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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. The Brothers Bloom gets me at the end. Curious Case of Benjamin Button gets me at the end with the flashes of characters. Forest Gump. Battle Field LA. (I'm not proud of that one.)

    Randy Quaid made me cry in Independence Day.

    Most of the movies mentioned here.

    The Worthless song in The Brave Little Toaster.

    The wheel chair puppy dog in Babe 2: Pig in The City. Nothing makes you feel less manly than crying so much during a kid movie that your tears put out your cigarette.

    2 early Episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Both featuring Barney's parental issues.

    The Lollipop in Kung Fu Hustle... Not a scene, just the whole damn theme. It makes me bawl everytime I watch it.

    The Princess Bride.



    The Long Live Play PS3 Commerical about Micheal. Right around "OMAHA!" I start crying like a baby.. I hate that commercial.

    Fried Green Tomatoes.

    Secondhand Lions.

    Jesus' Son several times throughout.

    A few scenes of The Black Donnellys mostly involving Jimmy.

    Hesher made me cry but I kind of hated the movie as a whole.

    The Arthur remake? Yup. Last half of the damn movie.


    The only thing I can ever remember making me cry tears of joy? Deadwood, when the Doc dances.

  2. That's the thing though, Gogo. He CAN beat Brandon and Rick at the finals.

    Given enough time and enough rope? Albert will either hang himself strategicly or destroy Coach.

    If the Upolu 6 + Cochran pick Savaii off? Cochran has the chance granted it is a small one, but he has the chance to slip into a slot when the Mega Powers explode.

    If they don't and fracture the next episode or so? Well.... That's not ideal for him.

    Eventually Brandon will figure out Coach has an idol. Brandon will probably pull a Brandon Hantz. If Cochran is still alive in the game, I think he could actually use Brandon to further himself, because from what we've seen of the young Hantz he has challenge potential that Cochran just doesn't.

  3. Cochran falling ass backwards into a power position tickles me. I've heard people on other boards react with lots of anger to him over his misogyny and what they describe as a general uselessness but right now? The guy is set.

    Some argue the second Ozzy loses or the merge is delayed, Cochran gets his ass booted. I somehow doubt it. He HAS the idol. They know he has it. Dumping the idol would be an awful move in their situation.

    I think either way this turns out Cochran has the leverage he needs to further himself in the game. He's by no means exhibiting any signs of being a great strategic player yet, but he's clearly smart enough not to hand Ozzy the idol if he comes back.

    Still scratching my head over Jim resisting the idea of Ozzy going. It's Ozzy's idea. If it backfires and the merge is delayed? Cochran is the first target, not you. Cochran has the idol and you're his only close strategic ally. You have precious time to establish the alliance to end Ozzymania.

    If Ozzy goes home? You're not the most immediate physical threat from a glance. You can pull Christine. You inherit Ozzy's alliance.

    It's win win for Jim. I expected a look of disbelief and a giddy interview.

    Though in fairness he played it brilliantly immediately passing the buck "What do you think about the idea Cochran?" Smooth Operator, our Jim.

    Coach praying for guidance to find the idol he has in his back pocket? Jackass.

    I hope Brandon ends up betraying him.

  4. I love that Albert decides HE'S an obvious target, and obvious threat, and HE needs to find the idol... And apparently after 20 minutes of looking he gives up.

    I find it even more brilliant that noone on the other tribe seemed to give a shit.

    Ozzy slipped up by being dumb. Jim played that slip up perfectly.

    Whitney is... Just... Ugghh... If showing Ozzy he can trust her by only half turning on him is her big strategic move? She can go back to hiding off camera as far as I'm concerned. That makes no sense. It would make sense in certain situations, but this isn't one of them, and Ozzy? Not the kind of player that's going to understand you giving up fourth place with him for however far the other alliance is willing to take you.

    Ozzy gets bitter quickly, and jumps to the rat card even quicker when he feels out of his depth, which seems to be often.

    To be honest I don't see how eliminating Elyse benefits Whitney. Jim sold Keith effectively, but Whitney jumping along, and only doing it half way seems like a rookie mistake. That's not how you play both sides. That's how you alienate Ozzy and become part of the bottom two if he's not the next to go.

