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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. I will say that when you're a protector? Scum cops really blow. There's nothing worse than protecting a cop that's given an indy or scum result at the beginning of the day, only to realize towards the end that he's scum and there's jack shit you can do about it.

    Alternatively, as someone that's played scum cop before and won games because of it, it's not an awful role to have in the arsenal.

    I see scum cops as better versions of con men. Cuz con men are horrible to play as, and even worse to deal with. Scum Cops are roles that are limited just because they exist, and if the game is balanced they don't really break anything so I don't see them being the worst role ever.

    You wanna talk superfulous role? Bomb that isn't town.

    Horribly broken.

  2. Stupid question, but I've been thinking about cults lately, and it got me curious.

    How do you prefer to do them? How do you give the cult a fighting chance without fucking the town completely? To be honest, I liked the 'day' cult I ran in Dead Rising, and as far as I know it's the only one of it's kind, gaining voting power from the lynched.

    Granted it too has it's down side, but seeing that it demanded the cult leader try and see lynches accomplished, but required him to hide any multiple votes he had aswell? I think it offered something different from the usual, shut up and recruit as many reputable players in the first few night phases as possible style of play.

    And I'm interested in hearing other beliefs on the much hated role. Is there a way to run a cult without it sucking for lots of people?

  3. The Boondock Saints 1&2. Avoided them both because people told me they were shit. Watched them last weekend, they're not bad at all.

    Jesus' Son: Heard it was horrible. Watched it. One of my favorite Dennis Hopper movies ever.

    True Romance: My other favorite Dennis Hopper movie. Again there's criticism leveled against it being too slow, and too over the top, but if you havn't seen it? I recommend you do. Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman, and Christopher Walken. Fucking worth it.

    Tiptoes: This one has some controversial elements, and I think that's what stirred up the hate surrounding it. It's not a horrible movie. A little bad, someone behind the scenes seems to have a problem with continuity, but there's some excellent performances handed out, and overall if you can get over the cheesieness of the whole thing it's entertaining.

    Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky. If you haven't seen it? See it. Simple as that. A japanese prison movie based on a manga? Fuck yeah. Critics can soak their heads, it's a classic.

    Running Scared (2006): I was told the most believable acting of this entire movie was done by a tatoo of John Wayne. I avoided it for the longest time but watched it this morning.

    The tat does have a good showing. *Nod*

    I can see the criticism here, and actually understand why most people would choose not watch it. I thought it'd be a shitty drama action picture. I was wrong. Sorta. There are some deliveries that fall a little flat, and some of the twists and plot points are a little broken. But what this film does right it does wonderfully.

    The lead IS bland, now this is just my opinion, but he doesn't get better as the movie goes on. He stays bland, but interesting if not believable supporting characters salvage it from being awful and make it a semi-enjoyable movie to watch on your MEH days.

    Smoking Aces 2: Not that bad. It's a direct to dvd sequel sure, and some actors feel out of place, and the plot feels a little familiar, but in the end it's not the worst piece of cinema in the last 50 years.

    200 Cigarettes: I actually can't blurb this one. I'm worried I'll give something away, but it was trashed for various reasons, but is a suprisingly good and funny movie.

    YPF: THIS SHOULD BE HORRIBLE. Callum Blue turns in a performance that actually makes me question for a split second why I love him so much, if he's always going to act the same way no matter what character he's playing, but then I remember I love him and it's all good. Everyone else is pretty good, but the writing tells you that it should have been god awful, and would have been if not for such a nice cast.

    Avoid it if you have problems with sexual themed materil (it's all about various couples fucking, and a character study of them. that's it) no heavy nudity or anything, but different things bother different people.

    Also avoid if you don't like movies where the writer puts himself in the story. He shows up with the most conventionally hot girl in the story, and conviently has the best line of the picture.

    "Noone eats an ass out of obligation!"

    Which is right up there with some of the greats.

