their support from the lineup. Since then they have made multiple public references on social media taunting him about his father who passed away when the support was 15 due to cancer.

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I think it might be not-awful. Like, his Q scales off max health. So he goes bonkers with Cinderhulk. I did some math and at full health you have a 5500HP massive beefy tank dealing nearly 500 damage on a really short cooldown. Plus it triggers his unreal passive. And you haven't even used W, E or R yet.

I went Rangers' Trailblazer for added clear, but if I go the dueling smite - I can tank further by reducing incoming damage by 20%.

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I have two Beta Keys for Heros of the Storm (eu server). If anyone is interested hit me up and i´ll get you one.

New Xerath skin on the PBE makes me happy, I have all his skins but he's become my "main" this season so I'll have to pick it up.

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