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Posts posted by Pleatherface

  1. if that doesn't make it high into the funny 115 I'll riot.

    The editors got me completely.

    I was freaking out when Carter was pulling the whiney baby "I'm going to starve because I haven't had breakfast." shit while Penner was fishing, I freaked when Carter was absolutely dominated in challenges and then congratulated the other team on their ball placement for putting it in a Malcolm only zone, and Katie complaining about the fish didn't help.

    I just KNEW Penner was going home.

    I was begging through the entire episode for him to play the idol, almost as much as Probst was.

    "Oh, Jeff just mentioned a blindside. PENNER! What do you think about that? Huh? Let's get YOUR opinion on Jeff saying the word blindside."

    "I got this Probst, but thanks. I would appreciate their strategic acumen and be rather proud of them. It would be smart for them to take me out when I don't expect it, and am not aware I'm vulnerable. Like sometime other than tonight, because I have an idol bitches."

    The concerned thoughtful shot of Jeff Kent after Penner pulled the Zen Survivor Master shit? It gave me some hope, but I still nearly cried when Penner didn't play the idol, and the genuinely warm laugh and look he gave Jeff when his name got pulled and he thought he was going? Made it worse.

    It was one of the worst survivor episodes I've ever sat through because of the buffering, the fear I felt for Penner, and the dual cries of "The other tribe got the better deal!" but... It was amazingly told, major props to the editors.

    I just have to wonder what would have happened if Lisa popped up with "Jeff! I'll sit out this challenge if Abi Maria would like to choose to compete."

    Pete nodding when Mike suggests that both himself and Pete gree to give up... And then "Here's the rice you wanted to forfeit for.. Fucking quitters." Makes me really dislike Pete. There's no strategic play there, that's just being a knob.

    Skupin and Penner seemingly having respect for each other if nothing else, kind of warmed my heart a little, and I'm rooting for them to get the spinoff sitcom.

  2. Agreed on Abi-Maria finding the idol being a down moment.

    Russ calling on the power of ancestors suffering through rampant racism and likely rape/murder/enslavement to give him the strength to fight on in a reality show sort of turned my stomach. I get the point he was making, saying that he's here today because of people that went through alot more than this, but still... Kinda squicky.

    Malcolm and Denise are rather brilliant and I feel sorry for them because they're prime targets come the false merge. In Denise's shoes last week I would've panicked and sided with Russ and Roxy, because I truly believed Malcolm was making the mactor move #1 and fully intended to side with the pretty girl all the way because..... pretty girl. I officially issue an apology to Malcolm at this moment. He's a player, and it's great to see.

    Artis having Skupin in his sights is wonderful, and I'm sure that will be Mike's downfall and not repeated self injury.

    Pete seems like he knows what he's doing, but I can't actively root for him yet due to Abi-Maria association and calling himself an engineer while being a model. Dude, you're an educated model accept it.

    RC may have been amazing, but I think she's kind of fucked in the grand scheme, because of the two alliances we've seen her cultivate Skupin could drop dead at any minute, and Abi-Maria took her idol and is sharing it with the only other strategic player on her tribe.

    For the record, Skupin being back makes me very happy. :) He'll never stop being fun.

    Jeff, I find personally distasteful but game wise he seems fairly set, and I'm interested in how it goes for him.

  3. Zane won me over, right up until he decided to insist he was useless.. I don't know what the hell kind of strategy that actually was... Maybe he saw fans v.s. favorites and decided Fairplay had the right idea? I don't get it at all.

    Survivor is a game of voting people out, if you even HINT that you want to go home, they'll vote you out because it's easy and you're not fighting. Unless they hate you and want to keep you in the game, but that's pretty rare.

    Reminding everyone at tribal council how much he sucked and wanted to leave probably wasn't smart.

    But I loved that make an alliance with everyone on the island was his plan, and that it worked until he met Malcolm, who I have to respect for immediately running up and snitching to try and cut down Zane's power base.

    Penner shattering Jeff's knee makes me happy. Jeff then organizing the anti-Penner club does not. I don't see Penner being able to worm his way out of this without an idol or the pre-merge merge.

    RC's "Don't trust the nice old lady, she's evil because I say so!" pitch was painful for me to listen to.

    I don't really care about Lisa, but I can almost see her being isolated and haraunged to the point that she flips, and I wanna see that. Flips that make sense are the best bit of this show, and so very rare.

  4. I'm watching because I'm an addict.

    And really... Blair? That's a weird choice of celebrity. I mean I got Jimmy Johnson, hell I even get the random country singers/wives of foot ball players... But I can't imagine that they expect Blair to bring in the viewers.

    I regret them using Penner on this season, because yeah... It's Penner. I would've loved the opportunity to see him one last time in an all stars or a fvf. Putting him there with a bunch of newbs that don't know or give a shit about him, and Russell Swann? Seems like a waste.

    Atleast they're not bringing in Redemption Island, so I'm good.

