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Everything posted by Bill1996

  1. It might be. The ECWA website lists Damian Dragon, not Damien Dragon, as the tag champ. But for now I'd just add him to ECWA, put him in a partnership with Matt Saigon, and give them the tag belts. Are we talking about this guy? http://www.myspace.com/damiandragon If we are, the spelling in the game is incorrect... It's just another thing on my "millions of things to change" list. -Bill
  2. Since there has abeen a lot of discussion this month regarding replacing promotions in EWR, I wanted to start a new thread, guaging people's interest in the different promotions. I want everyone to have a voice in deciding which promotions get added, but I want to make it a little more involved than clicking a button and forgetting about it. So, here's what I want... If you want a new promotion to be added to the game for the July update, this is what I need from you: 1: Name of the new promotion (also a link to the promotion's website would be nice). 2: The promotion you would REPLACE, in order to make room for the new promotion. 3: WHY you feel the new promotion would be better than the one you want to replace. Having knowledge on the promotion you want added REALLY counts. Please limit your suggestions to one addition and one deletion per post. I'd also like each person to only suggest two promotions TOTAL. That way, one person isn't suggestiong six promotion changes. If you are "seconding" a promotion addition (or deletion) you can post that, but, I still want to hear your #3 (WHY you feel the new promotion would be better than the one you want to replace. Having knowledge on the promotion you want added REALLY counts.) I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, I just would rather add/delete promotions based on this info, as opposed to a simple cick vote. This way, I'm hoping we'll be able to keep up on the promotions added, as people will have genuine interest in them, as opposed to just "They are better than promotion X." -Bill
  3. Yeah, yeah, I know, another post... One thing that I do have a concern with is the process of voting to add promotions. It's not because I'm not "democratic," but because most people vote, then a promotion gets added, but nobody seems to follow the promotion. Then, after a couple of months with no updating, they get replaced, because everyone wants to add some other promotion. I'm thinking that I might make a separate post at the end of the month asking people's opinions on who to add. But, you'll have to actually explain why you want a promotion in, not just click a button to vote. "Add promotion X because they're cool" isn't gonna help the cause. EDIT: I weant ahead and posted the thread now, that way, I can get some feedback before June even starts. It'll give me a headstart on seeing what everyone is wanting and why: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=84047 -Bill
  4. I see not running shows as a bigger deal than not being updated. Reason being, all of the promotions in the game currently have websites. If it's a roster update that's needed, that's one thing, but we cant make the promotions have shows. Here's the current list of possible deletions, that I'm aware of, with my initial thoughts: LLUSA: Haven't heard anything from them and, I know you (Red) like this promotion, but if they aren't active, there apear to be a lot of promotions that are active that would be better suited. FIP: You claim they've "only run two shows," but I don't see that as big of an issue as the issue of all of their workers being involved in 3 other promotions in the game. If the promotion isn't big enough to be in most workers' "Top 3," then how necessary are they? WFX: I haven't heard jack from these guys and would be one of the ones I would think of immediately when it comes to replacing... WWC: What's the issue here? Is it that they just need updating, or are they not active? I've been to their site briefly, but I son't speak spanish, so... IWA: See WWC WreLis: I've been looking to take them out for a couple months now, but just haven't gotten around to it. On top of that, I see that they just entered into a partnership with Union Square Agency, so it might be a good idea that they weren't deleted... Of course, if this partnership doesn't amount to anything being done, they'd be right back on the chopping block. But, I'd put them as "Safe" for now. The problem is, there are 6 potential removals... But, it seems as if, for every potential removal, we have 2 potential replacements... I count 10 in Red's post alone. I don't think I want to have more than three all-female promotions in the game at any one time, so, unless we remove Wrestlicious, I think we can cross SUN and NCW Femmes Fatales off the list for now. If we end up removing Wrestlicious, Id push for NCW-FF, as SUN just recently started and, on top of that, I can't even find a website for them... Would make it tough to keep updated. I like Pro Wrestling EVE as well, but, beng a North American sim, they don't fit. As for the others, like I said, I have been keeping notes of all the promotions suggested. I plan to sit and take a look at all of them and give my opinions on which ones would be best to add, as far as roster availability (are they in the game and don't have 3 promotions?) and ease of updating. Hoping to do that within the next couple days and include that analysis with my posting of the June Update. -Bill