    I'm definitely listening to Cesternino tomorrow. If only because I want to be sure that Stacey can speak English. I'm not sure. I also don't think she understands what loyalty means. It's not let me win even though you hate me and I'm not going out of my way to be the least bit friendly.

    Brandon cries. Take a shot.

    Sophie gets screen time? Rick gets screen time? *clap clap* Well played show.

    Jeff going out of his way to try and humiliate Cochran? Fuck you Probst. Seriously. Go be the replacement Regis, noone gives a shit anymore. Stop being a dick.

    The redemption duel would've been great to see with Ozzy involved. I want to know how his concetration and his hand eye coordination has held up.

  5. I'm not sure if there's help for me, or if I just threw away money for no real reason but...

    I was excited when I stumbled upon comixology, specificly DC's Digital Store. I don't have a comic shop anywhere within my city or neighboring cities, so I tend to do alot of trade purchasing and miss big events and tie-ins.

    Discovering the store 2 nights ago, I purchased the whole new 52 line, the first volume of The Authority, and The Authority/Lobo cross over.

    Then I discover that I can't actually READ the comics on my computer. In that they wont load, they wont even attempt to do so. Not through either DC's Digital store or Comixology's site proper. I can flip through the whole comic book to the credits, but no actual panels load. I've attempted this on two different computers. Same results.

    I've just now installed Adobe Flash updates on both computers and though I'm fairly certain is has nothing to do with it, Adobe Reader just to be certain.

    There's no FAQ or help section that I've been able to find, and I hesitate to use the submit a question function if the fix is a simple one.

    Anyone that's used the service (I supose Matzat) have any suggestions, or atleast knowledge of the requirements?

  6. ... I'm actually, and this shocks me in some way, but I'm warming up to Brandon. I don't know why I wasn't expecting the short stocky dude to be a beast, but he is, and he wasn't entirely objectionable this episode.

    Maybe it's JUST me, but Mikayla and Stacey mocking Edna when she's chatting people up and especially making fun of her laugh really kind of soured me on Mikayla, along with the fact that the strongest female player in Survivor history wasn't actively participating in the strength challenge in a measurable way.

    Found it a bit odd that Jim didn't correct Jeff when he said Jim and Cochran voted Papa Bear. Not technically true, but I supose in spirit it works.

    Cochran continues to disappoint, but I can see the glimmers of hope in his eyes and it makes me want him to do well.

    Jim impressed me again because he really does seem to understand the game, and appears as if he's able to read Ozzy and know he's not secure, and tying Brandon for a new record isn't shabby either.

    Ozzy openly laughing at Jim when he's walking down the trail about 12 yards away is just in bad taste, and it rings true to what I've always heard about Ozzy not respecting strategic play or students of the game. He's fallen into a trap of his own making with the double date alliance, and I think he's getting... Almost content? I think he's ripe to be picked off.

    Coach still amazes me being the calming influence. I think having Brandon around has down alot to make him more likeable. It'll be interesting to see if he goes dragon slayer douchey when he has to start cutting throats.

    Rick? Well, this is a long time dream for him. He's auditioned what? 14 times? And I know next to nothing about him. Poor guy. Apparently the only super fans worth camera time are the nebbish stereotypes and the ones having emotional break downs. Good to know.

    Albert, I want to see more of. He's been fairly backgroundish while still being a muscular competitor, and during the rare moments he speaks he dosn't spew crumbs everywhere. He's one of the good ones.

    Stacey's plan of "I'm gonna tell the other tribe EVERYTHING!" Umm... What do you know? That your tribe didn't like you? That Coach is the figure head leader? I think anyone on the other tribe short of MAYBE Ozzy can guess that.

    Good episode.

    I will never tire of Brandon crying openly and Rick almost looking disgusted by it but at the same time concerned.

  7. In that case.. I can GET why Cochran would push for Papa Bear. I understand that. But Papa and you JUST acknowledged that you're both exendible and that one of you is going home immediately, the other one probably not far from immediately.

    You see Papa with the buldge, you understand what he's doing. You don't try and get the majority to split? You don't try to work it into your advantage?