  5. Mr. Benedict from Last Action Hero.. They probably meant to make him atleast cool if not likeable, since they've got Charles Dance playing him but, he's my first real example of a bad guy done right. A guy that doesn't make any mistakes, a guy that does it all right.

    I will always love him more than anything else in that movie, and if I ever lose an eye? I'm getting a collection of glass novelty ones.

    U-Turn from Weeds. Again not sure if he qualifies, seeing how the show runners tell us to avoid rooting for their hero. But he was an excellent character, and I was with him every step of the way.

    Vernon Schillinger, Simon Adebisi, Oz. I supported both men throughout the series, up till the point the show tried to make me feel sorry for them. I never liked them soft and mushy. They didn't need to be human, because they weren't. They were monsters, and I was happy with that.

    Ryan O'Reily, Tobias Beecher, Oz. Hated them. So much so that I have an instant rage reaction to the actors that played them even today. I know I was suposed to like them both, Ryan despite the horrible things he did for the saving of grace of being hot and having a special brother... And Tobias for being sad victim puppy that is only really guilty of loving the wrong man, or whatever weepy bullshit they came up with to justify his relationship with Keller...

    I just couldn't care about either of them, and it seriously pissed me off that characters were inventing exciting new ways to shiv a bitch so we wouldn't get bored with all the camoe death scenes, and not ONE person could stab these guys in the throat and press hard.

    Tommy Mickens, True Blood. Tommy was really the best bit for me. Not when I was supose to love him because he hated himself into a whole 'nother person. I adored him when he was just an abused territorial jackass full of awful. In a show where personalities are assassinated more often than actual characters? There was something refreshing to me about the kid.

    Marcus Tullius Cicero, Rome. Possibly the one guy in any HBO Drama to never get a moment where the audience is meant to be sympathetic. But with everything going to hell in a hand basket around him? I actually loved this shifty effeminate guy whose only performance volume seemed to be arch more than anyone. And possibly the only character that's ever said more with a disgusted eye roll than Varys from GoT.

    Billy/TV Hand, Detention. There's alot going on in this one, and thanks to it's trippy stylistic nature, I supose it's entirely possible they meant for me to like Billy, but I found myself wishing the entire movie was about him and the intro B.I.T.C.H character.

  6. The corruption of the game, of his childhood, something he held dear broke him. It began to corrupt him aswell. The Guardian's influence and THE BETRAYAL! was altering him.

    Atleast that's what I gathered from it while watching the other night.

    As far as the self-indulgent bullshit.... Well, yeah it was there, but the whole "I miss fighting the floor." spiel is the closest I'll ever come to crying at a review. It felt earned to me.

    I'll honestly probably skip the FF, because I don't really trust him to be able to do that storyline without including a silly battle scene at some point. This? It wasn't Miles in a fur suit getting whacked repeatedly with a plastic sword. It wasn't Black Lantern Spoony which had potential but ended up petering out, or concluding in a Linkara review that I never bothered to watch.

    It was a man being broken by that which he loved.

    I may have read waaaay too much into it, but I liked.

  7. The idea of Colton grabbing allies and saying that they'll use the idol to take out matt.... Why? You've got allies now, why mention using the idol. 5 is greater than 4. Sure I didn't see Tarzan around the fire, but if Troyzan is self-aware enough to realize he's not in the poor man's four horsemen and... I am shocked by that, then Tarzan has to piece it together and side with the misfit toys.

    I can actually see Colton being ignorant here... Destroying the macho men, maintaing the misfits, and then immediately flipping during a tribal swap or merge. I worry he's too dependent or set on the idea that he needs a woman. I see him easily screwing himself over down the line.

    Christina didn't screw up the challenge anymore than Kat did, infact she screwed it up less. And Christina's crime about making a deal? Everyone on no salami tried to make a deal, including Alicia. Christina just didn't offer without discussion a married mother getting naked. Christina got results. Is she a bigger threat than Nina strategicly? That's debateable.

    But I see neither Christina or Nina as a big a hinderance as frickin' Kat.

    I fear that they're not keeping her because she's easy to control. I fear that they actually think she's going to be a benefit to their alliance, and other than a vote that they could easily get from Monica or even Nina? I don't see it.

    I'm praying Sabrina ditches the nitwits and keeps her personality even keel. If she manages? I'll fully support her winning.

  8. Earl was insanely lucky that his opponents fell apart, but he also played a great game. Really kind of a shame he was bland other than the Manifest Destiny standing on the mountain top moment, an the whole "Snakes are misunderstood.. Now we have an understanding."

    Yau Man made Earl exciting to me by osmosis.

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  9. Is it justme or is Alicia very Naonka-esque? I mean the irrational anger, the talking over at tribal council, the aggression for the sake of aggression. Works with kids wants to show them they do anything, is a clear bad example.

    I don't know why but I imagine someone in casting saying NaOnka was great tv, we need another one of her that wont quit and force us to cast boring people due to backlash from those things that give us money.

    Maybe Survivor just attracts certain personalities, but Alicia just smells of stunt casting to me.

