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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. Goodbye David, you got mildly amusing in the end, and I believe I will miss you.

    Phile playing the race card was just... magical. That was in no way called for. Steve is a miracle worker to keep dignity and some civility in that situation. I'm not certain I would have been able to.

    And sure it's petty and trivial and more than a little mean spirited but I applaude the zaps for refusing to allow Phile to pool the rice. If you pool the rice into one container it becomes community property and then you get Phile and Ashley griping at you because you're eating too much.

    If you're next in line to go no matter what you do, eating more and depriving your opponents of the same priviledge can only be useful, especially if they're the ones that established a division within the groups.

    I agree that Matt needs to go, and Probst feeding him with that "you won again" bullshit... He didn't win again. Mike beat him, if redemption island made sense he'd be sitting on the jury right now with David.

    God is not carrying you Matt, Burnett is. Learn the difference.

  2. I would definitely relish any opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something like this, and would love to be a contributor. I'd perhaps be better suited for video reviews since that's something I'm capable of, because as anyone here that knows me can tell you, I'm horrid at forming actual sentences. Not sure if you have something that large of scope in mind, or if you're hoping for mainly written articles, but either way I would be interested.

  3. In fairness to The Zaps who have admittedly really mismanaged this game, Phil was never going to flip to work with them, he's playing for 2nd or 3rd place, not 6th or 7th. If he did turn on Rob it would be with smaller numbers, and if you watch during the pre-merge challenges, it almost seems like he has a real animosity towards them.

    The Zaps main problem is that their own strategy of staying united until the smaller weaker threat is eliminated is being used against them, and they are completely unprepared for it. If Grant or Andrea is smart they'll work something out with Steve/Julie and MAYBE Ralph before it's too late to save themselves, but no Ometepe EXCEPT for Matt had a reason to flip with Mike and David around just so they could draw rocks if it went bad, or be at the bottom of an entirely unknown and untested alliance if it went right.

    And as a stupid aside? If he's really carried to FTC I hope Phillip wins just so the reunion show runs for like 8 hours.

  4. Favorites: Yul. Penner. Cao Boi. Becky. (Cook Island: The One With The Funny Racism). Courtney, James (China) Cirie, Bob (Exile Island). Sandra, Fairplay (Pearl Islands). Taj, Coach. (The Coach Show) Yau Man and Earl. (The Yau Man and Earl Show Featuring The Turtle!) Sugar. Hatch. Black Widow Jerri.

    Least Fav: Rocky (The Yau Man and Earl Show featuring thinly veiled homophobic bullying and a younger white male.. well, in fairness italian repeatedly calling his older black bullying victim... boy. Stay classy Rock.) Nate, Parvati, Candace (Cook Island). Russell (The last 18 seasons) Racist Randy.... Just... Dude. Really? Dude. Racist Ben (Samoa.) Jane From Nicaragua, something about that woman's teeth and her irrational anger just bugs me.. Oh yeah, Shambo (Samoa) and while we're at good ol' Sue Hawk. Sue Hawk 2.0 Jerri. (HvV) Colby's Corpse (HvV)

  5. Potential Spoilers if you haven't watched Pearl Islands. Sorry. Editted to remove, and make relevant to this season... Ummmm... Umm..

    Oh, yeah!

    As much as I would have just as eagerly thrown the challenge to get rid of Russell if I thought he had a shot at finding an idol and had already grabbed a pair of henchgirls? In hindsight it was a mistake to vote him out, and not because they lost momentum or any of that nonsense.

    Voting out Stephenie and Krista would have accomplished the same thing, it would have killed Russell's threat to their tribe unless he flipped, and anyone that knows Russell knows he's not flipping just so he can share someone else's glory.

    The Zaps ended up desperately needing Russell's experience and the ability to do exactly what Russell does. Make cracks in alliances.

    If you replaced Russell's name with Steve in the boot order and kept everything else the same? Russell, David, Mike, Ralph, Julie, and Ralph's idol that noone on ometepe knows about could work something out.

    But that's the advantage to being an arm chair survivor player I guess.. *shrugs*

    Zap needed a sneaky persuasive bastard that could sell them. David had no interest in doing so, Mike is too rational, and Ralph? Well, that was straight up sad.

  6. I'm a little disappointed in David. "Hey, the flagpole is moved. There could be an idol under it. Let's dig.. Hmm.. No idol. Okay, so Mike's gone. Probst is repeatedly telling us to dig deep.... Hmmm.."

    DUDE! Check where the flag was.

    I'm not a big believer in producer shenanigans, but if I can tell for certain an object has been tampered with, I'm not stopping at looking at that object, I'm digging a tunnel 3 miles wide around it.