    Cochran really cut off his only ally of necessity, since Dawn's incompotence is slightly less than that of the double date girls. Can he work something out with Jim, and maybe Keith? It's possible. It's just as possible from judging from the giant grin on Jim's face in the previews and him doing the fake punching thing with his body language and calling it a "Survivor Move." that he's just being sadistic and giving Cochran false hope.

    I somehow doubt if Ozzy goes home next week, that it's because of Cochran.

    Dawn? I understand she's not a strategic player, and I get that she's not in IMMEDIATE danger of going home, but does it really take someone at Tribal council TELLING you you're in the minority, and then someone else (Jim) agreeing wholeheartedly?

    She HAS to realize that's probably not a good sign.

    I'm rooting for Papa Bear at redemption. I really want him back in the game, because it honestly seems as if he understands it well. He can tell when he's been played, when he's being placated, and apparently he can lay seeds, didn't work for him here though.

    I like that COACH looks at Brandon and his basic take on the situation is "Don't be that honest."

    You know you've got some troubles when Coach thinks you should hold back.

    I don't know what to be more offended by. The whole convo with Mikayla, in which he had to gather the group together just so they could listen to him talk down to her slightly.


    Brandon probably wont be much fun at the after party.

  8. I wont spoil anything because I know GoGo wont have watched tonight but...

    My immediate post show thoughts:

    I question Cochran's game savvy.

    I question Dawn's intelligence.

    .... Oh, Brandon. Just... Oh.

    I have to agree with you Quasi. Jim is in an ultimate bad spot. But I think he realizes it.

    Why has Stacey's only verbal contributions been "Boosh.. Boom.." and tonight the wonderful inclusion of "Blaaam!" *stunned head shake*

    Please get her off my tv.

    Christine seeming to believe that Coach voting her off after she loudly let it be known that she's targeting him was a cowardly boo-hoo baby move? A very good indication about WHY she was voted off. Self awareness is key Christine. Look it up.

    Mikayla crying because someone doesn't like her? Yup. She is certainly the strongest woman to ever play the game of Survivor...

    This was a fairly bleh episode, but I can see it leading to good places.

  9. 2 Broke Girls... Almost would have me hooked because it's a frickin' Kat Dennings show which is a premise I adore.

    But there's just something wrong about lesbian, feces, mild racism, and smoking crack jokes mixed with a laugh track.

    Okay show, but I don't know if I can get past the sitcom aspect.

  10. I have to argue with that GoGo.

    Grant immediately joins Rob at the hip. Has a meeting of the minds with him. Eventually gets a confessional where he laughs about someone not being that close to Rob, while spewing forth the keeping the tribe strong mentality.

    That seemed to be his entire Survivor experience.

    Keith does have the whole "We have to judge you up to this point because we don't know your past or the future." comment, but otherwise he seems on pace to be a less physically intimidating Grant.

    I could be wrong, and we'll see how the rest of his edit goes, but I'm thinking he's the inoffensive muscular dupe WITHOUT the strategic mastermind to do his thinking for him.

  11. This will sound dumb, unrealistic, and very self important but.... Nothing has ever made me want to audition and be cast for Survivor half as bad as tonight's episode.

    My DVR lied to me. That Tribal Council wasn't explosive... It was.. It was just painful.

    Brandon is defintely a Hantz. The clinging to his happy marriage and religion is clearly protesting far too much. Plus yeah.. If you're abut 4 minutes away from benefitting from a bald face lie without anyone suspecting you to be a liar or throwing your name around despite your best efforts to fuck up? KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! You aren't suddenly honest because you admit you were lying.

    What's the over/under on Christine having actually seen an episode of Survivor before being cast?

    Mikayla wins the Phile award of the night for "trustable." I didn't think I would be hearing that adjective tonight.

    I love that the bestie voting bloc of two doesn't actually vote together.

    I loved the little crab fleeing from Semhar's poetry.

    Speaking of... If I'm Semhar? I'd be pissed. You don't repeatedly tap a sleeping stranger on a deserted island in the middle of the night. It's just not cool.

    Coach slowly slipping into his Daddy Pants? Not a good sign. He was waaay to gleeful towards the end.

