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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. Anyone that cheers when a member of their tribe quits deserves to lose. It's like throwing a challenge. It's not smart to be happy about it.

    Tony especially should've tried his best to keep Lindsey in the game. Trish is making moves despite probably be an ultimately ineffectual player, and with LJ present I have to believe Tony's game is at risk. I think he panicked with the Cliff vote, and didn't consider how it would impact him long term.

    Lindsey's hatred of Trish would've been a useful buffer if things didn't work out to his advantage. He has either a fall back alliance with her and Wu, or more likely, someone Trish would be more willing to vote out than him.

    I think Lindsey quitting was a case of writing on the wall and not wanting to sit through Trish being odious in her general direction until whenever they lost. It's disrespectful to the game, and I hate it, but there's very few people that handle the post tribal fireside gloat very well, so I can't really judge her for being over it.

    But I do think some assurances from Tony would've given her hope and made her viable pawn.

    Could've been useful since Cops R Us may or may not be available to him in the future.

    They tried to be slick with the Alexis vote, and actually this season has been pretty good about audience blindsides, but I saw it coming. Jeff asks the question "Hey, Alexis, why are you smiling that two people from the other tribe are gone?" And maybe she was trying to be nice and not throw salt in the wounds by saying "I'm glad they're dead, and hope they burn in hell." but she answers in probably the worst way possible. I'm glad my former tribe, those two of which I'm well connected with, are safe.

    Behind her Spencer IMMEDIATELY turns and nods to Sarah, and then turns back smiling when Jeff asks him the same question.

    I'm sure there were other considerations, but throughout the episode I couldn't help but think that handing people that want to kill you a weapon that big was going to turn out badly.

  2. the anal probe took me 13 tries and switching to casual. eventually I had to set my controller down and repeatedly mash a with my index finger. wasn't till after I beat it and had to deal with other qtes that I realized I could just unplug my controller.... for some reason the keyboard works real well when dilating.

    I was not prepared for some of the grossness later on because I had did my best to avoid those particular episodes, but the abortion mini-games themselves aren't over the top as far as content. Though some fetal enthusiasts may find offensive things within the game.

    Canadians have the best health care.

    The magic girl bit? I loved with all my heart, and I'm hoping youtube has a clip of that I can loop forever.

    Good game, though a bit short, and a brief glance at the achievements doesn't reveal anything worth playing it again to catch what I missed... Though I will.. So I can be a Jew.

    Overall probably the finest South Park game that will ever exist, if not all encompassing.

  3. Really that beauty tribe... I was screaming at the screen when Alexis suggested split and gave Jeremiah his chance to vote her out. Thankfully in the distance LJ approaches with the idol in his pocket and enough since that a split vote is never a good idea, surely he'll.... agree. Damn. I'm not sure why Jeremiah didn't pull the trigger, but I'm pretty sure it cost him prize money. Jefra isn't humorous in all the right wrong ways enough to be Kat so I can see her grating on me quickly, but I do appreciate her point blank asking Jeremiah if he's in a secret alliance he didn't tell her about and making him crumble right there before he could pitch her. I think Morgan made the wrong play trying to force a barely comprehending girl to vote out her apparent bestie, especially when she raises the idea of voting out LJ. Sure he's carried them on the puzzle portion thus far, but with a redistribution in the not too distant future and the brains likely continued suck? Why not pull a Sandra and take out the sure thing? Brice would've still gone home, yeah, but Jefra was going to be the key number, and if she's not ready to take out Alexis, you don't take her out. On the brawn side, I know it's probably just editing, but everything turning up Aces for Tony seems weird. I think I have to enjoy him while he lasts, because everything he says becoming a hashtag has to be setting him up for a downfall right?

  4. I haven't watched an episode since I clicked on this thread and saw that Vytas and Caleb were gone.

    I've never done that before. I've never backed out of watching this show.

    But right then it seemed academic, judging from Caleb and Hayden's "We're taking out Tyson!" preview, and the "First she voted out her mom, and now Ciera is the most dangerous player in the game." *Tyson glancing pensively in Caleb's direction* commercials? It wasn't hard to piece together.

    I caught the end of tonight's episode by accident. Coming in from work with it playing and hearing Monica say the words "I'm the swing vote."

    I didn't know exactly who was left, but I immediately knew the end result.

    It made the rest of show painful.