    Besides my pet peeves it's a decent movie and I'd recommend it.

    Fanboys: I've heard Spoony, and many others trash this movie, ontop of my suspicions that it would be shit, I avoided it. Having watched it, it's a somewhat forgettable comedy. You wouldn't write-in an oscar vote for it, but it's good and a wonderful performance by Kristen Bell to boot.

    Trick R Treat: Alot of people hate this movie. On the otherhand quite a few enjoy it, and I personally think it's one of the best horror movies aimed at kids/teens/AND adults in years. The complaints I heard about it were all unfounded, except for a brief flash of titties taking you out of what is otherwise a very fun family safe (but not required) movie. It's a must see if you haven't had the chance.

    All of these are available to netflix, and all are worth atleast a curious watch.

  4. I wont delve into it too much since I don't want to effect mph's ideas either way. But when I was designing an Animaniacs mafia, I found no problems whatsoever with preventing a claim fest, and while there is an abundance of characters absolutely none of them demand to be town. There's a million ways you can choose to do it, and the main problem with a Pinky & The Brain mafia is that there are two big name roles unless you throw in Elmyra, and the other roles available for a completely UNIQUE design are non-existant for a larger game.

    It has to remain small unless you dip into other properties and in that case you may aswell be doing Animaniacs.

    It's possible to do both uniquely but Pinky and The Brain I imagine will be a bit more difficult, can't wait to read it though and see how it's done.

    As for Animaniacs and Freakazoid? I'm pysched for both, and short of begging for pre-signups, that's a nuff said.

  5. Over the years before I found a woman willing to settle for less and marry me, I used one movie for first dvd dates.

    The Princess Bride.

    Based on the simple logic that it's a movie that evokes alot of emotions, and even if it's not a 100% guaranteed panty peeler, it's still a fun experience so no big loss.

    More recently, I bought Up and used it for a first dvd date with my future wife. Unfortunately, I hadn't watched it before hand, and ended up openly weeping for most of the movie.

    Not the best course of action unless you're going for sensitive dude pity sex, and despite being a great movie it's really kind of a downer for a date, so I wouldn't recommend it.

  6. Well, lurking is actually a good strategy for a scummy, and doesn't go against the spirit of the game provided the scum DOES get active at one point, lurking is in essence laying low and floating under the radar, and a scummy that's paying attention but simply pretending to not be around can gain a serious advantage by coming in late with alot of gathered information and an apology. Even if the information turns out to be total bullshit.

    Granted, some might find it distasteful play, but I can see how it works, and why someone might lurk as scum.

    But when lurking turns from being apart of the game to disinterest and actual abandonment, that's where it becomes the problem, and really I'm not sure how to solve that as a barely functioning game runner.

  7. Joke posts and a lack of discussion is not the fault of day/night start. It is for the most part the natural progression of games, granted my games tend to take lack of discussion to the nth degree, but for most games there's a lull in the beginning whilst everyone figures things out and gets a feeling.

    These lulls are in both starts, and in the case of night starts and powered games in general can last much longer if noone comes up with anything the first night, some players willing to sit back and wait for results by they hop in out of fear of being discovered as scum, or simply being lynched for contributing.

    I personally don't like day starts, but that's only because I'm not a strong vanilla player and jump to conclusions far too easily, my own preferences not withstanding? Day starts for the most part benefit the town if they'll use the opportunity to base opinions for the first night, so they have an IDEA of where to project power roles, rather than just first instincts about 20 minutes into receiving their role pm.

  8. HTTK, take a look at my game's opening post. Or Hajjhowe's Second X-Men, or Haruhi Suzumiya, or Basically ANY Sousa game.

    That's how you do the opening post of a theme game, even if you're 100% certain noone knows the theme, you give people a taste of the characters, and story, and with any luck if you're the last three games I mentioned you get people hooked.

    I have no doubt that you'll do well, if you choose to run something.