    Love that David actually gets more likeable when he realizes he's going home. And couldn't help but notice when Probst was describing the challenge, the second he said the word puzzle David perked up. He really fought for that one, and I can see him doing well in certain puzzle challenges, I noticed him actually looking at the pattern though and taking his time, which was probably a mistake when Grant and Mike are just shoving pieces together as quickly as they can. Could have been a very good cereberal player, but now even if he wins redemption island (Which I'd bet good money that he could.) he's toast. The Rahb mafia comments, could have been offensive considering Rob's heritage, but I think they were actually pretty dead on, and David's jovial tone helped. Dude needs to smile more.

    Phillip playing for second place isn't shameful to me, I mean if I was ever lucky enough to get cast, I'd play for second or third myself, it's a good strategy, but being an asshole to the tribe low in numbers just for the sake of being an ass makes me worry that he's not entirely acting. The more of sane Phillip I see the less I like him.

    Ralph continues to be entertaining. His banter with Jeff in previous episodes, his mocking of Phillip, and the fact that he put Ashley's name on the block from a simple grasping at straws comment about ftc votes makes him enjoyable. Which means if he's not gone next week, it's only because The Rahbfather takes care of whoever comes back from redemption island. His survival after that depends entirely upon whether or not he can win i.i. and if Rob wants to put a bullet in the back of Grant's head before the final 6.

    I also love Ralph's votes. "Ressel, Krasta, Stiffinie, Philite, Davey." I was disappointed he didn't go for "Rohb" Say what you will about him being dumb, he knows what makes good tv and he's playing it up. God bless him.

    Steve and Julie are lame ducks. Julie has potential but if she was going to make a move she'd have made it before now. These two are just waiting to be picked up by any Ometepe member looking to shake things up pre-final 6, which is unlikely since the numbers required to flip at this point just aren't there, unless several people decide to take out Rob, and with them all convinced they're in his final 3 why would they risk it just yet?

    For this same reason, I don't hold out hope for the redemption island winner lasting beyond his return episode. Matt is a twice scorned strategic moron whose burned any possible bridge he has beyond winning every immunity challenge he can until the numbers are so low someone needs him... He's Fabio 2.0 without the stealth mastermind streak. Unfortunately he's also Probst's dream contestant a buff good looking young dude that has proved his challenge dominance over weaker women and a fat dude, he's the living embodiment of out play, so chances are even if he loses this redemption island, he's getting a huge fuck-off chunk of the reunion.

    Mike is smart, likeable, well disciplined, and a physical threat that speaks well. He's a less calm Yul that got the rotten luck of not having a suitable Penner flip or a handy challenge monster buddy, with the jury made up of a good deal of Zaps, there's no way in hell you'd want him anywhere near final four, and I honestly wouldn't allow him there even if the jury was filled with only people Mike has wronged by punching their infants.

    Dave as stated is doomed if he reenters the game, unless someone takes pity on him and pulls him into an alliance, and if this is the case, he's certainly not making it much further than Rob.

    Andrea and Grant are in the same boat, they're both threats to Rob for different reasons, and they're both waiting for their moment to strike, unfortunately they probably wont get that moment, since I'm betting Rob takes one of them out before final 6, just to be certain. It's too late for them to flip to zap, and none of Ashley, Natalie, or Phillip have a reason to think they'll need to take out Rob.

    Ashley is interesting in that I believe Rob had intended to take her along with Natalie just as a dumb girl alliance of his own, and I think she's fallen from third place thanks to a lethal combination of Phillip's Craziness Being Attractive, Rob's Paranoia, Ralph's One Social Move, and Natalie throwing her under the bus.

    Natalie is honestly the biggest threat to Rob, and one I'm not sure he sees. Natalie is young, has played a mostly quiet game, has been in on all of Rob's decisions from the get go, and has proven to be suitable and endurance and balance challenges. Most importantly noone there will believe she controlled everything with Rob around. I believe she can easily beat Rob for the million. Whether he's aware of this or not, I have no idea.

    Rob has mismanaged the jury thus far, and may continue to do so. He's controlled his tribe but he's alienated the other, and will get MAYBE David and Mike's votes for respect of the game, but I'm shakey on Mike. Who knows maybe they'll give him his due, but I believe that his paranoia and general (well-deserved) cockiness may ensure he cashes yet another check for not a million dollars.

    The Redemption Island concept itself? I doubt will be back, since Rob has shown how stupid it is with his Charlie Brown Kicking the Football treatment of Matt. Redemption Island is only useful if you're down in the numbers or want to change your position, otherwise there's no reason to allow anyone back in the game. And the idea that someone as bad at this game as Matt can be voted out twice and still have the chance to come back and win the whole shebang is insulting as a fan. If I want an underdog story I'll watch the Cook Islands season, I don't need to see Jesus and The Producers piggy back someone into FTC because they couldn't get there themselves.

    The Ghost Tribe? Better idea.