    Hayden made a mistake at FTC, throwing around the word control in his opening statement. "Yeah, I couldn't win Immunity, but there are other ways for me to control this game, wink wink." Though I do have to hand it to him, tip toeing around Jeff's "Are you looking for a crack? Like Monica? Someone easily manipulated and stupid who would ruin her game by turning on Tyson, like Monica?" line of questioning. As less savvy player might have fell for that bait.

    Ciera for her part, pushed WAAAAAAAAY too hard. She started off well enough, but that's not the tact you take with someone like Monica. Granted, you'd never change her mind, ever, even if there was a "If I win, someone named Monica Culpepper who has these last 4 social security numbers gets double the prize money." clause.

    But "YOU SUCK AND YOU'RE DISAPPOINTING BRAD!" isn't going to reach her, and let's face it. This is a woman that was perfectly happy to work with Colton until she was expendable, whipping out the mean jerk label wont make her run screaming to your side.

    The really sad thing, is even if both of them played it perfectly? Monica was always going to vote how she did, because that's the game she's been playing every step of the way. She's paranoid and rethinks herself a bit, but she's content to sit there at tribals and look sad and conflicted about it, and then stumble through an explanation about how it was all strategic and her game play from the beginning at FTC.

    Ciera brought this on herself by not hauling ass to a Caleb Hayden Mom alliance the second her Mom suggested it with "PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE IN WITH HAYDEN AND CALEB!" Hayden played an okay game, but I'm far more interested in whether or not Kat jumped off a bridge because he called Katie hot, and she finished in a more socially acceptable position to date.

    At this point Ciera's hopes lay in an immunity run. And if her Mom comes back? That's blown.

    It's shaping up to be an uninspiring Final 3 for me.

    Tyson deserves it, he'll probably get it.

  5. "We're 5 men strong.... We've got 4 men and a gay guy so we're good."

    So this episode is why Monica was cast in the first place?

    My mind is blown, like really. This is some Chikara shit right here. It's been years in the making, so much effort and time put in, but they've finally done it.

    Hodgeboom, Jimmy Johnson, Grant, even Jeff Kent. Useful in their own ways but ultimately falling short of the goal.

    A famous jock alpha male placed on a tribe where he SHOULD be very successful, who is not only vaguely aware of strategy but has the potential to be entertaining as well as dominant.

    Brad Culpepper is the Survivor Unicorn. He is our Messiah and he has come to save us all.

    I'm not sure that the "Gervase was celebrating!" excuse is the reason Marissa got the boot so much as that she seemed intelligent, and made the mistake of acknowledging Brad's tarp foot in mouth while he was standing right there. It's like calling Coach a temporary player an hour before he assumes control of the tribe. Brad seems collected enough to use Gervase being annoying as a really dumb excuse, but petty to the point that he'd take her "Not on my tribe!" comment as a personal attack, and prioritize her eviction over puzzle failure.

    Saddens me because Marissa is one of the few young black women I can remember on this show that weren't immediately classed as crazy, bitch, or ghetto, but doesn't seem to be a player.

    Rupert clearly fighting his own legend, looking for any reason he could to take back his over the top volunteering? That was amazing.

  6. I have plans in my head for a 3 day title tourney as the opening event. So I'm sort of drafting based on a diary that might never appear Storyline wise? UMB isn't super important, but I did have vague plottings of him hanging out with Icarus and Sidney Bakabella as the greatest heel triumvirate ever assembled.

    Frightmare judging by the roster is shaping up to be the flippy talent workhorse, really.

    I would outright trade Mutoh for Ibushi, but I doubt you'd be interested in that.

    But your roster does have some talent I'd love to work with in short appearances. Would a trading alliance be out of the question?

  7. I have no friends. No gold. No undefeated streak, and because Pro Wrestling DAREDEVIL wouldn't hire me? I don't even have Hallowicked.

    I have lost my purpose in life. My followers, the people that so loudly claimed to love and adore me? They have abandoned me when I needed them most. What's worse? I had to walk to Florida, because Icarus wouldn't let me carpool unless I wore matching tights. Do you have any idea how much sun you have to expose yourself to when you walk to Florida? All of it. All the sun. That's stupid.

    But along the way? I met someone. Someone worse off than me, if you can believe it.

    I barely recognized him. His story? Not that much different than mine if you really think about it. Except, I'm not weak. He was adored and loved by all the fans... But one? One desired him. Burned for him with a passion unfamiliar to mere humans. And when he fell into that fan's clutches? The inferno burned away everything real. Melting it all to the bone. He became a robot. A cookie cutter byproduct.

