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Posts posted by Bushmeister

  1. Saw Program The Dead, World/Inferno Friendship Society and Mindless Self Indulgence last night.

    Program sucked ass.

    W/IFS is the fucking greatest thing on Earth, I point out to the crowd starting a waltz moshpit as an example.

    Johnny from MSI is insane, and their bassist Lindsey is hotter than hell. I also got punched in the nose by this large goth dude who was leading a younger boy around by the hand. Most strange.

  2. You could try getting "The Universal Migrator (Parts 1 & 2)" by Ayreon. It's a two-disc, nearly 150-minute space metal epic with nods to nearly every imaginable genre out there. Ayeron has a crapload of one-time collaborators on their albums, including singers and musicians from bands like Tiamat, Stratovarius, Symphony X and Spock's Beard. Really good atmospheric music, and as a bonus it has some passable-sounding power metal tracks as well (I cannot stand that shit, but Part 1 of the Migrator is purely more prog rock, kinda like Dream Theater)

    If you're looking for any heavier stuff, I seriously recommend Isis, Neurosis and Pelican. Isis and Pelican craft 10+ minute metal epics, completely instrumental yet really really addictive due to the level of skill involved. Neurosis are more down-tuned and artistic, but their lyrics are extremely good and their albums are nothing short of brilliant.

    Suggested albums:

    Isis - Celestial / Panopticon

    Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets / The Eye Of Every Storm

    Pelican - March Into The Sea (it's actually an EP with only two songs, but the total playing time is something like 32+ minutes and the title track is THE best metal song I have heard all year) / Australasia

    Hope that sparked interest.

  3. Anyone heard any songs from the new Relapse grind act Leng Tch'e? They've been hyping up this Belgian group quite well, and they currently have them touring with Pig Destroyer in Europe and then in the US (culminating in the Maryland DeathFest) Their Relapse-debut, titled "The Process of Elimination", is slated to be released on June 28th (my birthday!) Hopefully they'll deliver at least on the level of Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus.

  4. Napalm Death | From Enslavement to Obliteration

    Napalm Death | Words from the Exit Wound

    Defleshed | Fast Forward

    Hatesphere | Hatesphere

    Genocide Superstars | Hail the New Storm

    Japanische Kampfhorspiele | Fertigmensch

    Japanische Kampfhorspiele | Hardcore aus der Ersten Welt

  5. Despised Icon - Pale

    Despised Icon - The Sunset Will Never Charm Us

    Carnal Forge - Exploding Veins

    Carnal Forge - Burn Them Alive

    Agoraphobic Nosebleed - North American Corpse Desecration

    Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Cryogenic Husk

    Arch Enemy - Losing Faith

    Arch Enemy - Bury Me An Angel

    Arch Enemy - End Of The Line

    Meshuggah - New Millenium Cyanide Christ

    Meshuggah - Rational Gaze

    Heaven Shall Burn - The Weapon They Fear

    Heaven Shall Burn - Fourth Crusade

    Heaven Shall Burn - Deification

    Japanische Kampfhörspiele - Es Lernt Sich Von Selbst

    Japanische Kampfhörspiele - 8.0

    Japanische Kampfhörspiele - Alle Wollen Gut Aussehen

    Ask and ye shall receive.

  6. Jukes, once I come back, you'll need to learn to play the guitar or something. Then we can form a two-member noisepunkband.

    I don't personally make ORIGINAL music, but I like to mix and shuffle different tracks into new ones. Haven't been able to do it in a long time since my comp's back in Finland, but once I get back I expect to begin anew.

  7. A couple of things:

    1. Carnal Forge kick some serious ass. They really do. Go get songs like "Exploding Veins", "My Suicide" and "Burn Them Alive". Just one more reason to like the Swedish.

    2. Despised Icon came out with a new full-length album recently called "The Healing Process". While the first few tracks are standard fare, starting from "Immaculate" the CD is superb grindcore-death metal hybrid.

    3. And seriously, now that I come to think of it, WHY do the Swedish bands sound... Well... I don't really know why, but to my ear Swedish bands sound somehow more complex than their US counterparts. Take Dillinger Escape Plan and Meshuggah. They're both grouped in the same math-metal genre, and yes, they do sound somewhat alike. But DEP sounds flat and two-dimensional when compared to Meshuggah. Or Nasum and Pig Destroyer, though both share the ultra-fast aural decimation approach, still Nasum sounds just a bit more well-rounded, much like Meshuggah. What is behind this Swedish sound?

  8. Let's revive this old corpse with a good kick.

    So now, I've really put a lot of strain on my credit card through the Relapse site, and have gotten a bunch of CD's with a wide variety of styles. Seriously, to any fan of grindcore, you should get Agoraphobic Nosebleed's "Altered States of America". I have not heard of a sicker recording in a long, long time. In a similar vein, Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus are a solid grindcore outfit, though they are behind in general mayhem and chaos.

    After hearing a sampler disc, I am currently waiting for two Isis discs (Oceanasia and some other, smaller disc) as well as Neurosis' "The Sun That Never Sets". One band that caught my ear was Subarachnoid Space, whose sample track instantly brought up images of Cowboy Bebop. And any band that does that is (Y)

    Soilent Green disappointed me at first, since they did not sound anything like the slow, drawn-out heaviness I was expecting. However, "A Deleted Symphony For The Beaten Down" is an excellent metal album and highly recommended. They have a new CD coming out in July, which I am more than looking forwards to.

    Now that sludge really wasn't what I wanted, do people have any idea of doom metal could be what I am looking for? Basically, slow, drawn-out metal with extra heaviness and absolutely devastating lyrics.

  9. If the possibility arises, pick up "Scum". Generally, the earlier stuff is more grindcore, which means insane speed, blastbeats and the whole works. Great stuff if you want to see how that genre got off the ground. The later stuff are more mixed up with death metal and hardcore, so they might be easily accessible. Out of the later albums, I'd recommend the "Enemy Of The Music Business".

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