  5. Just a quick note: I've noticed a lot of talk about removing promotions in favor of new promotions. That's all well and good, but, just so everyone is aware, there likely won't be any promotion changes this month, simply because there were a LOT of worker addition requests, on top of the rest of the posts, I still have a decent sized backlog to work on between now and next week... To remove and add new promotins as well as get all of this backlog done is just a ton of work to do in the next seven days. But, I am taking note of all of the comments regarding it and plan to make it a priority for the July update. Having a full month to work on it will make it much easier to get some added with minimal errors. Also, FYI, I'm planning on releasing the June update on May 31st... Fits in perfectly with my personal schedule. The plan is to have it actually done Sunday the 29th, but will probably take until Tuesday to make sure there aren't any oversights. Also, it will allow me to make any adjustments for events happening on RAW Monday. -Bill
  6. I posted these in the Pic Requests Thread, but figured since I just redid the banners and logos this past month, I'd post them here too, so anyone that wants them can have them. New TNA Banner New TNA Logo -Bill
  7. Found a smaller version of the Impact Wrestling logo, figured I'd share it, so the pic creators can do their thing. I also did make a 121x105 Logo for those who want one -Bill
  8. They are still using the TNA logo, it appears, but the website has been overhauled: http://www.tnawrestling.com I actually did a new banner last night because of the change... Of course, they couldn't have done it LAST month, when I was doing all of these... Nothing fancy, but it fits with the way I did the entire banner package that was in the first post of this thread. Just updating the color scheme really. -Bill
  9. OK, wanted to post a few notes: Ariane Andrew was acccidentally given creative control... That's been fixed. Undertaker was changed to a Non-Wrestler, starting with the May update As of now, stats I have for Ivelisse Velez: 51-64-48-42-75-18-49-89-87 Last I knew, he was hosting the WCCW programs on WWE Classics On Demand... If someone has a suggestion to move him, I'm open to listening. Already an AE for Ray Gonzalez This doesn't really help, unless you make suggestions on what you think they ought to be... On top of that, just because they are "big" doesn't mean that they automatically should have a high mark for brawling. I don't think many people would classify Yokozuna or Andre The Giant as "great brawlers." Meanwhile, they each have close to 300 pounds on Steve Austin, who many consider to be a great brawler. I read about this and had already aded the tag team (Name is STD's, as Smothers Twisted Daughters is too long). The gimmick I gave them was Trash, as I think that fits better. But, I'm open to opinions. Finally, a note about people suggesting promotions. We're currently at our limit of 34 for the game. To add a promotion, we'd have to delete one. Yes, I plan to take Wrestlicious out (hopefully this month, it's been delayed because of all of the other stuff I've been doing to the data, pics, banners, logos, etc, but they will come out, unless they get a new set of shows out before I do it (based on seeing absolutely nothing about a Season 2, it's unlikely). But, if you're going to suggest adding a promotion, you'd better have an idea of one that can be removed, that won't upset people on the forum. One question I have that I was toying with last month... On some promotions, at the start of the game, Sophie says "We need to increase production values to XX% as soon as possible (XX varies depending on the promotion). I cam up with three options to fix this: 1: Leave it as is... Players can pay to uprade the production values when they see fit. 2: Fix, so that there is no "complaint" on day 1... Just like the gimmicks and overness positions, players deserve a "clean slate" to start with. 3: Fix them but deduct the cost of the upgrades from the starting cash... Basically "forcing" people into the upgrades on day 1. I'd like thoughts on which way to go with this, if anyone has any opinions. I'm personally leaning towards #2 or #3... Just doesn't seem right to start with someone bitching at you. Think that's all I got for now. -Bill
  10. Then, he wouldn't be able to be selected as a play by play announcer, only a color commentator. -Bill
