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Posts posted by Bushmeister

  1. Dillinger Escape Plan - A stateside 'huggah (:shifty:) seriously speaking, I haven't given them too much attention.

    The Clash - London Falling is an awesome, awesome record.

    Please listen to it first, really. Liking it or not, is up to you of course, but don't compare DEP with other without giving it a proper listen.

    You mean Calling right? :huh:

  2. I got couple of enders...

    Meshuggah - Elastic

    Elastic is a pretty good song, but after that... Wow. Atleast five or six songs off of the album start playing at the same time and rupture your eardrums the first time around. The chaos is just mindboggling.

    Dropkick Murphys - Skinhead On The MBTA

    Just hilarious and excellent, a great and a uplifting way to end the excellent Do Or Die-album.

  3. Slayer - Hell yes, one of the best metal bands ever to have laid their hands on instruments.

    Metallica - Alright, not up to Slayer in my books but still really good. I have a special weak spot for Unforgiven II and Whiskey In A Jar.

    Pantera - Dimebag, why oh why :( A band that should have enjoyed Metallica/Slayer levels of success and longevity.

    Iron Maiden - Overrated. VASTLY overrated.

    Led Zeppelin - Overrated as well in my books, good but not heavenly.

    The Who - Pure genius. The Pinball Wizard!

    Papa Roach - Infest has a couple of good songs on it, the newer stuff is... Nah.

    Linkin Park - The DJ guy is good, otherwise just bland shit.

    Korn - I'm biased, as seeing them live on my birthday = awesome.

    Deftones - One of the more intelligent metal bands out there, don't get the recognition they'd deserve.

    In Flames - Crap. "Melodic death metal" grinds my ears just by the name.

    Soilwork - Heard like two songs, okay...

    Opeth - One of the reasons why living close to Sweden rocks.

    Meshuggah - Probably the best band out there at this point, I've never waited for any other albums like I am waiting for Catch-33

    Dillinger Escape Plan - A stateside 'huggah (:shifty:) seriously speaking, I haven't given them too much attention.

    Fear Factory - Industrial metal innovators. Until hearing their debut album "The Soul Of A New Machine", I've never known just how bad they kick ass.

    Tool - Ranks there with bands of whom I have not heard too much of but probably should have.

    Massive Attack - Some of their songs (especially the one with the baby video) are great. Others aren't.

    Nirvana - I regularly listen to Come As You Are, Smells Like Teen Spirit and The Man Who Sold The World, that's pretty much it.

    RHCP - Love 'em, mainly because of Frusciante.

    Soundgarden - Not too big on them, but I have to admit that even though Chris Cornell still sounds annoying, he's begun to grow on me.

    Manowar - Shit. shitshitshitshit.

    Smashing Pumpkins - From egotripping to awesome music, Pumpkins is all that and everything in between.

    Mastodon - Sadly, haven't gotten any material off of them. I'll probably pick up Leviathan soon though.

    Audioslave - Not as good as RATM, but far from crappy nonetheless. Took me a while to get accustomed to Chris Cornell, though.

    Guns And Roses - Axl Rose should die.

    Muse - Not for me.

    The Killers - Not for me either. This new wave of "emotional, expressive rock" as some dimwit put it kinda makes me sick.

    Marilyn Manson - He has his songs, and his autobiography is just a disturbing read. Too repetitive at times though.

    Sepultura - The best metal band ever to come out of Brazil.

    Faith No More - Pure freaking genius.

    U2 - The best band to come out of Ireland, evar.

    System Of A Down - Probably the best alternative metal act out there right now.

    The Streets - One of the three hip hop groups I can listen to with ease.

    Foo Fighters - Dave Grohl is the man.

    Snoop Dogg - Shit.

    Eminem - Shit.

    Ja Rule - Shit.

    Jay-Z - Shit.

    Tupac - Still, shit. Gangsta-rap is just something terrible.

    Nine Inch Nails - Even though Trent Reznor can't be figured out by anyone, NIN is still good music.

    Nightwish - FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINLAAAAAAAAND, arr. Our ticket to fame.

    Stone Temple Pilots - Core is a great album and regularly on my playlist. Otherwise, kinda bland at times.

    HIM - Oh yeah, our other claim to fame. Don't dig their music, though.

    Slipknot - Overrated as well, good but not groundbreaking.

    The Clash - London Falling is an awesome, awesome record.

    The Sex Pistols - Can't sing, can't play, still rocked like hell.

    Green Day - Detoriated during the years, but their Greatest Hits collection is one of my favourite CD's ever.

    NOFX - There and there.

    Rancid - Really really great. Relaxed and laid-back, still aggressive when needed. ...And Out Come The Wolves is a top-notch punk record.

    Beastie Boys - The second of the three hip-hop groups I can listen to with ease.

    RATM - The holders of the "Best Alternative Metal Act" scepter prior to disbanding and handing it over to SOAD.

    36 Crazyfists - Okay, nothing groundbreaking but a good listen.

    Killswitch Engage - What they do, they do good, altough Unearth and Cataract do it better.