    Thus far, I like the season. There's been moments that make me roll my eyes and groan, but things are good overall.

  7. If hardcore survivor fans are telling you a guy that's now playing his 4th game with a bunch of survivor children who are keeping him around basically to benefit them makes him one ofthe greatest players to never win? Just.... Eeeh...

    Yau Man, Cirie, Ozzy, Sugar, hell even Fairplay have all come much closer to winning than he has in one go.

    And any one of them could play a bunch of newbies like a fiddle. Penner and Cao Boi could do so just as easily despite not getting quite as close as he did.

    BRahb has gotten very lucky with the season thus far in that Phillip exploded and noone considered "Hey, that chick has an idol. Rob can't vote her out for the forseeable future, that means he'll target people he considers expendable.. I don't intend to give him a million dollars.. Hmmm... Maybe, I should jump ship."

    Because if I had the chance, I'd jump at the opportunity to vote of Rahb. Having two players with 7 games between them is bullshit. Plus these guys are already famous and you have to worry about people getting starstruck or using them to get the end at the expense of you. In a situation like Redemption Island, it would make much more sense to put Rahb out of comission so the producers have less of a chance to bring him back, and he either goes home or sends home alot of threats for you.

    In the end he can win this, he can play these people, that doesn't make him a survivor god. He's got a good social game, he's smart, hell with puzzles, strong at challenges, has good leadership abilities, and can help you make a camp.

    That makes him dangerous. Let him make your shelter, get a fire going, and then kick his ass to the curb.

  8. Loving the hillbilly show down, and I'm actually getting some Cao Boi, Yau Man, likeable sort of guy vibes from Ralph. I really reaaaaaally hope he can keep his mouth shut about the idol for just a little bit, so he doesn't give Russhole the necessary leverage to boot him. He stirred up the shit with the idol clue call out, and that's amazing because he painted Russel as a giant douche, but he needs to slow play now.

    The majority of his tribe that we've heard from wants to slit the little troll's throat, so Ralph really doesn't need to play the "I got the idol" card to get him eliminated.

    But I like him so it's odds on that he brags when he doesn't have to and bites the bullet, especially considering Russ' Dumb Girl #1 hailing "THE GREATEST BLINDSIDE IN HISTORY!"

    Seeing as this is the last season we'll see Russ I really want him to be voted off early, at the hands of Ralph, David, The Silver Fox, or Army Boy. Each of whom has the potential to be very enjoyable if they get actual screentime.

  9. Not that it needs saying since it's pretty much common knowledge, but my performances as either town or scum are mixed at best, crushingly bad at worst.

    I believe I'm one of the few people on this board to have ever gone out of my way with no suss on me to get myself lynched as a bomb, and guessed right, taking out scum in doing so.

    I liked Sons of Anarchy...

    For some reason as town I have a bizarre ability to call out scum by name, make vague reads on them, and then when lightly reassured forget about it completely.

    As scum I follow ordes and help where I can. As Don I do everything in my power to listen to my crew and try to let them distance themselves from me for when i have my inevitible melt down.

    I can't talk my way out of ANYTHING, and any win I get I kinda consider to have been luck, especially as scum. The only games I've really shined in were Futurama, Obscure 1, Dexter, and Cartoon Axis of Evil (still my favorite game ever even if I was modkilled, I mean Invader Zim claim AND nailing Bleh as scum with absolutely no provocation? Good times.)

  10. If you don't think so, try to win a game where all the townies left are lurkers and let me know how that works out when you can't get enough votes to lynch scum. It does you no good if there are 8 townies, but only 3 are playing against a scum group of 4-5 active players.

    Yeah... Futurama.

    I never thought I'd say these words, but I agree with naiwf.

    I realize more often than not I've been the dead weight he's referring to, but I can speak from personal experience, when you're the only not mafia or cult that's voting? It fucks a game up, granted that was more of a case of people just giving up the ghost, but still.

    Addition by subtraction is never an easy thing to argue, and I find myself ping ponging back and forth between hating it and supporting it, but in the rare cases where you have nothing to go on, and everyone seems shiney? It's probably not such a bad idea to take out a townie that refuses to play town. Note, I'm not saying shitty player, or even new player. I'm saying townie that doesn't want to help. Period.

    Case in point, I could've easily pulled down the first obscurity mafia, thanks to a half ass jester claim handed to me after I'd already given up as don, by the frickin serial killer of all people, if the lurker that had faked a roleposting requirement before he decided to vanish from a game where the actual role post required guy was dead and town hadn't been replaced right before the final day...

    Fucking Maxx..

    If the lurker was alive, I could've sat back and watched Ace lead the charge against him.

    There's nothing that stings a town worse than someone who just gave up costing them the game, and it's unfair to everyone involved. So sometimes you have to eliminate the weak links to prevent it.

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