  11. First have some comments: I did a bit of research on it, and, while I couldn't confirem 100% that it was him, it's the closest one I could find. If you wanna suggest changes, we can make it him. My argument would be, he wouldn't miss any WWE event for an indy show, which means he's only working an occasional indy show, only when he isn't needed by WWE. Putting him on an open deal would make him much more available than he is IRL. He's unsackable so he isn't released, which would mean two Coles floating around in the game. OK... Now that those have been addressed... There are a LOT of links to various things this month, as I mentioned in last month's thread. I'm gonna quickly address them: FULL: 1.88 MB - Same "Full" update that is done monthly DATA: 631.72 KB - Same "Data" update that is done monthly Banners and Logos: 1.01 MB - This contains one folder for banners, one folder for logos and another folder for alternate logos. Rocky's Logos: 1.5 MB - Thanks to Rocky for hooking me up with these. Logos with a uniform background. Also includes fantasy promotion logos. Pics: 40.12 MB - This is my pics folder, as I have it at the relaes of the May 2011 update. This will fill every hole I have filled, so, if you don't see the pic here, I don't have it as of yet. If you use this, you DO NOT NEED the 5-1 Pics Folder in the Full update. Those pics are already in this folder. However, the "Updated Pics" folder is not included. To get every pic I have, download the FULL update and the Pics Folder. Then, delete the 5-1 Pics folder in the Full update... These are duplicates. Hopefully, this all makes sense, and well worth the wait for you. I know it took a couple more days than I initially said, but I felt it needed to be "completed," even if it ended up being a couple days late. -Bill MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5YRBDHZ3 DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WAXTFOWX Banners and Logos: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OE01LPNG Rocky's Logos: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E0A1LX0G Pics: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NW9IQTLF MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?mrnjvg35f346pvr DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?7q696iah6detcpy Banners and Logos: http://www.mediafire.com/?7p1esa3gr0dso1c Rocky's Logos: http://www.mediafire.com/?lnjql5c17qdbcn2 Pics: http://www.mediafire.com/?5dh67y7q4v1vyz4
  12. Very quick update: I'm still hoping to get this out by the end of the day today (Monday) but, as I said before, wanna make sure I got as much in it as possible. As I said before, worst case, it'll be out before 6 PM EST tomorrow. I'm in the middle of making another check on data as I type so, if it passes, I'm gonna make one more sweep on the thread document and work on getting everything zipped and uploaded. I do want to make some more changes, whch could take a bit longer and, pending on my schedule this evening, I might not get it out until tomorrow... But again, I'm still hoping for tonight before RAW. -Bill
  13. Why after, Extreme Rules is on May 1st so anything that happens on the show should be added for the May update not the April one. So Bill can change all the champions after Extreme Rules, if their will be any title changing hands. But I suppose you have a point. I agree with Who's point those this is Bill's choice more than anything. Well, here's the deal.... There's been a TON that I have added, worked on, researched, etc this month. So much that, as of now, I still have 5 pages of suggestions in this thread still in my MS Word file. I'm gonna do everything I can to get everything updated in time for a release sometime tomorrow (Saturday). But, as usual, if I don't get as far along as I'd like, I have a completely free day on Sunday (meaning no wife, nothing on my schedule, etc) that I could really get another 8 or so hours of updating in on. With me wanting every update to be as perfect as possible, it's very hard to pass up on potentially 8 free hours, when I have already made so many changes and, I believe, drastic improvements, to the data. Some examples: I can, as of right now, confirm at least 50 (FIFTY) new workers are in the game. There might be more, I honestly forget how many were in the April update. I can confirm that I have finished new logos and banners for all 34 promotions in the game and have also finished new logos for all 12 Japanese promotions... Until recently, I didn't even know that these showed up in the game. I have gone through all 34 promotions in the game and made sure that, no matter which promotion you start, there won't be any reccomendations from a writer for a gimmick change or to raise/lower someone on the card. A big pet peeve of mine was that I had to make unrealistic changes on day one of the game, in order to make writers happy. That way, whatever happens