  4. The title is pretty self-explanatory. I am going to pick up two titles about music genres that I really like (one being Choosing Death, a book about the history of death metal and grindcore, the other one from a pair of guys who recently wrote a book on Hollywood porn biz, the title eludes my mind ATM), and now it got me thinking whether or not there are any other books that chronicle the history of punk in general. I would prefer the books not to be the history/biography of a single band, but rather about, say, one city's punk scene or the like. Anyone got any good names they could throw in here?

    EDIT: "Please Kill Me" mentioned in the reviews/comments below is the other book I was originally looking at with Choosing Death. Thanks, Shampoo.

  5. "Back To The Motor League" and "With Friends Like These (Who The Fuck Needs Cointelpro?)" by Propagandhi

    "A Drug Against War" by KMFDM

    "Rise And Shine", "Food For The Brain", "210 Dog Years", "A Day In The Light Of..." and "Words" by One Minute Silence

  6. Count Takeshi is played by Takeshi Kitano who is a huge comic actor in Japan. He's also a major film director and actor and directed Hanai-Bi, Brother, Zatoichi, Sonatine and other films. He starred in each of those and was also the big bad teacher in Battle Royale.

    So now you know.

  7. Argh, that Metal Archives site caused my blood pressure to rise unexpectedly. Too many idiotic Cannibal Corpse/hero metal/"old-school" with cocks up their asses whining about "mallcore". Unbelieveable.

    Almost as bad as blabbermouth.net, just almost.

  8. 1. "Empire Strikes First" by Bad Religion, I just loved this to no end whatsoever. Still listen to it almost daily.

    2. "Reise, Reise" by Rammstein, four days have been enough to convince me that this is a masterpiece. Truly shocking to hear stuff like accordions used in industrial metal, but hey, it works.

    3. "Fistful Of Hate" by Pro-Pain, up until now I never realized just how much I like this band. "Godspeed" is an awesome song, one of the year's best. And hey, it even has an instrumental track on it!

    4. "American Idiot" by Green Day, a good album but not in top 3 on my list because of other great acts this year.

    5. "Porcelain" by Sparta, I got "Wiretap Scars" about two weeks after this and it sounded better than Porcelain, so no high points there.

    Otherwise, I'd mention "To The 5 Boroughs" by the Beastie Boys, "A Grand Don't Come For Free" by The Streets and "New Found Power" by Damageplan.

    Altough, I am reserving the right for Meshuggah's "Catch-33" to be released in the next 9 days and sweep this list like a river of awesomeness.

  9. The hell.

    1. Meshuggah

    2. Rage Against The Machine

    3. Chimaira

    4. Raised Fist

    5. Poison The Well

    6. Dropkick Murphy's

    7. System Of A Down

    8. Propagandhi

    9. Deicide

    10. Bad Religion

    Honorable mentions: Good Riddance, Sick Of It All, Lamb Of God, Static-X, Korn, Faith No More.

  10. The reason I don't like The Darkness and think nobody else should is because they play a style of music that should have been killed right in it's bud. Tell me just WHY does the lead singer have to sound like he's being pounded on the testicles with a sledgehammer?

  11. Pretty much every MTV program, with Viva La Bam and Battle For Ozzfest (sometimes) being exceptions to the rule. Altough, Sharon's ruining the Battle For Ozzfest quite fast.

    Those stupid build-custom-shit-whatever shows on Discovery Channel (altough the people on American Chopper are funny, so atleast that's bearable to watch), luckily it's easily balanced out by MythBusters. Next Sunday, MYTHBUSTERS MARATHON BAYBEE!

    Most of "SciFi Picture Originals" on SciFi channel absolutely blow chunks. They are just terribly bad. Movies like Raptor Island or Dark Light make me want to gouge my eyes out with their crappiness.

    The Club and Untold on Spike, completely useless shows. I'd rather watch CSI reruns (or even better, MXC reruns!)

  12. Oh yes... I've done RPing stuff for about 5 years now, starting with the original D & D and working out from there. The game group I have in Finland plays D & D 3rd ed. for fantasy settings and CyberPunk 2020 for scifi. At full power, the group has two GM's (me & my buddy), but now with me being overseas they are restricted to only one. I enjoy both systems, and I am also a big fan of a couple of other RPG's (Earthdawn, Exalted and RuneQuest, altough I am going to buy the Shadowrun system pretty soon, always wanted to mix Cyberpunk and fantasy)

    My absolutely favourite D & D setting is PlaneScape, hands down. I grief almost daily over how poorly that setting was originally used, and how crappily it is going to be used now (the new Manual Of The Planes, while handy for one-shot trips to Sigil and stuff like that, absolutely blows balls if compared to the older Planescape box, nevermind the addons), I just wish they had maintained Planescape as a separate D & D setting. The art was way cooler than in the others as well.

    I'd love to do an online game, but I'm afraid I can't be online long enough for it. :(

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