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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. He could be just hoping that Spencer doesn't win immunity at this point, but I can' help but feel it was a mistake. Because if Spence wins just one more time, Tony's done. At final four, Kass and Woo have no reason not to vote for him and test his idol claim., and with Spencer guaranteed at final 3? Who wants Tony to be the third there?

    Trish would be his only protection at a final four with a safe Spencer, and serve as a buffer to make certain that they're wouldn't be any slick last second decisions even if Kass or Woo pulled out an immunity win.

    Voting out Trish shows either great confidence in his allies, a gamble on Spencer's chances of winning, or just out and out fear of Trish.

    And I don't see the reason for the fear.

    Sarah, Jefra, and maybe LJ (maybe, but doubt it) are the odds on favorite votes for Trish over Tony. Trish isn't Natalie White, and Tony isn't a Hantz. Morgan will vote in a way that makes her look good on television, so solid money would be for her making fun of Trish and Kass because she's a vile character and not an actual person.

    Jeremiah is a coin flip.

    Tasha votes for who she thinks played the best game, and in a final 3 with Tony, Trish, and Kass/Woo? She's voting Tony.

    Woo I think would be bummed, but good hearted enough to vote for Tony.

    Spencer votes Tony all day long.

    What has Trish done on the island to appear as any kind of threat to the players? We've seen her big moves of taking out Cliff, bringing in Kass who was planning on flipping anyway, and standing by while Tony took out his own alliance and telling everyone to maintain loyalty. But has anyone playing the game seen her do anything other than yelling at people and being repeatedly blindsided by her partner?

    Trish is a threat if people like her or really hate Tony. Otherwise she's one of many older white women that thought they'd beat their Russell by doing nothing of note and standing next to him.

    She's nowhere near the level of guaranteed win that Spencer is if he makes final three, and I can't figure out why Tony would see losing the protection she offers at final 4 an acceptable loss, to mitigate a slight spite vote threat.

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  2. Kass explained her move rather well in her confessionals, and really summed up her entire game.

    She wants to be the one that decides how things go. She wants to have the big moves and play the exciting game.

    She's a fringe at best member of the alliance, but she's the one that blows up because Tony turns on Jefra? Nonsense. It's jealousy. The same reason she originally flipped.

    She didn't feel special.

    Tonight was the only chance to send Tony home before final 4, and that shot rested solely on getting him to play his after the votes idol and burn the other one to save trish and send someone home.

    Either way it was a busted plan, because Tony was more than willing to hang onto his idol and let Trish dangle if they had split the votes.

    Tony makes final four now, and probably wins. There's no way around it unless someone hits him with a rock.

  3. Bigger threats than Tash? I don't think so. She can beat anyone standing in the game. She doesn't need an idealized final three, because she's a top tier player and only Spencer really has any shot of shutting down her argument and taking credit for her moves.

    If someone on that Island believes for a second there's a bigger threat than Tash? they're dumb.

    If I'm Tony and Tash isn't out by 6? I'm carrying Woo to 4 on a stretcher just on the off chance there's a martial arts challenge and he can beat her.

    Woo is a nice enough guy, but everybody Tony blind sided? He couldn't have touched without Woo. Tony can weaponize that, and Woo can't. He wins or does well in front of a FTC only due to personal animosity.

    Tony even has a shot with Spencer if all hell breaks loose, and it comes down to a final four where he or tash has to go.

    Because Tony can quite honestly argue that Spencer tried to play my game, and failed. I played around him, and he was a pawn. He's only here, because everyone else was a bigger threat.

    Which is an argument that I can't imagine Spencer seeing coming, or dealing with gracefully.

    Of course that situation wont happen if anyone's smart..

    But Tash should be gone the second she doesn't win immunity.

  4. I love that Spencer only gets to be the bad guy he came into this game wanting to be, in his votes and confessionals.

    Tony needing to let the audience and everyone playing know that he wasn't really scared that his name was going on to come up, and I KNEW you guys were going to suck, and oh this idol I was about to play, is a total fake, lawl, just makes my head hurt with it's transparency.

  5. Cop Lady was going to destroy Tony either way, she clearly invests a lot of emotion and faith into her identity as a cop, and expects others to do the same. Tony swore to her on his badge, and then behaved in a way that made her feel like it was bullshit. I don't think she was going to forgive that.

    Tony is thinking of Post Russell Hantz Survivor. He's playing to his immediate threats and at the moment paranoia. He knows the game to a degree, and knows how to be charming and likeable, and can manipulate with the best of them, but he doesn't understand the benefit of being patient and keeping a cool head, as shown by his confrontation of Spencer and Jeremiah. Demanding essentially that they say they're sorry for voting him.

    But in fairness to Tony, his end game final 3 wouldn't include LJ or Woo, I mean who would volunteer to sit next to either of them?

    He had to cut LJ loose sooner or later, and while a lot of people like to say that you don't flip this early! What they're really saying, is you should wait until you don't have the opportunity to flip, unless it directly benefits me to allow you to do so.

    His best bet now is pulling in Trish and Kass as his final 3. Because Trish gets maybe two votes, without clear spite, Kass gets none.

    He's kept Woo close, and made him think that taking out LJ was a move that saved his ass, when it comes time to burn him, Tony wont be the only one to bare the responsibility, because he'll be a threat, and Woo is a laid back dude that can probably appreciate that.

    Technically he played it correctly, and still has the numbers on paper if you don't account for Chaos Kass and idol shenanigans.

    His biggest obvious mistake is giving Spencer time, but if he waited he may not have had the chance to split the votes.

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