from day 2 on is directly related to how you play the game, not because someone has the wrong gimmick or card position. I also contacted Rocky Feller earlier this month and, as a huge favor to me, he has sent me a complete set (I believe) of fantasy promotion logos (the promotions that pop up in the game). All of these graphics packs will be linked for the May update. I am still working on getting a more "up-to-date" pic pack for all of the workers in the game. Of course, I am still missing some, but I plan to include my current pic folder as an optional zip for people to download and use, if they so desire. Basically, putting all of this together (the update, the graphics packs and the pic pack) you would have the EXACT SAME thing that I currently have in the game. I know some like KYKY or would want to use other logos/banners, etc and that's fine, that's why I plan to make them all separate, optional downloads. At the very least, it would fill any holes that I'd be able to fill, if you asked if I had something additional. I'm currently 6 medics away from being able to start the game without any staff needing to be created. With my medical history, I can probably come up with those in my sleep. I'm just at a point that, when I release this I can sit and say "This is, without a doubt, the best update I have EVER released," without finding out five minutes after releasing it that "Shit, I forgot something that should of/could have been added!" I'm not trying to brag or anything, mind you, I'm just a perfectionist and, with the amount of time I've put into this month, I want people to be wowed. So, because of that, I might very well take those eight hours that I already know I have on Sunday and do some "polishing" of things, while also making last minute changes to things that can or should be changed. I'm 95% sure that, regardless, the update will be out before the Extreme Rules PPV. As always, with the event falling on the first day of the "playing month," the results will not be reflected in the update, even if the other 5% takes over and I release it on Monday. Absolute latest it would be released would be Tuesday. Of the 5% for Monday/Tuesday, I'd say 4.5% Monday, 0.5% Tuesday. Hopefully, now that everyone knows this, most won't mind waiting for it to be as complete as possible. -Bill
  14. Just a quick FYI, if anyone wants to work on this... The only Tough Enough wrestler not in the game is Mickael Zaki. I'll throw some together, so he's in for sure this month, but will gladly adjust if others want to voice their opinions. Here's what I came up with, really just by somewhat comparing to Ryan Howe: 37-54-29-41-57-11-54-89-83, Shooting Checked I also set Zaki as a heel, but haven't really come up with a gimmick for him as of yet. I assigned Monster to Eric Watts as well. -Bill
  15. OK... For whatever reason, posts have been deleted... Fortunately, I had up to post #189 logged, so I think I got everything from the posts that were deleted. -Bill
  16. OK, a few quick notes: The Leatherface in the game is Rick Patterson, not Kirchner: http://www.cagematch.de/?id=2&nr=2614&gimmick=Rick+Patterson I have personally gone through each and every promotion, making adjustments to some overnesses, card positions and gimmicks so, that when you start a game, you don't get any of the "Worker X is being pushed too much/not enough" or "Worker X's gimmick isn't working." So, I might be a bit behind on any overness change suggestions when the May update comes out, simply because I want to make sure the changes suggested in the thread don't undo all of the work I've done to get everything the way it is. In all hoensty, not much was done, so chances are, if I didn't tell you, you wouldn't notice... Nobody got a 30 point overness increase or anything... Most changes were less than 10 points. As always, if there's a major gripe on anyone when the May update comes out, we can take a look at them. As I said before, my plan this month was to do an all new banners and logos pack for the promotions in the game. As of now, I have 10 promotions done already and have only worked on it for the past two days... So, getting all 34 done by the end of next week shouldn't be an issue. As I said before, I like to incorporate actual parts of the promotion's website into the banners especially, so they may not be graphical masterpieces. I'm certainly not as good of an artist as others on these boards, but, if you choose to download the banners and logos pack (it'll be a separate download from the FULL and DATA updates) at least you'll have a recent banner and logo for each promotion currently in the game. Finally, in addition to keeping up with the change suggestions in this thread, my last project this month is to update my personal pics folder. As most of you know, I include a bunch of pics almost every month, so, if you get every month's update, this won't really do you any good. But, for newer players, what