    Ozzy is the one case where I can't argue that the Producers are engaging in Idol Hijinks. Because yeah, that fucker would climb every tree in Samoa, wouldn't he?

    Jim forming the already formed cool kid alliance? Meh.

    Keith mocking Jim and basically admitting to being the co-brains of the outfit? Slightly Less Meh, kind of funny, because he really is Grant.

    Christine catching Edna in a lie, and then being all "HA BITCH! I caught you in a lie! What up?!?" was just awful.

    Stacey? So much hate for her. Like lots of hate.

    My jury is still out on Cochran, I'll give him some time.

    Brandon's continued "She turns me on, so I hate her" creepiness? I'm thinking the editors LOVE this storyline.

    Everyone's general outrage of the whisper that Mikayla may go home. "WHAT?!? But she doesn't suck like the rest of us girls! Let us keep the one physically strong athletic woman... So we can... Look good by comparison? Wait.. Why are we keeping her?"

  12. First Thoughts:

    Good on Coach 3.0 for admitting fear and worry. He actually does seem to have evolved somewhat, and only time will tell, but it seems like he is honestly a better glue for his tribe than Ozzy would be. If his Douche doesn't act up I could root for him.

    Austin (?) probably wont get a huge amount of screen time unless he's an asshat but I see the makings of a physical beast there, the way he hauled Lil' Hantz up by the wrists before he could even use his feet.

    I dislike Mikayla for what she represents. The whole female boston rob thing, her general atttude, that's sorta icky to me.

    Even ickier? Lil' Hantz. It doesn't make me want to see you win if in the first hour of game play there's a shot of you doing something that wouldn't be out of place in a fan made music video set to "The Creep"

    Seriously dude? You can't abide Mikayla because you're tempted to cheat on your wife with her, and that's her fault? Lingering stares from the bushes? I really wanted to like you. Like, really.

    You're a goof, and not far from being insanely offensive.

    Though I did find it cute that he waded out in the water to his knees, caught a minnow, and did a roar of the mighty hunter.

    How is any male going to justify NEVER being shirtless for 39 days? The smell alone would be just cause for torch snuffing.

    Cochran? I'll have to wait and see. He's coming off as less awesome nerd, more arrogant nerd with crippling insecurities.

    I love Papa Bear. If there is a funny 115 entry in this seasons future? I hope it's Papa Bear. He thus far seems adorable, and it seems as if he knows the game well, and can work it. Time will tell.

    Rick? Got major love for Rick, because he's right. If you don't learn how to start a fire before coming to Survivor, you're dumb.

    Dumbest Player? Maybe Stacey. We'll have to see, but when you get within inches of a clue to the hii and don't find it in a hole because you don't reach in? I don't have confidence. I hate to say this but I'm already getting older Naonka vibes from her, she seems to have a certain attitude.

    Ozzy lost me at let's go swimmin' and I'd be fine sleeping on the ground. Not the leader his tribe needs, dangerous, beat him to death with a rock when he's sleeping.

    Edna has potential. I ultimately think she'll be lost in the shuffle, but depending on how douchey Coach gets this season, and whether or not she implodes during a challenge, that one little kind of act of helping with his bags could get her along.

    Tonight the role of Grant will be played by Keith. Here's hoping he gets a personality.

  13. So has ANYONE but Probst ever called Keith "Ashton Kutcher Extra Large"?

    Cuz I somehow doubt it.

    After watching the preview... Yeah, it does look like they nerfed the tribes this season when it comes specificly to alpha males just so Coach and Ozzy wouldn't have too much trouble.

    I'll never get comfortable with young women saying they're prepared for Survivor because they have pageant experience, and they're not afraid to flirt. It always makes me feel icky.

    And the simple fact that the self-proclaimed "strongest woman in survivor history" the female boston rob (Probst's words) is just some lingerie football player makes my heart sad.

    Edna doesn't inspire much hope in me since she's associated with Samoa Nick, and didn't even want to be on the show.

  14. I don't care if it would leave my tribe saddeled with daddy bear and cochran as the physical anchors, I'd still vote Ozzy off before the helicopter landed.

    He's popular, he's a physical threat, and in his previous seasons he's shown to not be super rational, so unless you're in control of him like Yul was he's dangerous.

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