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Guys. guys. guys. Guys guys guys.

Wanna win at URF? Build RUMBLE. Full damage, 0 fucks given. He can't overheat! You just roll QWE the whole game, and I'm pretty sure you can legit 1v5. At level 1, you can actually have flamespitter up the ENTIRE game.

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I need to stop with my troll builds in URF. The other night I did AP Xin Zhao. Hilarious, every 3rd attack he healed himself for like 400 HP but his attack speed was so slow he was useless. Buuuuut I might still play around with AP Xin since there's gotta be a healthy balance where his W can make him unkillable, his E can work as an execute, and his ult can keep him alive. Right?

My favorite URF champ is Veigar though, 1000 AP easy. One hit kill on any AP champ on the other team every 16 seconds.

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They even tried to nerf Sona to stop her being OP with the heal reduction, but it doesn't matter!

When you can heal every .5 seconds, they can reduce the healing on it by 80% and it'll change nothing!

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It was such a silly thing to change on him. Especially since they have made mobility such a big focus. I like the Hecarim change, it keeps most of his strengths intact while making him a little harder to play. Something needed to be done with his winrate being so high.

I'm most excited that Darius is now playable again. He's a ton of fun but the meta top and jungle was built around stopping him, so now he's back to his dunking ways with stupid pentakill potential. Reduced cd on Garen's R is a good idea too, it helps make the early teamfights more winnable with him on your team. Most relevant to me is the change to Tristana, she's now even more destructive against towers. Same path, max e then q and then watch the towers fall.

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I love Ryze, he's tough in the early game but once you build up his Mana he becomes a monster. It's weird that they're reworking him since he always felt to me one of the most "League" champions. He was one of the champions I always thought was well-balanced and would just pop up again from time to time. Riot has this weird tendency to fix things that aren't broken. As my friend put it "instead of giving strengths to weaker champs they take away strengths from stronger champs". And it's totally true. It makes for a less disruptive gaming experience, the meta is fixed and you know what you're getting into every game. But it's still annoying when a champ you love suddenly changes. I remember loving the Sona rework last year but hating the Soraka one for example.

That said Cinderhulk has changed the game so much almost immediately. Sejuani is the most dangerous champion in the game now. Sion takes so long to kill late game and once you do he'll manage to get a kill from the grave. Volibear and Amumu also have super high winrates. And of course there's the omnipresent threat of Hecarim.

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I've wondered for a long time why teams don't take two smites but never bothered asking. It is so useful when it comes time to get Dragons since no longer is "take out the jungler" a viable strategy with it. Flash isn't as necessary on a lot of champs, hell I hesitate bringing it on Tristana since her W works like flash. I just think people are so reliant on it in fights that they're almost afraid to go without it.

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I don't fully understand the Chroma packs. Like do you buy it for a champion or for one specific skin? They have a Red, Blue and Black Blitzcrank one that looks awesome, but does it only work on the default skin? If it recolours my Def Not Blitzcrank skin I will be very happy.

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I don't fully understand the Chroma packs. Like do you buy it for a champion or for one specific skin? They have a Red, Blue and Black Blitzcrank one that looks awesome, but does it only work on the default skin? If it recolours my Def Not Blitzcrank skin I will be very happy.

The Chroma packs come in two versions: default and skin.

The default chroma will change the colors of the default skin of the champion (so, Blitzcrank, Garen, Lucian, etc...).

The skin chroma will change the colors of only that skin (Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Pool Party Leona)

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