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Posts posted by Bushmeister

  1. Best. Quote. Ever.

    That paved your way into my sig, permanently :P GREAT update, a smart tactic by Christian there. Does that mean that (altough it doesn't really matter) Billy Gunn's collar exploded as well, since Sabin blew up? Hmmm... "Dead" collars still blow up, eh? I smell WEAPONS IN THE MAKING.

  2. Epic metal would rather be power metal or "hero metal" in my opinion. You know, the "Now we're off in our shiny armors and swords to slay the dragon!" lyrics with 20+ minute quitar masturbation solos.

    Oh, add Nightwish to that list if you want epic metal.

  3. So far, Scott Steiner *SHOCKSHOCK* is my favourite character :D His lines and thoughts were hilarious in the first one, and I wouldn't mind him as a comical relief or even a serious competitor in the later rounds. I'd say that his (apparent) "play-rough-but-fair"-attitude would be a bit of a refreshment in the later rounds, where doublecrossers and cheaters could easily be the dominant majority of the remaining guys.

  4. Oh and, Dustbin Lid Of Doom > Chopsticks Of Death


    Triple D(ustbin lid) was holding every other major character back in the EWR Battle Royale! Such masterful workers as the scythe and the CHOPSTICKS~! were held down because every stupid mark in the threads was all like "OMGOMGOMG DUSTBIN LID *CREAMYPANTS*". The dustbin lid has shit on the chopsticks, except maybe the hype of certain inviduals who shall not be named. *coughgogocough*

  5. The one thing I'm happy about is that Christian is a "camping cold-hearted motherfuckin' psycho" instead of the BR-inspired "running around with a firecracker up the arse and spewing bullets at anything that is moving motherfuckin' psycho"

    Good job, Gongsun. Will we see an elimination via a Danger Zone? :o That'd be a first.

    And I don't think that Vader counts as a former winner, he didn't actually participate in the first Gongsun-led Royale. And obviously, the former winner has to be alive, so... Hm. The Undertaker? Tazz might be one as well, he's tough as nails even for a midget. Bah, so many good choices, I'd throw in Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards as well for the former winners. Gah.

  6. ... wow.

    Before this update, I was actually expecting someone to blow Hart right out of this world. And now, I'm actually expecting him to be in the final six :D An ingenious plan if I ever saw one... How will the pacifist Edge react once Konnan and Killings come shooting for them?

  7. I buy CD's on such a rare basis that I have no qualms of spending 20 euros or more on one CD (example: the special edition of Chimaira's "Impossibility Of Reason" for 19,99€). Luckily, most of the CD's I'm actually interested in cost something from 9,99€ to 14,99€ in a specialized music store, so it's not that costy to get a CD I want.

  8. @ Bushmeister (the Quote option doesn't seem to work on my comp anymore)

    I'm not trying to be an elitist or whatever, but none of those bands you listed is Grindcore. Could you perhaps say which Grindcore band you do like, cause it's nice to see another Grindcore fan.

    A rather disturbing situation this is, then. I think the biggest names I've left off of that list are Napalm Death and Godflesh. I'm currently looking into buying some stuff from Bolt Thrower, Brutal Truth, Cephalic Carnage and Rotten Sound. Do suggest some more bands, I'd be anxious to dig a bit deeper into grind.

  9. Poor Teddy Hart, getting himself gutted on such a short notice :( [/predictions of the immediate future]

    Douglas' forgotten his missing eye TWICE now :P Dumb hick. Seriously, I'm waiting on how you are going to solve the Christian/Cena-situation. I'm hoping that you don't resort to someone driving Christian away, as Cena hatching a master plan to take care of Christian is a source of some major suspension.

    *has flasbacks of BR 1*

  10. LeQuack: “I don’t need blessings. I’m a frickin’ genius.

    Prrrrrrrrrrrreach it, brother, preach it.

    This show seemed to be all LeQuack, tho. No other character really stood out from the schemes of the good ol' Doc, who has his hands in pretty much every big business in the fed right now: the title scene, Appleby's master and now in the Turbanator - Tubby "feud". You might want to give some other guy the spotlight every once in a while, too. Sawyer's debut wasn't that impressive, squashing Appleby and then losing to LeQuack in a who-cares-class of match.

    I hope for improvements in the next show ^_^

  11. Power metal? Dear god, not those freaks with greatswords and breastplates and 20+ minute quitar masturbation songs!

    I dig metal, mostly industrial and death (Meshuggah, Fear Factory, Lamb Of God, Cryptopsy), and also am a huge fan of hardcore punk and grindcore bands (Chimaira, Hatebreed, Poison The Well, Raised Fist, Refused, Stampin' Ground, Pro-Pain). I dunno why, I just dig the music when it's loud and aggressive. Nihilism and/or mind-boggling lyrics are always a bonus.

  12. I think Dave Grohl hates just about everyone

    That's acceptable, because Dave Grohl's the fucking man.

    I have Amy Lee in my sig cause she is hot not cause she is in a good band.

    Which, in this blasphemious thing we call reality, is not true. Lee ain't hot. Sandra Nasic, on the other hand, is rated "EH" for EXTREMELY HOT. Bow down before the Batshit Primates (AKA Guano Apes)

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