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Everything posted by Docpepper

  1. doesn't bother me really its up to iwc
  2. yeah i guess thats the way we're doing it
  3. ok here her's mine can't wait to see what you guys can add to this
  4. i'm almost finished I've got to go out for a while. so it will be an hour or two before i can upload it
  5. the way i understand it is like this you take the bottom of the previous graphic and make it seamlessly connect to the top of your graphic
  6. I'll start if you don't want to
  7. i'm open to this tried one at graphic forums a while back never could get the overlap thing figured out but I think I understand now
  8. yeah thats what i'm saying madden didn't support the HDD and you could still download rosters so its possible that it could happen with this game
  9. "WoodStock Wigga" "The Hippie Hitman"
  10. roster updates could be possible. look at madden 2004 you don't need a harddrive to download new rosters. it just saves straight to the memory card. Also with the caws stats being determiend by the caws physical traits.. i think this might make it so you can use caws online ?
  11. thats my problem . I always go into depth no matter what i do
  12. the green dude doesn't really bother me , but since they have snapshot mode in they should have it show your guy when previewing moves , but they can't everything right the first time
  13. I bought a sharkport jsut for hctp and madden. installed it and got ready to download some wrestlers and I find out the sharkport disk I have ins't compatible with my ps2 . the upgrade is free all i ahv eot do is contact the site. I do so and I'm informed since the company that owned gameshark was sold . I couldn't get na update and would have to wait for the company to relase a new sharkport
  14. I also read that they've added new entrances and stuff for caw mode which is good too
  15. yeah more moves would be wise but if not you can always make replacements like in hctp. I'd just give Shelley the regal stretch
  16. Holy shit Caw mode sounds fucking insane! now you can give your wrestlers entrance attire and even cutscene attire. now you can have a caw with teeth have a toothless caw. I'm preordering this game now1
  17. thats a god deal. last year I got 15 cds for 15 dollars. the store was going out of business and selling everything . most of the cds were country music though
  18. they beeter allow dialup damnit if not I will get cable jsut for this game. I've been waiting a while for an online wrestling game and its about damn time. as for the weapons not taking that much damage away ... Yes . I'm convinced that this will be an improvement over hctp
  19. fucking awesome the ability to have 5 stable mebers is pretty cool the snapshot feature is a nice little addition
  20. imo that reviewer is kinda messed up he thinks the animations are great ?? I mean I love smackdown but the move animations could be alot better , but again it comes down to personal taste. The bugs will be worked out since this was jsut a beta , but again its looking good
  21. Thirteen - an average movie at best 2 and a half stars
  22. I usually have about 6 people over and we all put a certain amount of money up for each match. Like the first match would be a regular triangle match we'd each put up 2-3 dollars . the second match would be a 3 way tlc and we would put up about 10 . and we would do this until the last match which would be like a 6way match . we'd put up jsut a little extra. And if you lose 3 or more matches you cannot be in the final match.. It makes for some fun but like I said tempers can flare when you have people you run around and throwing weapons at you
  23. haha C.I. but seriously if you don't like how Kings stories are way weird and stuff then Koontz is your guy most of his stories could happen in real life
  24. yeah the ppv mode will be great.. My friends and i can start having pay per views for money prizes instead of doing single matches. It gets intense when you have money bet on a match and your going against someone that constantly runs around the ring playing chicken
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