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Everything posted by Alex.

  1. Its same ordeal like Daniel Craig in Battle of the Bastards.
  2. did i expect the giants to win today? no. did i expect the offense to shit the bed? no.
  3. 8-3 giants will be lucky to finish 9-7 with that shit o-line and the drive killer flowers.
  4. Someone posted this on twitter but it basically said the last time Fisher won a playoff game was before LOST even premiered...
  5. WVU gets Russell Athletic Bowl against Miami. Well 2 of my faves going at it.
  6. Ugh. lol. At least my mountaineers won and get 10 wins this season which I am actually very happy with. Good job thus far Dana Holgersen. Looks like Penn State is getting destroyed. Joe Paterno looking up watching this one.
  7. I have yet to personally see a Cowboy fan say this but I would not be shocked
  8. Three-peated as SMU and then my alma marter opened up (I chose Miami idk why lol) so with 2 years remaining on my SMU deal I got outta there and came to restore back 'Da U which have been subpar and about .500 for the past several seasons.
  9. knowing the giants they will go 8-8 or squeak into playoffs and win the whole thing. there is no in between for them
  10. committee has hard on for ohio state im sure theyll be very pleased to see saban vs meyer
  11. Lets expand the game overseas by making the matchups as shitty as we can!
  12. Wow what a game! By the way, Mike Tirico is fucking great
  13. Alex Smith to the 49ers: Look at me now
  14. I like seeing the Raiders doing well! It changes up the status quo of things in the past decade and they are the team I will be rooting for in the AFC. Sorry about your dad, I hope he gets to see them go into the playoffs. That would be great to see.
  15. seeing revis get burned never gets old. Ill #NeverForget all the shit Jets fans would say during the Rexy era and they still think winning in the preseason against the Giants is a big deal
  16. I only root for the Patriots twice a year. Its always against the Jets
  17. If the NY Giants lose this game, they should go down to D-3 college football
  18. I wish sorry for the letdown fellas, but this is still a great game with extremely high replay value.
  19. Miami is my 2nd team so seeing FSU win makes me sick
  20. There are reasons why I do not upgrade to Xbox one. First it is now down to 299.99 but Ill be waiting til its down to 199.99 or when the next GTA comes out whatever comes first. Also I still enjoy 360 games like the older 2ks and especially NCAA. I moved SMU into Big 12 after a few years, got 3 national championships in the bank now and this past off season really thought about bolting the program for Michigan. I do want to go to a new school. @Meacon how long do your dynasties usually go?
  21. major bump sorry but recently got back into this game, really do love it! in my latest season with SMU (like 6 seasons into it now) we had: #1 Arizona #2 SMU #3 Georgia Tech #4 Northwestern how about that for a shake up lol
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