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Posts posted by Bushmeister

  1. Someone else mentioned Ministry, especially their earlier stuff. I still don't think I've found anything close to their "In case you didn't feel like showing up" live cd. Great stuff.

    Ministry's old stuff is awesome, stuff like Bad Blood and Jesus Built My Hotrod. I also like that song they did for the A.I. soundtrack, What About Us?.

  2. So. I am planning on ordering a bunch of CD's in the next month or so, and after the experimental load I hauled home last time, I'm gonna center on just plain hard-hitting metal this time.

    So far, on my list I have the "Best of Malevolent Creation" from Malevolent Creation and the "Past Life Trauma (1985-1992)" from Kreator, both compilation discs from bands I have been meaning to get into for quite a while now. Also on the list is the remastered version of Voivod's "War And Pain", featuring a live disc as a bonus. From there on, I'm planning on moving to newer stuff, with Pig Destroyer's "Terrifyer" and The Red Chord's "Fused Together In Revolving Doors" making the list as well (altough, I admit, I probably wouldn't buy the Chord album if it wasn't for the bonus sampler disc that comes along :P)

    From these five titles onwards, I'm a bit shaky on what I want to get. I've been looking into sludge metal lately, namely Soilent Green and All Out War, and currently I'm thinking of adding "Sewn Mouth Secrets" from Green and "For Those Who Were Crucified" by AOW onto my list. I'm kinda thinking of Cephalic Carnage's new CD that came out just recently, but then again I would be interested in hearing of more sludge bands besides Soilent and AOW. So the question is, are people aware of any worthwhile sludge metal bands? "Sludge metal" being in this case slow, drawn-out form of grindcore/death metal, with guttural vocals and general insanity aplenty.

  3. For Meshuggah, probably a combination of the lead singer Jens Kidman and the drummer Tomas Haake. Kidman's efforts in plastering the walls with his own lungs are formidable, and Haake's drumming is just sublime. Without either man, Meshuggah wouldn't be as great as it is today.

  4. Artist/ Band: Ministry

    Are you male or female: Isle Of Man

    Describe yourself: Supermanic Soul

    How do some people feel about you: Scarecrow

    Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Worthless

    Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Just Like You

    Describe where you are: The Land Of Rape And Honey

    Describe where you want to be: (Everyday Is) Halloween

    Describe what you want to be: Deity

    Describe how you live: Filth Pig

    Describe how you love: Work For Love

    Share a few words of wisdom: You Know What You Are

    Edit: and since people are going again, I shall too, with two different genres this time:

    Artist/Band: Meshuggah

    Are you male or female: (absolutely no gender words in their titles apart from Christ)

    Describe yourself: Sane

    How do some people feel about you: Sickening

    Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Vanished

    Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: The Mouth Licking What You've Bled

    Describe where you are: Sublevels

    Describe where you want to be: Inside What's Within Behind

    Describe what you want to be: New Millenium Cyanide Christ

    Describe how you live: Perpetual Black Second

    Describe how you love: Closed Eye Visuals

    Share a few words of wisdom: We'll Never See The Day

    Artist/Band: Propagandhi

    Are you male or female: Todd's Incredibly Professional Station ID For 4ZZZ Brisbane

    Describe yourself: Less Talk, More Rock

    How do some people feel about you: Refusing To Be A Man

    Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: March Of The Crabs

    Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Fine Day

    Describe where you are: Showdown

    Describe where you want to be: A People's History Of the World

    Describe how you live: Middle Finger Response

    Describe how you love: I Want You To Want Me

    Share a few words of wisdom: Ordinary People Do Fucked Up Things When Fucked Up Things Become Ordinary

  5. I recommend Midori no Hibi, it is a great comedic treat.

    Other off-the-wall series would be Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu, Green Green TV (bears raping horny schoolboys = so EWB) and FLCL (or FuriKuri, seen it both ways. The main character gets hit in the head with a bass guitar and starts spawning robots out of his forehead, that should be enough said)

    On Naruto... I watched up to something like 73 or so and kinda dropped at that point, I got tired of DLing one episode at a time and needed the space in any case. I did dig Naruto though, especially the Haku-Zabusa storyarc in the beginning is extremely well done and full of emotion. I also digged the Chuunin exams quite a bit (I'm a buff when it comes to superpowered kids beating the crap out of each other in tournament formats) Due to it's popularity, I think that Naruto will still get subbed, it's just going to be more "under the table" than now.

  6. This "T-Mobile Terrorist" guy, I believe he's a single 40-year-old white guy who's just taking his revenge on the media icons that parents find not-okay. Atleast, that's my hypothesis at this point.

    A 40-year old would call Fred Durst a sellout? It's a nerdy 20-something obviously.

  7. On the subject of Swedish bands, you might want to try out Refused, Raised Fist and The International Noise Conspiracy, all are EXCELLENT bands and just a few more reasons why living next to Sweden is a good thing.

    Someone mentioned Propagandhi earlier, I second the motion fullheartedly (I think everyone should own a cope of Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes) and would like to add Sick Of It All in there as well.

    Good Riddance, someone mentioned them as well, I'd recommend them as well. Really dig their stuff.

    Also, I haven't heard but a couple of song off of them, but a band called The Business seems to be pretty right on the money, somewhere along the lines of Dropkick Murphys.

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