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Everything posted by Bill1996

  1. His myspace says 27: http://www.myspace.com/497595081 Base on who his friends are, that myspace seem to be fake, so I wouldn't change his age. Fair enough... Didn't pay attention. Just checked Genickbruch and it says he was born in 1980... FCW says BMonth is July, so we'll go with that, until some other more concrete evidence is available. -Bill
  2. Couple other quick notes: His myspace says 27: http://www.myspace.com/497595081 OWW, Cagematch and IMDB all list 1965 as his birth year... The only place that has 1963 as his birth year is Wiki, which links his birthdate source to OWW. -Bill
  3. Wanted to make a few coments as I was going through some notes... The problem with raising one worker's wage is the fact that they are part of a promotion. When setting wages, I try to scale it so that main eventers get the most, UMC are next and so on... Ayako is currently in Shimmer (her only promotion) as an Upper Midcarder. The highest wage in Shimmer is Serena Deeb at $18k, who works for three promotions. When all else is equal, I usually bump a worker's wage up a little if they work for multiple promotions, as opposed to just working for one. Looking at it, the Shimmer wages do need a bit of an overhaul, so Hamada likely will get a boost, but it won't be to $24k. Same deal with Hosaka. She's currently at $10k, while working for two promotions as a midcarder (SHI and WSU). She'll likley get a little boost, but it won't be to $22k. You could look at it that way... But, this is the way I look at it: She works for 3 companies... TNA, CMLL and SHI. I'm pretty sure CMLL and SHI both call her "Dark Angel" Sarah Stock. The only reason hyou'll probably care what her name is is if you are playing as TNA, in which case you can change it when you start playing. With 2 of the 3 promotiins she works for ingame calling her the ingame name, it's just not really a priority to change it. Especially, knowing my luck, the time I do change it, TNA will release her. A similar situation exists for Becky Bayless, who goes by Cookie in TNA and Brooke Lynn in Wrestlicious, but goes by Becky Bayless in WSU. Working 3 promotions under three different names, it just makes sense for me to not change the name, as there are hundreds of other (and in my opinion) more necessary things that need to be addressed. Both the Brooke Lynn and Cookie Alter Egos are in the gae, so it's not a big deal for the person playing the game to change it, if they choose to. While this might be technically true (I don't know, haven't researched the "Jerry Lawler Independent Promotion Tour" ) his WWE commitment I'm sure takes precedence over any potential indy date. If there were an indy promotion in the game that he made regular appearances for, this would be more of a valid argument, IMO. They currently work for 3 promotions (ROH, JAPW, PWG)... We'd have to remove them from one to put them in CZW... Suggestions? If you want to increase the chances of them being added in April (Not enough time left to get them in March's update) my suggestion would be to get stats for all of the workers currently not in the game and also suggest a promotion that they could replace. Barring an announcement regarding Wrestlicious' Season 2 starting, chances are, they'l be replaced, but I have already pretty much decided what promotion will replace them and have worked on getting all of the workers from the new promotion into the game. 11 workers to add is not what I would consider "a few." As I said before, I plan to get this update out ASAP following RAW tomorrow night. If there aren't any major changes based on the show tomorrow, it could be out relatively quickly. -Bill
  4. OK, quick update... I still plan to release the March update following the February 28th RAW. Like I said at the start of this month, things worked out well that way, so I want to do the release pretty much the same way I did last month. It gives me the weekend to get as much possible adjusted, then make any minor changes that occur on RAW (if any) and get the update out relatively quickly. Just taking a quick glance at the calendar, I plan to release April's updste on the 31st of March. As stated at the start of last month, I am planning on attending the Shimmer weekend on the 26th and 27th, so releasing the update after that and before Wrestlemania should give me enough time to make any last minute adjustments. I'm also in the process of switching everything over onto my new laptop and so far, most everything is going smoothly. As for Wrestlicious, I probably won't have time to replace them before the end of the month, but, unless something changes, they will be replaced in the April update. It's been at least 9 months since they have even taped any material (last I recall was last May in Minnesota). -Bill
  5. Hopefully, Muppet's explanation made sense, but wanted to chime in, just in case this confused anyone... If you download, for example, the April 2009 Update, it will be as accurate as I had the data as of April 1, 2009... If you download September 2007, it will be as accurate as I had the data as of September 1, 2007... So, the latest update will be as accurate as I had the data as of February 1, 2011. Hope this makes sense. -Bill
