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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. I know he's balanced like monkey, but is Ozzy really going to be the same challenge monster? I mean this is several years later, and unless the producers build him a pool he's not going to be able to swim.

    I may be in the minority, but I'm really rooting for Brandon. I kinda hope he wins if ass hattery isn't in the blood line. Though I'm not sure Coach will give him an opportunity.

  2. I still find it weird that if I lead the town to victory it's cuz noone was playing, and if I work the town to the best of my ability, things just line up right and me and my fellow scum are left standing victorious... The town sucked because they were played by me.

    One day I swear I'll play the best game possible and Naiwf will give me a "Good job, Pleather... Good job."

    This thought comforts me.

  3. It'll probably be over looked by Maester Pycelle's little scene was my favorite moment of the finale. HE DOES SQUATS! He stretches before council meetings! It makes me want to learn so much more about him now that we've seen he's putting on a mask. And that exaggerated little stoop at the end complete with the "Is it really worth all this shit?" sigh was wonderous.

    I have to agree that I would've liked to seen Renley, just to remind us he's in the picture, but they have alot to build up so I can understand if they don't slap him in.

    Seeing more of Little Finger and The Spider's respectful hate for each other is nice, so they pretty much just take jabs at each other and freely argue about whose the better treasonous wretch when they're alone in a room together. Good to know.

    Baby DRAAAAAAAAGOOOONS! Frickin' awesome.

    Shame Rhaego the stallion dragon who will mount the.. wait, worms? ewww... Died offscreen, but it would've have totally killed the vibe, so it's really for the best.

    So Robert's Bastard decides to wait and threaten the fat kid picking on the little orphan boy untill the orphan boy is about to shank fatty? A little late maybe? But Stark and Baratheon 2.0 should be made of win.

    Dani? Just awesome.. Just awesome.

    Plus more baby dragons.

    Shame no Bronn this episode.

    Charles Dance/Peter Dinklage are perfect together and Tyrion's reaction to being acknowledged as Tywin's son was amazing.

    Jaime Lannister is actually developing into one of my favorite characters, which I didn't expect. Him talking with Cat really sold him to me. He was truthful up to a point, didn't dishonor himself by begging for mercy or trying to deal, and was completely sympathetic to her understandible rage. He's a human being and not a archetype. Thumbs up.

    Jon Snow? Still fairly bland to me, but he's got a wonderful supporting cast on the wall to carry him.

    Bran riding Tonks? Adorable. Shaggy Dog? Adorable. Remembering who Rickon is? Finally.

  4. I half expected a raven to show up at the last second with news Jaime had been captured, thus staying the execution. I was certain Eddard died in the books, but I never thought HBO would pull the trigger in season 1. Bravo. A well deserved death for Ned really.

    Though, it really shows that despite his genetics Joffrey IS Robert's son, when EVERY schemer in all of King's Landing rushes him trying to stop everything from going straight to hell.

    Joffrey is pretty much Robert minus the soldiery gruffness and any sense of earning his position, and his first true act as king shows us that he wont be easily controlled. I look at him and I don't really see the horror everyone else seems to. I hold sympathy for the boy, he's a product of his environment and if he had his father's skill with a sword, or even a small percentage of his mother and dwarf uncle's wit I may view him as an uber baddie.

    He's not. He's a spoiled brat, who truly believes he's the son of the king, who has Robert's entitlment and strategic forethought. He's an older Sweet Robin without the creepy breast feeding and some add sociopathy.

    If Joffrey had a guiding influence like his uncle, or little finger, or Jorah, or hell even another impatient self-entitled brat like Viserys (to give him perspective) he might grow into a fit king. If Ned had swallowed his pride and acted as Joffrey's moral compass when he could have, he might have even developed into a decent person or atleast one with twinges of humanity.

    But surrounded with toadies and yes man, with his grandfather doting over him, I can't see him developing into anything but Viserys with a throne.

  5. Bronn and Jorah (or as he's known at my house Dothraki Bronn) continue to impress.

    John Snow getting Jorah's birth right sword is something that I'm sure wont come of anything, but it's a wonderfully good touch. It makes everything seem significant and interconnected.

    I would soooo vote for King Joffrey. Kid has a good mind when it comes to homeland security.

    "All the dragons are dead, Khalessi." I screamed at the tv "NO DUDE! You forgot the blind guy! He's the DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGOOOON!'

    I really love this show.

    If I had the expertise I'd quickly get started on a 'Guidelines to being a successful Khal' meme.

    "Maybe, don't lean into the sword and flex because it's cool and intimidating? Just a thought."

    Like that Jaime immediately asks for a duel. Also, like that noone is stupid enough to give him one.

  6. Hey guys, remember how I know alot about this canon? Remember how I said there couldn't possibly be safe claims, and that's accepted as fact because everyone that told me to shut up is either dead and scum, or too busy playing to lynch me on principle? Here's a list of people that should claim before me.


    I think we should establish a golden rule where all game runners have Reflecto powers incase of emergency.

    • Like 1
  7. I'd argue that Jeff told the story about Rob betraying Lex because Steve brought it up, and if you notice, Jeff spun it as to tell everyone Rob was just betraying Lex so he could stay loyal to Amber who then beat him. He was telling them to stick with Rob, and sure that's what they were going to do anyway, but that kind of stuff is just sleazey.