    That's not what he wanted to be, I mean that's not what he ever was... So he tried to be different. He tried to dedicate himself to hurting people. Turns out? He was really good at it. He hurt lots of people, but he never hurt them as much as the fans hurt him.

    I found him, shattered and broken on the side of the road, crying like a long haired, bearded, baby. Bawling his eyes out uncontrollably. I didn't know whether I should smash his head open with a rock or breast feed him, but something deep in my soul echoed out like the shrill voice of a British woman, and demanded that I do neither. So I stopped to point and laugh at him a little bit, before going on my way.

    But in his madness? He said something to me. Something I can't repeat, that restrained me from chuckling derisively more than 3 times.. Something that made me want to help him.

    So here we are. I collected him. One more follower that I know will eventually forsake me, because let's face it, that's the trendy thing to do. He swears he worships me. Says that I'm his best friend. Tells me he loves me.

    I was confused before. But I know better now.

    I'm not a God like Hallowicked, I never needed people to sing hymns to me. I never needed friends. And I never needed love. All that? None of it's real in professional wrestling.

    No. All I ever really needed? Was a Hero

    I draft him as well.

  8. The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.

    The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.

    Do you have any idea how boring you are? What dull uninteresting plebs you and your "colony" have become? You march blindly, free of independence, free of thought, free of any real identity. Oh you cling to your caricatures of personality well enough, I'll give you that. You're certainly committed, A for effort, my dove... But what you fail to see is like most attempts at imitation? You are nothing but a lie. A dim memory of what you desperately try to represent.

    Absent of true self expression? You are nothing.

    I suppose you choose to remain ignorant of the fact, because for you? That must be so much more devastating, right? I mean, were you really anything special to begin with? Were you ever more than just a child's attempt at aping a more successful artist? I can't recall. So you march eagerly, and ignore the tragic oblivion that is your lack of that sweet undefinable spark that makes life worth living and worth throwing away.

    Because you were never anything more than just another number... How sad is it then, that your numbers have vanished?

    The ants go marching one by one.

    How lonely you must be, my dear sweet boy. Lost in the cold dark world of anonymity, by yourself which is a state you've always suffered in. How could you ever be comfortable with who you are when you don't know who that is? The storm clouds gather, rain is coming, and no one is there to lead you to ground when you stop and suck your thumb.

    Don't worry, lovey. I'll show you the way. Soon, we'll be together.


    I called myself checking and I can't spot him with an exclusive. So.. Orange Cassidy please.

  9. When I was a kid? I loved wrestling. Not really a surprise, I mean it's sort of bred into us, right? :rolleyes: I've been thinking quite a bit about that lately. Breeding. Genetics. How much of who we are is really determined by who we are? Can we really be the masters of our own fate, when our families play such a huge part in our creation?

    I noticed something as a kid.. In wrestling? The people that looked like me were never the good guys. People that looked like me were never smart. It never seemed to bother anyone else... They just went along with it. I remember when I was a little boy I asked my dad about it and he told me "It's just the way things are."

    And then he bit the head off a chicken, while my mom screamed and danced in the corner.

    I always worked hard in school, I prided myself on it, proving to everyone that I was capable of independent thought, but something strange happened. The more I learned, the more I educated myself? The dumber everyone else seemed to get. I guess in the end, that's why I am so dead set making this move.

    I love my family, I really do, and I'm very proud to represent my people... But I am not going to wake up tomorrow and feel the overwhelming urge to take vengeance on Roddy Piper.

    I wont go to a MMCW show and hit Ted DiBiase with a SUV for Roman Reigns.

    My sincerest apologies to Jay Lethal, but I don't care how much beef and spice is involved in the pig roasting process, I will not be attending your macho luau.

    My brother doesn't get it. He doesn't know why I need a break, why I want to get away. He doesn't understand that I can't take it anymore, that sitting there night after night as he stares blankly at the wall biting into raw pineapples while the Brooklyn Brawler in a safari outfit gives instructions on how to operate the DVR, is killing me.

    I am not a savage.

    My people are not savages. Something strange is going on. I will find out what. I will find out why. And if someone is responsible? I will find out who.

    It's just a matter of using your head, and I suppose just this once you can believe the stereotypes, because I am very good at that.

    Florida seems nice this time of year.

    Joshua "Inspector" Fatu

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