I'm hoping to do is get a more up-to-date pic folder out there, with more recent looks (where possible) filling as many holes in the data as I possibly can. Of course, there are still a good amount of workers I simply don't have a pic for as of yet. If you're using the latest update and the pic in the file editor lists "Unknown" or No_Pic," I don't have a picture for that worker/staff member. If I have time, I will update my list of "needed pics," so that everyone knows who I'm looking for. Obviously, if you see a name on the list that you have a pic of, it would be greatly appreciated if you share it. As of now, planning to have the update out on Saturday the 30th, likely before 5PM EST. That way, it'll be as accurate as possible befor the Extreme Rules PPV. I've also gotten the "game analysis" down to only needing 7 writers and 7 medics. If anyone has any medics or writers in mind that we can fill these holes with before the end of the month, please let me know ASAP. Think that's all I got for now. -Bill
  17. Ah, OK... The first link is to Gilda Pasquil's photos... Already had a link to her work, but just didn't recognize it in the cuts, I guess. The one that really got my attention was the rebecca knox one... Reason being, I hadn't seen a studio shot of her in her "business suit" attire, which is what she wore on the 37-40 tapings with the Knight Dynasty. I see the pic is on the Shimmer roster page as well. Thanks for the help! -Bill
  18. That's not exactly true... In the April thread, the only banners and logos included were ones I had recently worked on. I'm hoping to have a full, all-new banner and logo pack ready for the May update. I'm working on other parts of the data currently, but hopefully, should still have time to get done what I plan to in the banner and logo department before the May update. As for the workers and staff, you would have to download every single one of my full updates (starting with January 2007) to get every pic I have ever included in an update. As of this instant, I have 5732 pics in my pics folder on my master copy of the game. With there being 5167 workers and 989 staff (total of 6156 entries) there are still some workers and staff that even I don't have pics for. I have posted a list of the holes I'm looking to fill before (and might do so again soon) but I don't have pics for everyone as of yet. The only pics for staff and workers you'll find in a single update are the pics I have found or cut for that specific month. For example, you won't find Hulk Hogan's pic in there, because I found a pic for him long ago. If I included a full pic pack every month, the file would always be huge and, if you get the updates every month, you'd be getting a LOT of duplicates. Hopefully, this makes sense. EDIT, FWIW, I did post my entire pic folder during last month, but obviously, there have been some changes made since then. If you're starting with the April 2011 file though, it should be awful close: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83369 -Bill
  19. Any idea where you got these pics from, specifically, the Jessica James, Aliison Danger and Rebecca Knox ones? -Bill
  20. She Nay Nay... She's only appeared in Sparkle and was not at the 37-40 tapings. -Bill
  21. Huh? Once I release something, whether it be an update, pics, etc, anyone can basically feel free to do what they wangt with whatever it is. I didn't take any of the pics, so nobody needs permission from me for anything. Then again, if you're talking about a different Bill, I dunno. -Bill
  22. OK, so... 1: If I hadn't put Miyamoto in CZW for the month of April, he wouldn't be on the roster and therefore, not able to compete on a show his is appearing on, correct? Does that not make the game unreal? 2: That's fine if he doesn't stick around... We can pull him out for the May update (which you already suggested). I have no issues there. 3: If you're playing as CZW (which I assume you are) and the issue is "he can appear on every show, which makes the game unreal," why not just use him for the show he will be on, then terminate his contract in your game, as I stated before? I think we all know there are plenty of imperfections with the game of EWR... Some that makes it pretty much impossible to replicate real-life situations within the game. Hell, there's an arsenic program available for the game, so people can manipulate things to the way they want them. I'm sure, the instant people start a new game, even if not using arsenic, some will hire one or more of the MANY workers and staff memebrs that WWE releases on day 1. There's not much I can do with the data that is gonna prevent things from happening that are "unrealistic" in the real world. I try my best to get the game seat as realistic as possible on day one. What happens on day two and afterward is up to the game programming and the person playing the game. -Bill
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