    I'd also point out that if Rob and Russell hadn't been there to begin with, someone else would have had to show some personality. Rob being there means the editors get a free pass because Rob knows how to make good television and is driving the story for them. If he wasn't there, someone else would be. *nods*

  8. So, anyone here near the Oregon area going to the casting call on the 16th, in hopes of getting one of the highly desired "not a model" spots? I realize this isn't the thread for the question, but honestly? Just curious.

  9. This Jury seems like it's going to be complete bittercakes, if Rob makes a seat at the final tribal, and since the next tribal is his last chance to play his idol if he's going to I don't see any chance he wont. I somehow doubt the Jury will respect his masterful play, especially considering it's likely made up of 5 people he had alienated and uncerimoniously booted, and 4 people he stabbed in the back (one of whom twice).

    If the R.I. winner makes final 3, they win. If it's Matt I write Probst an angry letter.

    I still say taking Natalie to the final tribal is a mistake. She's the less bitchy of two girls and putting Ashley on the jury gives Natalie an auto vote. She may not have any visible personality, she may infact be a vapid barely adult mean girl, but she hasn't given me any indication of that except for the "PSYYYYYCHO!" in the previews, and I think Ashley could've been a driving influence there, and yeah it's Phillip so kind of forgivable.

    And this is an old note, but I'm really sick of Probst leading contestants in the game. If he wants to play he should stop producing and play. Trying to draw drama from people is one thing, manipulating the game so you can tell the story you want to tell is another.

    Immunity Idols = Okay, if they're not hidden in every reward basket, clam shell, hollowed out log, pair of former secret agent? pink panties you look in.

    Redemption Island = Annoying but okay if it ends at the merge.

    Medallion or Stupid Stick of Advantage = Dumb Idea.

    A returning player against a group of people that don't know the game? Not unless it's Fans v.s. Favorites damnit.

  10. It's a bad sign when the old episode making fun of Jersey you air infront of your new episode is infinitely better.

    The Tyler Perry stuff killed at my house, but otherwise not the best episode ever.

  11. Redemption Island pisses me off, because even if you bide your time, and vote off a threat like grant, or wait until you can blindside Rob, they get pretty much a free pass into the final four if they win one challenge.

    When Judd won immunities in a row it meant something, because he had to win. You don't have to win Redemption Island yet or Individual Immunity at all.

    The season just seems a little bleh..

  12. One of the better performances I've seen. You played subtle and quiet, and weren't targeted as a lurker. Why? Because you didn't lurk. You didn't just drop off the face of the earth only to show up when you're called out.

    You and Maxx were really the stars of that game, and it's a shame neither of you won. Maxx whacking the bomb and the survivor scum taking you out in the same night was pretty epic.

    I really liked your grave yard cultist role. I'll probably tweak it and work it into a future game somehow.

    I've been indy several times.

    Harmony in the Buffy game (where I was a survivor beneficial to the town, got lynched when I came out.), A Indy Protector that sent "I'm scum gossip!" if I targeted a girl in Highschool Mafia (got lynched when I came out.), was The President in a movie game where I was pretty much handed up on a silver platter, was Wario, and Sarkosy(sp?) both tiny percentage serial killers.

    If I ever get the chance to be a straight-up vig, or straight sk I'd take it with open arms and kill with reckless abandon. I'd be the worst vigilante since Hugar, but boy would it be fun.

  13. "Umm.. Uncle Monty?" The boy squeaked out softly, having to physically restran himself just so his eyes wouldn't roll at speaking the man's title aloud.

    "Yes, my boy? What is it? We've got a big day we have to prepare for, no time to chitty chat." The large beer bellied man in the illfitting trench coat asked, his words muffeled under the weight of the heavy cigar clenched between his lips.

    "Are you sure this is safe? I mean aren't most of your students... You know.. Dangerous?" The young man asked raising an eyebrow.

    "Nonsense. None of them would harm a fly. Now come, it's time we orientate your classmates." Uncle Monty gruffed out, the middle aged bearded man almost seeming to bare a smile of excitement as he bounded through the door of the run down community center he'd rented for use as his 'school'

    Glancing at all the confused looking individuals on the front lawn, he couldn't help but get a tingle of joy, this would be his best class ever.

    "Hey EVERYBODY! Monty cried out to get the assembeled parties' attention.

    "I'm Uncle Monty, Town Aligned Professional Mafia Instructor and I'm proud to welcome each of you to my Mafia School, our first lesson begins right aw.."

    The man never got to finish his sentence, his head turning into a bright pink mushy paste, the deafening sound of a gun shot ringing out several seconds later.

    Partially hidden by the screams and sudden panic of the crowd and the ringing in everyone's ears, a secluded figure and in a low voice softly whispered.

    "Lesson The First. Role Claiming Kills."


    Basic Rules.

    The roles for this are... Well, random. There's not going to be a easily defined pattern. We need 15 people let's get this underway.

    1. Quasi

    2. Anacondakin

    3. Ruki

    4. Pizza

    5. Berober

    6. Bill

    7. Matt

    8. MPH

    9. Phatman

    10. Sheep

    11. Split Second

    12. ACE

    13. Skip

    14. Maxx

    15. SDM

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