  6. Before I forget... I wanna see if anyone would be broken-hearted if I removed Wrestlicious in favor of another promotion... I have heard absolutely nothing regarding a second season and, quite frankly, I feel as if (at least at this time, with them having NOTHING going on and nothing planned that I have read) they are wasting a slot, one that could be used on a promotion that's actually active. If it's gonna cause a Egyptian-like riot (sorry, that's all that's been on the news here lately) I won't remove WreLis... But, I'd like to hear other's thoughts. If it matters, I'll put the promotion I plan on replacing them with in spoilers, so that those who want to be surprised by a change (if there is one) can be: I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but it's like 3:40 AM here... -Bill
  7. OK, couple quick notes: There were a few back and forth posts discussing some workers and possibly "re-evaluating" some workers who fell of the face of the earth and haven't really been looked at. I made some modifications to JR Ryder, Christopher Idol, Ken Shamrock, Eric Angle and Mike Mondo, as they were the workers discussed. Hopefully, this sort of discussion can continue, just please be as specific as possible when requesting changes... Saying a worker needs a change doesn't do as much as "Drop his charisma from 68 to 64." It also tells me that, by the poster being specific, that they are using the correctr update... I have had people wanting to "boost worker X's charisma from 65 to 68," when he has a charisma is 70... Also, the "Tech" in EWR is TECHNICAL, not TECHNIQUE... Also, Regarding the Royal Rumble: I like how this worked out, me putting the finishing touches on the update following RAW, so I'll probably do that again for March, as the 1st is on a Tuesday. Lookign even further ahead, I'm gonna shoot for March 31st as the release date for April's update, as I'm planning on attending the Shimmer weekend on the 26th and 27th and WrestleMania is the next weekend. -Bill MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=53QIDMQQ DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VN3CUKQW MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?38firzqndbe8jfk DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?riv70f55512pagx
  8. I wanted to make a quick note of this and get people's input: Right now, I have him set at: ROH - DEV CHI - UMC IWC - UMC If you start a game as ROH, isn't he going to want out of development immediately? With him (in real life) not being on the ROH shows, but still being the booker and working in Pro Wrestling Respect, my thought here is to make him a Non-Wrestler in ROH, while leaving the others as is. However, if I do this would he revert to being a Non-Wrestler in the other two promotions? Would you be able to sign him as an active wrestler? I'm honestly asking these questions, game mechanics-wise... I don't get to really play enough to figure out these scenarios... Kinda busy updating most of the time... Hopefully, I can get a quick answer on this so it can be as accurate as possible by the time I release the data. Otherwise, I'll leave him as I have him set currently. Also: He's currently in LLUSA, FIP and NWA-H... We'd have to move him from one... From a quick glance, it looks like FIP would be the one to remove him from, but I'd like others' thoughts, as I'm just going off of memory that I added him to the other two fairly recently. -Bill
  9. Who's Crimson? It always helps when you use the name that is currently in the game... Unless I missed it, there is no "Crimson." Her resignation is effective at the end of February, so she'll be with WWE until next month's update. But thanks for the heads up. Finally, quick note... I am planning on releasing the update after RAW airs tomorrow evening. It might be the wee hours of the morning, if there are any significant changes to the WWE landscape between now and then, but hopefully, should be done before 3 AM EST on Feb 1. -Bill
  10. Very quick note: http://www.marylandwrestling.com/mcw/ At the top of their page is a memorial for Dave "Jack Adonis" Witt... Is this the same Jack Adonis in the game? The birthdate they give on the MCW site doesn't match with the data, but that wasn't one I have confimed as being correct. If anyone knows if it's the same guy for sure, it would be greatly appreciated if you let me know ASAP. I'll keep researching, though. EDIT: FYI, this is the guy in the game, as everything here matches: http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/gcw15/adonis.html But, still don't know if this is the same guy mentioned on both pages, or if it is two different guys. -Bill
  11. Right now, it could be released anywhere between Jan 30, before the Royal Rumble and February 2. I honestly hate when the pay per views are this late in the month, because I want to make the update as realistic as possible to start play on Feb 1, in this instance. The problem is, something could happen on RAW on Jan 31, which means, if I release the update before that, it's already out of date. -Bill
  12. Spoilers PLEASE! This is from a SmackDown tapping that is yet to air and you spoil an angle. Thanks for doing this for me. That's from PWInsider.com for proof. In other news I would lower Taryn Terrell's attitude and behavior by 10 due to her wacky tweets. She is becoming the female Fatt Hardy pretty quickly. Yeah, I just threw Potato a PM to see if we can change this because... -Bill