  9. Previously on ThatWithTheGlasses.com

    The Nostalgia Critic stood there in the vast convention center, surveying the damage.. His nearest and dearest friends slayed by invading forces that sought only his death, with no greater ambition than to steal his website, and run it for themselves.

    He was exhasted from the secret battle that had raged on for days, injured by a would be assassin's bullet the first night he carried on, but even now as the end came his shoulder still hurt like hell, yet that was nothing compared to the true loss he suffered.. His tie... Those bastards tore his tie.

    His vision obscured by the copious amount of dried blood coating his glasses, he could barely make out the last threat standing at the other end of the convention center. The last one.. There had been others, strangers to him that had all fallen. This one was different from them.

    The Critic knew he had no interest in the website, not personally, no.. This proud bronze skinned warrior who had slain friend and foe alike was not doing so because he wished to. He was doing it because his father asked.

    It saddened the Critic to think the proud and noble hero would within seconds try to end his life because of the whim of another, and it saddened him deeper still to know he'd have to stop him the only way he could, with a bullet.


    Puppetfunk fell down, blood draining from his well-toned form, the trusty knife that had just moments ago dug deep into the Nostalgia Critic's stomach, the knife that would allow him to ignore the several bullets buried in his chest, and finish the job his father demanded be done... Was sadly now out of his reach.

    He gasped for breath, but found none willing to enter his lungs. His eyes gazed loosely at his injured foe, as the Critic stumbeled about, weary with blood loss, taking aim to finish him off.

    "Goo... Goodbye, old friend." Puppetfunk slurred out as the Critic nodded and pulled the trigger one last time.

    Puppetfunk is dead. he was Turkish Rambo, Ed Glaser Aligned, The Turkish Version of Rambo


    The Critic sighed a sad heavy sigh of relief. The Coalition of Disney Evil had been defeated, and Turkish Rambo had been put out of his misery, no longer a servant to his dark master's evil desires.

    Now, it was time to honor the fallen, and rebuild.. Game over. Until the next time.

    Next time:

    1. Ben

    2. Ruki

    3. HTTK

    4. DavidMario

    5. Split Second

    6. Eddie G

    7. Burny

    8. LCS

    9. King Curtis

    10. Ace

    11. Pizza

    12. Bigsheep

    13. Hajj

    14. Norro

    15. WOC

    16. D-Extreme

    17. DMN

    18. Sousa

    19. Nabeel

    20. Oldskool

    21. Molly

    22. Chimpy

    23. Forky

    24. Hugobombski







    Sign up, trust me this is a good one.

    www.thatguywiththeglasses.com (reference)

    Got 6 more to go.

  10. HTTK? Run something. I realize I'm the worst person in the world to be giving advice to potential game runners, infact the only thing I'm even kind of decent with is creating roles and story, but I more than anyone else here can say matter o'factly what does not lead to a successful game, what with only one out of 10 finishing.

    Watch your balance. I've made this mistake too many times. Trust me when I say unless you want a game that ends in a 3 or 4 day clusterfuck(something I intend to try one day) DO NOT have 6 killing roles in your first game ever. It's bad for bidness.

    Balance is important is the lesson there, but equally so? Creativity. You don't have to tweak every power role, and turn it into something special (although innovation is more than recommended if you can sort it out properly.) just make each role unique, even if they're all plain jane vanilla townies, give people a reason to WANT to stick through the bullshit that gets bandied about in your average mafia game.

    Characterization helps.

    Write up role pms before hand. If you have the concept and the game designed, the pms should be done long before your game reaches the top of the queue. It's honestly sapping to write each of them (atleast in my tl;dr useless detail) in one setting and pass everything out, and it's important that YOU don't get burned out, this has killed more of my games than anything else.

    If applicabe use photos in your role pms. They help make the role feel real, and just somehow pop. I never use them, but if I was smart that would be the way I went.

