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Everything posted by Docpepper

  1. Cool idea i'll defiently get something done the first link goes to some tattoo contest thouigh
  2. its weird i hear about everyone having alot of errors with this game. I have the suckiest computer witht eh suckiest operating system(WinME) and I have yet to have errors with new update. if you are ading stuff via the editor i suggest going to the message board and look at the topic where member Dave goes in depth on how to add things in the editor. if you mess somethign up as of now you'll have to reinstall the game.
  3. I'm getting the new GTA . the new Smackdown , Killzone , The new mortal Combat , and the movies
  4. I stopped getting errors when the newest patch was released. hopefully the next update will have a delete button on the editor
  5. i agree with the timing on releasing most games . it really sucks for me but ehy its a great time for the companies cause they know they'll make money. I've got several games i'm wanting but i'll wait a month or two after they are released and get the games for cheap off ebay
  6. this game is a great improvement from the previous chartwars. when i first downloaded it i was skeptical but after the updates I'm sold and hooked on this game. when my pc is on most likely Chart wars 3 is running. if you can't get the game to work , don't come here saying the game sucks casue it won't work wait until it works for you then after you play it and in your opinion it sucks then by all means express yourself but give the game a chance.
  7. yeah a good bad update and would be awesome for the game. I've added a few bands but the editor is very tricky it needs a way to delete bands and stuff but i msut say Mr. Cooper has done a great job with the game
  8. yeah he fixed that also and also added in pink and fixed several other artist that never did anything
  9. it could be your computer. try playing the game with everything off I mena disconnect from the interent, close your antivirus programs and any webpages and apps that are open, now start a new game and play. I don't have too good of a computer and i can stay online and still play the game. Just be patient it will load even though you think it isn't. and if you hit ctr; Alt Delete to it will automatically show it as not responding so don't do it
  10. when you first load up the game it will take a while for me it takes around 10 -30 minutes. if you check the editor you'll notice that several errors are present such as duplicates and such i tried deleting the duplicates but no luck i think that could be causing some errors. I haven't tried yet but maybe renaming all the duplicates could solve some things. as for the load times the new exe has less load times except at the start. just wait it out and don't Ctrl Alt Delte
  11. i jsut saw they are showing old episodes of smallville on abc family as well as old 7th heaven episodes. . if its a local channel then i won't be able to get it thanks for the info
  12. ok for the past month i've been contacting direct tv on how i can go about getting The WB as a channel . each time they tell me that the WB is a Local Channel and I can only use an Antenna to pick it up but i cannot. I've asked other people and they said at one time Direct Tv did offere The WB. Can anyone else pick up the WB on Direct tv ? I'm wanting to watch smallville and 7th heaven and other shows
  13. A while back i remember my friends telling me about this guy who killed a huge ass bear it broke the worlds record. they had pics online of the bear apparently the hunter found human body parts in the stomach of the bear after gutting it. I tried searching Snope to see if it is true ? anyone know if it is true or not ?
  14. click on label options and then click on his name now click on biography then discography. now click on the single and iover to the side it should be a button saying track options vlik it. i believe thats the way i jsut started up the game and its loading now once its done loading i'll make sure
  15. its pretty the fun the load times are long at the start i've jsut got to find out how to sign bands
  16. A new Model Ps2 soon heres a pic HERE looks very cool but i won't be getting it unless my current ps2 fails
  17. Docpepper

    My dear God!

    Avril is hot1 and well britney is a super slut I choose mandy moore or jessica Simpson before her or Aguilera
  18. either Def jam , burnout 3 or thug 2 I'm personally gonna get burnout 3 played the demo and its fun to play with friends
  19. Borrowed my friends Xbox and played Fable great game some of the bosses are easy especially if you have learned a certain skill . some of the voice acting is a tad annoying (to me) in the earlier parts of the game. story has been god and the gameplay is amazing love the combat and the way your character chancges over time. i hate my guy getting old fast though but still a top game - 9/10
  20. I like the " you better watch out " song i've heard 2 version one making fun of janet reno and one making fun of Hilary clinton. I also listened to a tthing he did making fun of the dukes of hazzard. it was funny and he did some good voices
  21. i got the first one on dvd off of ebay brand new . if you search you can probabbly find it on there
  22. larry the cable guy reminds me of my uncle when he gets drunk as for jeff an d bill I liked their stuff when they first came on the scene , hell I even watched most of the Jef Foxworthy Show episodes until it canned
  23. just got finished playing Civilization 3 - 8/10 - great game but it sucks up my time Hitman 2 - silent assassin - 10/10 - love this game classic the only came you cna sneak up behind some thug pissing and slice his neck
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