  13. OK, not gonna comment much, still got a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff to do so updates in 2011 flow smoothly. As usual, probably make some comments within the next few days. -Bill MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GJI5P0ON DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VEWOSENY MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?f6of80y96za5fsg DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?xhseu3ftbrry3tq
  14. I actually added Verity Thomas and Shaul Guerrero. Here's what I put for stats: That would leave Ruddick, Wild and Buhl. The first two I haven't heard of, but I understand Buhl did not actually sign with WWE: http://www.sescoops.com/wrestling-news/wwe-signs-fitness-model-melyssa-buhl-pictures/ That's the reason she hasn't been added to the game as of yet. -Bill
  15. The roster, I can only go by what the website has up. If the worker is on the webpage roster, is in the game and doesn't already have 3 promotions listed, then they most likely would be on NWA-H (unless I make a mistake and miss them (I do make mistakes at times)). If the worker isn't in the game and I haven't gotten any stats for them, chances are, they won't be on the update. Titles, I should get on, as I simply forgot them last time. -Bill EDIT: Just checked their website and made some changes. As of right now their roster is: Staff Titles Again, if I get stats for workers before tomorrow morning (It's about 3:40 PM here) I can try to get them on before the December release. -Bill
  16. You'd have to define "improvement." If someone has suggested something in the past month, chances are, it'll be added. I personally don't watch them and only follow them very sporadically, so if improvements need made, people need to suggest what needs to be done. According to my calculations, there are two workers on FCW's roster that currently not in the game. Kenny Li and Kevin Hackman. If anyone has stats for these two, I can probably get them on before the December update, which I plan to have out tomorrow before 5 PM. As of now, I'm planning to have the January 2011 update ready on Wednesday, Dec 29th. That could of course, change between now and then, but that's what I'm aiming for as of now. -Bill
  17. OK, wanted to go throuh some things and note them before I forgot... This site says he was 79 in Aug, 2009, making him 81 now: http://www.salisburypost.com/Lifestyle/080209-jackie-fargo As a result, he has been deleted entirely, as 70 is the age limit for workers and 75 is the limit for staff. I assume you mean the World-1 Stable for Dragon Gate USA... Homicide is already in 3 promotions. ROH, JAPW and EVOLVE. I assume Hustle is one of the Japanese Touring "promotions." I also assume Hustle took over one of the originals in the game, as Hustle doesn't appear on the list... Honestly, I have no idea which one Hustle took over, so I'd need the in-game name to add him there. Last I knew, Finlay still worked most of the house shows... He's just not on TV. I can see why the suggestion would be made to make him a non-worker, but if I do that, I don't think you can ever get him back as a worker. Suggestions here are welcome. He's currently in AAW, DGUSA and EVOLVE. Here's the thing on these guys... If I put them on the WWE roster, it makes sense to make them non-workers, since they don't wrestle in WWE. But, I do believe that they wrestle elsewhere while not working for WWE. So basically, the choices would be: A: In WWE as non-wrestlers, staff member gimmick B: Free Agents, but able to use them as wrestlers If anyone else has other ideas, feel free to chime in. Other notes: James Morgan, the color commentator for NWA Hollywood: http://www.wrestlinggimmicks.de/?id=2&nr=8754 Is this the same guy? If so, anyone with any idea on stats? otherwise, I'll juts add him as a staff announcer for the time being. I just went through the FCW roster ingame and compared it to the FCW roster on their site. Here are the differences, perhaps we can get these sorted by he end of the month: These are on the ingame roster, but not on the FCW page... I included notes where I knew something: These are the ones on the FCW site, but not on the roster ingame. Probably need stats for these guys: Think that's all I got for now. -Bill
  18. As usual, I'll post notes hopefully within the next few days. One thing I want to mention is that Bob Armstrong (Road Dogg's father, AKA Bullet Bob Armstrong) turned 71 during the month of October, so he is now a Road Agent, with Booker checked. I also read that MediaFire was acting up for some, but when I tried it, it seemed fine. If it continues to be an issue, we can find a new place to upload to, or if someoen else wants, they can make an alternate upload as well. -Bill MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q3ML3Z70 DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZL0E47HE MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?2dldp1ffjb4oton DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?26wc31fl98z866l EDIT: Literally just tried all 4 links above and they all worked for me.
