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Party Down

Herr Matzat

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I guss since love of Veronica Mars was shared people would watch this aswell. I just noticed this is around. it airs friday nights (yay......) on something called starz wich i never heared of... (aperently you can watch the first episode on starz.com)

Curretnly starting to watch.

"I just was rubbing something out" :shifty:

101 -"Willow Canyon Homeowners Annual Party" Failed actor Henry Pollard returns to work at Party Down catering. He meets his fellow employees, led by his old coworker Ron, a clean-living team leader with big dreams. USA - 2009 - TVMA
Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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  • 1 year later...

Yeah, it seems like a small Party Down fanbase on EWB is amassing itself. I watched season one off and on over the last two weeks and then the two episodes of season two available on Starz the moment I saw they were out. I really liked them, especially the Steve Guttenberg one which ranks right up there with "Celebrate Rick Sangulesh" as one of the best episodes the show has ever done.

What really interests me is the idea that if a third season happens, they could be looking at like half the cast needing to be replaced. Adam Scott for sure since he has a role on Parks & Recreation, but Ryan Hansen and Lizzy Caplan have pilots they're signed to as well. It's a tough challenge but I'd be really curious to see the writers try and tackle it.

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From what i know they still could have him as a guest for 3-5 Episodes. They could easyle just give him a sucsess in his acting carrere. But from what i have read it´s more a question if Season 3 happens at all, if it dos i am shure the writers will come up with some great stuff.

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Party Down is quite a big 'Eh.' for me. I don't mind the show, and I download it when it's released, but I really don't find it to be much fun outside of the odd moment or two. I like the show, but I don't think it's all that good.

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This week's episode was fairly good. A couple of the subplots never really took off (I was hoping for more Snow Crash in the Roman/Kyle one), but any episode with J.K. Simmons as the asshole movie producer (and Joey Lauren Adams as his wife) is going to reach some sort of default level of good. I especially loved Lydia's horrible fake sex dialogue and Henry's helpless, exasperated "I know!" in response to the "you'll never work in this town again" threat.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I couldn't find this thread earlier but I was really entertained by the season finale and it planted the seeds for the eventual exit of a few of the main characters. Plus you can't ever really go wrong with songs about the Holocaust can you?

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Great ending. I love the cautiously optimistic note it hits, too, in that everyone to some extent got a happy ending or a sign that there's hope for them (except for Kyle, who really doesn't need it because aside from the sex party episode he's never really doubted himself). Even Roman, who spent like the entire second season being exposed as being more and more of a fraud (to a ridiculous extent, really; I refuse to believe he of all people hasn't read everything Ray Bradbury has ever written), got to write what is maybe his masterpiece. And even though it was obviously where the episode was heading from the moment Kyle asked Henry to read the script for him, the final scene with Henry about to audition for the first time in a long time was incredibly satisfying.

Also, I want an mp3 of "My Struggle." That and the callback to the "purple tube of consciousness" from the season 1 finale when it was Bobbie St. Brown who was tripping out (and man, has characters getting high been like one of Party Down's favorite subplots ever or what?) were the funniest moments of the episode.

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Yeah, I really liked the ending. I would have loved to have seen the series where all the characters did make it; but that would obviously ruin the series. I just think it'd be cool to see where they would've all ended up.

Overall, I've really duh the two seasons. The cringe-worthy comedy is masterful. But it knows how to hit the serious moments; like with Lizzie in her breakdown over the movie. I thought that was so well done.

I was thinking that too, GoGo. They do love their characters getting high.

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