    Don't be scared of variation, it's your game and if you want to try something new go for it, that's what made Haruhi Suzumiya one of the best games ever and the reason I bought the box set.. It was a simple idea but something truly unexpected, and had top notch execution.

    Try to discourage role claiming (unless it happens to be a role you desperately want to hear posted as, then by all means push for it.) and meta gaming in whatever way you see fit, even if it's just saying blatantly in the opening post that it's not a good idea in this game.

    If you set deadlines, stick to them unless there's one hell of a reason not to. Avoid handing out time sensitive roles (on day blank, such and such happens.) unless you've balanced extremely well they can blow up in your face.

    The best bit of advice I can offer though is learn from people's mistakes. Mein, Visionary's, Reflecto's, those of whichever bastard did RAPE (I wanna say sdm, but part of me says Be was involved somewhere.. Not that it was a bad game, but I didn't get past the poop eating open post so who knows.)

    Take our combined failure and turn it into your success, but ultimately make it fun for you, if you're not bogged down and hating yourself, chances are the players aren't either.

    • Like 2
  11. Intro: She Talks To Angels - The Black Crowes. Beautiful song, and the heroin theme that runs throughout provides a great backdrop for the opening scene overdose of my 15 yearold mom.

    Credits Roll: One Headlight - The Wallflowers. Another hauntingly beautiful tune, and while I'd like the spot to go to songs like "Satan, Satan Lend Me a Dollar", "We 3", or "Daughter", none of them really fit, and One Headlight is a little more unique so I'll let it's melancholy beats take us out.

  12. Douche is a moron, but only because he's making it out to be some sort of enormously noble thing he's done, part of me almost thought he was working Russell when he asked to be knighted, because that's the perfect way to work the little man, play to his ego, but apparently Douche really believes all the bullshit he's been spouting this whole time.

    I would applaude him playing Rob and Russell against each other, and taking out Rob who is clearly the stronger threat to future immunity, if I thought for a second that was his actual intention. I'm beginning to believe he was actually just really starstruck with Rob, and perhaps did consider him as a friend.

    I hate playing into the idea that anyone would be dumb enough to confuse game loyalty with real loyalty and let that prevent them from making the right plays, but it really does seem like Douche wanted to remain loyal to both rob and russell, and didn't want to make an enemy out of either.. Which makes throwing away your vote even more dumb, because we're no doubt going to hear him whine about Rob being gone when he had every chance to save him.

    Sometimes I really despise Coach..

    Moving on.

    I realize that by voicing my favorites I'm immediately dooming them, but if next week is the merge (which I doubt seriously) I can see several alliances forming, and lots of flipping.

    First possible alliance that occurs to me: Rupert and Sandra. I'm not sure of their relationship since their season but both are smart enough to realize they're on the outs, and forming together to prepare themselves for the end game, Sandra doing what she does best and gather an alliance of the outcasts, and waiting for the power tribes to eat each other. I can easily see Courtney and Amanda/or Candice (depending on how it goes) following along.

    Russell lives or dies by the hands of Parvati and Douche, both of whom have natural alliances against him if they wish to capatilize. Parvati's ofcourse swallowing up Amanda, Candice, Danielle, and perhaps Sandra as the kicker vote since she will ofcourse do whatever it takes to survive. If Parvati wants him gone when the merge arrives she has the opportunity.

    Coach's go to alliance, atleast from first glance would include JT (for however long he sees it benefits him), Colby, whichever girl hero decided to come along for the ride, and mayhaps Rupert due to his own self-grandizing attitude. I don't see Jerri getting included in it, I really don't, especially if Colby is present.

    If neither of them split off which seems unlikely, Russell may have a shot, but I'd lean towards him being blindsided by his troops seeing as they are all well versed in doing just that.

    I hate Parvati, and would sooner root for a Lil Russel, Rupert, and Douche 3-Way tie, but I have to admit the odds are stacked in her favor if there's a fast approaching merge.

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