  19. Very, very quick note... Still working on finishing up the November Update... Gonna try to get it done before the end of the day today but, if not, it'll be done for certain before Noon EST tomorrow. -Bill
  20. On top of the above, it looks like their TV show is "NWA Championship Wrestling From Hollywood." I haven't done much research, but a quick glance on their website.. Is that right? Hoping to get this on in the next couple days, assuming I get the info I need. -Bill
  21. OK, hoping I can get some help here... This is the entire list of workers I currently do not have a pic for in the game. I'd prefer uncut, non kyky pictures (I like to do my own cuts... It helps with organizing the updates) but I'll take what I can get. Some workers might have notes next to them, as this is just a copy of my "search list." if I can't find info/pics/etc on these guys, they'll likley be deleted from the game. Pretty big list, so I put it in a spoiler. Thanks in advance for any help! -Bill
  22. OK... Recently, I've taken a step back and did an overall analysis of where I wanted this database to go, in order to be as realistic as possible. Obviously, there are hundreds of polls, lista, etc when it comes to pro wrestling, but there wre three that really grabbed my attention and thought that those would be a terrific base to start "analyzing" the EWR data on. The three I chose were: 1: Diva Dirt's "50 Sexiest Divas." They started with 100 nominees and, after a few series aof voting, narrowed it down to the top 50 vote-getters, who would then be in a "final vote" to determine the list. While "sexiest" certainly doesn't mean "best wrestler," it is a good start when wanting to compile a list of females for the EWR database. The final "Top 50" is here: http://www.diva-dirt.com/50sexiestdivas2010/ Unfortunately, I don't have the entire list of 100 that were considered, but if anyone does, please let me know, as I'd love to have it for further analysis on the database. 2: PWI's "Female 50." This is sort of the Yang to the Yin presented in the Diva Dirt poll. This is (arguably) the best 50 female WRESTLERS. While there obviously is some crossover between the "sexiest diva" and "best wrestler," these two lists combined were a very good start to making sure that the top women wrestlers in the world were included. 3: The PWI 500. Although a few female wrestlers have made the PWI 500, this is pretty much a "top 500 male" list. Obviously, I'm referring to the 2010 edition, as I'm working with the database in 2010. Again, it's arguably the top 500 wrestlers in the world. That's the reason I chose to include 2 female polls, because both of those were 1/10th of the size of this list. While some might not agree that the PWI 500 is in fact the top 500 wrestlers in the world and they do have certain "rules" that prevent some wrestlers from even being included (Shawn Michaels isn't in, due to retiring after WrestleMania, for example) I don't know of a list compiled anywhere that includes 500 wrestlers and is as well known as PWI's. My thougfht process here is "OK, I have a database of over 5000, FIVE THOUSAND wrestlers. That's 10 times bigger than the PWI 500 and and 100 times bigger than either of the female lists. In theory, I SHOULD have EVERY SINGLE WORKER listed on ANY of these included in the game. If not, They likley should be among the first considered when adding more workers. First the PWI Female 50. Check. All 50 females included in that list are in the game. As a matter of fact, the Female 50 has been going on for three years now and EVERY SINGLE worker included in the three years of those lists is in the game. Awesome. Second, Diva Dirt's 50 sexiest. After skimming the list, one name sticks out like a sore thumb... 33: Melanie Price "Its a Brit entry for European up-start, Pro-Wrestling: EVE!" Admittedly, I don't know a lot about Pro Wrestling: EVE. I live in the US and as I understand, this promotion is faily new. You might have noticed that for October's update, I did add a few members of the Pro Wrestling EVE roster, including Melanie Price (who, from what I read, is no longer with EVE). I'm not sure how accurate the stats are, as I based their stats on opponents they had faced and did my best to find mathes with workers already in the database. If any are wrong, please feel free to chime in. On top of that, after checking their website, I have found four workers that I would like to add, but haven't as of yet, because I can't really find anything on them: Finally, the PWI 500. Honestly, I was somewhat disappointed with this... I'm hoping some of these workers are in the game under a different name, because I have a list of 63 potential workers that made the PWI 500, but I don't even have