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Everything posted by Alex.

  1. a redskins loss would be a great early christmas gift
  2. Giants just moments away from clinching win #10 for the year. Thats gotta be playoffs now right
  3. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit
  4. I really started to like Jay once his idiot pal got voted out
  5. I dont even like Harbaugh but I'd like him to stay at Michigan. I like seeing coaches at their alma mater
  6. im actually seeing cowboys fans now turn on dak right now :| like bish what "romo wouldve won that one" wow..WOW..LOL
  7. giants defense you proved me wrong. seeing dez fumble was great.
  8. 8-8/9-7 ny giants incoming gotta give credit to the defense to only keeping this to a 7 pt lead right now honestly. offense looks like total trash yet again
  9. Tom Coughlin would know the answer.
  10. hope the english are ready to watch jaguars vs browns esque games 4 times next year
  11. I don't care for the foursome at all. Bret is a goat and Jay is the one guy I was going for but wow, his move to get rid of Michaela really has now come back and bit him in the ass.
  12. Jabrill played high school ball in my hometown and honestly I really don't like him. There are stories about him around here, he's gonna have off the field issues in the league. Now not saying he is a great player, he is talented...but i think hes only in the heisman convo cause people really want him to be charles woodson so badly
  13. Giants gonna go 9-7 at best. Put a fork in 'em unless Vernon becomes like Lawrence Taylor/Reggie White next few games which won't happen. Will say its been fun to see Landon Collins develop.
  14. Can someone explain to me how Jabrill Peppers is in the running for the Heisman
  15. Speaking of ESPN, their ratings last night were awful. Like 2nd lowest rated game awful. The ratings mess continues...like honestly my NCAA 14 game was much better to play instead of watching that toilet of a game
  16. Yes he was for a second or 2 nobody would notice unless you seriously are looking for it. "During the fight sequence where Jon is being trampled on, one can see the face of Daniel Craig in the backdrop for around 1 to 2 seconds. After begging to Weiss and Benioff to let him appear on the show, after revealing he was a fan to the Daily Mail, they let him appear."
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