    I support the Jonas love, and despite my initial dislike of Leif, something about him defending the fire? It made me happy. I think I'm going to like him.

  10. If I don't get a call back this time and I have doubts that I will, I'm going to have to send in a tape next opportunity just incase GoGo gets cast so I can complain about him taking my spot.

    Someone from EWB cast? Cool. Someone from EWB winning? Amazing.

    So, damnit Yubari hit the tread mill and learn how to build a shelter, you're our only hope.

  11. I must admit this is shaping up to be either a really funny awesome or an outstandingly awful but still funny one.

    Matt? My first impressions were he would go very quickly. The guy just seems way too eager to wear the daddy pants. I was ready to kick back and watch him be easily dismissed as the most insufferable guy on the island.

    And then bam! I'm met with a double dose of Troyzan and Greg... First, yeah I love the IDEA of Greg, but in practice? I see him crashing and burning quickly. I respect Troyzan's desire to play the game but I see him flaming out like Jimmy T, if he shocks me and manages to pull off the white cao boi strategy? He'll be one of my favorites ever.

    Colton I like very much, he's funny, seems to respect the game, and has to be aware of the challenge he's facing so it atleast to me indicates some sort of plan.. But I'm kind of worried he's TOO gay to be surrounded by so a majority of mactors and a couple of trying too hard to be kooky survivalists. If he makes it through the first few episodes he's my pick to win.

    I was ready to woohoo about Jonas' surfing experience and cheer on the stealth physical threat, and then half the women reveal they're also strong swimmers and fishers. It bodes well for good water challenges, but Jonas' chances of making a lasting positive impression may not be too good.

    Leif has a hard road ahead of him, and I'm almost certain atleast one douche bag will suggest during the opening episode that they get rid of him immediately because of the sympathy factor... Which I'll never understand because if your plan works and everyone agrees to vote out the sympathy card.... They weren't sympathetic at all.

    Jay to me smacks of Jesus Matt. Maybe it's the condescending attitude about his mission trips, maybe it's just the general air of nothing going on pretty surrounding him, or maybe it's his admittance that he is incapable of strategy and has a Joel like plan to kill all the smart people, but something about him makes me want to see him drown.

    Kourtney I want to see do well because of the tats and her kid. The bringing back civility and shineyness bullshit? I can live without that. Throwing around the words good and character makes me think she's playing for a comeback season.

    If Monica wins I will be absolutely puzzeled as to how.

  12. Living Actor:

    1. Tim Curry

    2. Donald Glover

    3. Jeff Bridges

    4. Eddie Izzard

    5. Ian McShane

    6. Bill Nighy

    7. Samuel L Jackson

    8. Alan Tudyk

    9. Sonny Chiba

    10. Simon Pegg

    Dead Actor:

    1. Jack Klugman

    2. Slim Pickens

    3. Dennis Hopper

    4. Bruce Lee

    5. Heath Ledger

    Living Actress:

    1. Jennifer Saunders

    2. Emma Thompson

    3. Tilda Swinton

    4. Ellen Page

    5. Gina Torres

  13. I really ship Brandon and Cochran. I guess it's because Brandon is kind of winning me over. Love the pairing, and I stand by it being the new Rob C. and Crazy Matt pairing. Where both players suck at survivor.

    I adore Sophie, and find myself rooting for Albert just because she's anchored herself to him a little much and I worry that when he goes down he'll take her with him.

    Ozzy threatening the people who decide his fate? Dumb. I mean examine the words that are coming out of your mouth Ozzy.. If they send you to redemeption island you'll be there waiting to send them home one by one. Right? WHY WOULDN'T THEY WANT YOU THERE SOONER?

    Sure it was hopeless, sure it was always going to be Ozzy unless Jim gave up that necklace, but still, that doesn't help.

    I applaude Coach for the smart tactic of having EVERYONE eat, and not tipping off his true inner alliances. That's a move that's haunted alot of good players and his refusal to make it? Good for him.

    Cochran throwing what dignity he has left under the bus is painful to see, but it is a great 3rd place game, maybe second if he can convince Brandon to betray Coach and the final 3 is him the littlest hantz and Edna.

    I agree he's probably not going to be very interesting as the game goes on, there will be more self-depreciation, more apologizing when he should be flippant or just shut up, and more not playing the actual game. But damnit, I can hope something happens so this isn't Coach's season.

  14. My concern isn't the twilight films. I could careless if someone's been in a dopey romantic vampire movie. Romantic Vampire Feeling movies rarely hit their mark.

    My problem with this film is more that Snow White even in the trailer is more akin to a super pale chick that works at hot topic than the future fairest of them all.

    I also kind of fear that they'll have Kristen Stewart attempt an english accent. I've never heard her do one and I somehow doubt her capability, but for the role which from the trailers appears to be a rather basic reluctant action heroine? I give her the benefit of the doubt on acting chops.

    For me it boils down to being alot like Red Riding Hood. Namely... Why?

    At the end of the day I'll watch for Eddie Izzard and Bob Hoskins. Neither has let me down.

    Wary but hopeful.

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