in the game. That's 12.6% of the list. That's where you guys come in. Below is the list of workers on the 2010 PWI 500 that, to the best of my knowledge, are NOT in the game. I want to correct that, so any info on these guys that helps us add them to the database is greatly appreciated. If you happen to have the PWI 500 magazine, the anmes are listed in the order they appear, so, highest ranked first: After typing those, I'm hoping that some are just in the game under a different name, as some sounded familiar. Again, any help on reducing this list would be appreciated. Finally, I must admit that I am getting pretty fed up with the whole "Wrestlicious" experiment. It seems to be taking them half of forever to get their content out to viewers and nobody seems to know when (or IF) there is going to be a "Season 2," as I personally have only seen 12 of the 13 "Season 1" episodes. I understand it's a wrestling/comedy show and that they supposedly are having talks with MTV2 about a show, but that remains to be seen. Anyway, I see it like this: I'm working on a WRESTLING database, not a comedy database with some wrestling in the shows. Hell, if that were the case, we could put Drew Carey in, as he was actually a Royal Rumble participant. Anyway, the short story is, I'm running thin on patience with Wrestlicios and am starting to think that, while we can add the wrestlers/staff/etc into the game, maybe they shouldn't have one of the 34 promotion slots. I'd like to get others opinions on this but, if we do decide to remove Wrestlicious, I already have the promotion that would replace them in place and would just be looking for a few workers' stats. I'll put it in a spoiler if you want to be surprised, but if you want to help, the workers I need stats for are in the spoiler as well: Finally, for those interested, I'm planning on having November's update out on October 30th, which is a Saturday. Most Sundays, I'm out watching football (American) and this would also have the update out before Halloween, meaning that if your computer is set right, you won't have to adjust the date. I know that sucks to do... -Bill
  23. OK, wanted to get some notes down while I had them fresh in my mind: First, I have pretty much removed IWS from the game. It's looking like the concensus is to add the NWA: Hollywood Promotion, which is fine, but I would need Size, Base, Cash, Image, Risk, Production, Ads and Merchandise if we're gonna get it in the November update. Hopefully, someone has an idea on at least a starting point. Some responses to posts: They currently are in HWA, IWC and AAW. 911 Inc. is an FIP Stable... We'd have to remove them from one to get them in FIP to add them to the stable. I haven't found him in the game as of yet. If we get stats, we can add him. Assuming "Warriors International" is a Stable... Is this the same as the "WARRIORS" stable in the game? He's currently in AAW, EVOLVE and WFX... Is this a new title, or in the game under a different name? If it's in, should it be renamed? If not, gonna need the specs (image, etc) to add it. While I plan to add NWA-H, as soon as I get the info requested above, Aries is currently in under PWG, DGUSA and EVOLVE... We'd need to remove him from one. Ugh, I knew this would come up, as soon as I saw her advertised. I guess if we learn that she is doing more than one appearance, the argument could be further made. Theoretically, we could put her in Donald Trump's spot (just an example) in essence removing him from the game and it wouldn't add another worker to the database. That was one reason I did want to stop at 5000 is because, now I see a lot of people claiming that their computer can't even run the game, because the database is too big. Having stats for her wouldn't be bad, but I'm not gonna guarantee she'll get added, especially if she doesn't appear again in the near future. Well, they are in as Non-Wrestlers, so unless you hire them for a PPV or other monthly show, they can't wrestle. Lesnar is a former wrestler, so deleting him from the game entirely, at least in my opinion, wouldn't make much sense. As for Cro Cop, I don't know if he has ever done any professional wrestling. if he has, then I'd think the same about him as I do Lesnar. if he hasn't, then you could easily make the argument that he should be deleted and, unless someone had a damn good reason why he shouldn't, I likely would remove him. As a matter of fact, there are two workers who have has stats suggested that I have not added, simply because I cannot find any actual professional wrestling info regarding them (If you're wondering, they are Mark Hunt and Kevin Randleman). Wile there has been much debate over what would "qualify" someone to be in the database, I think you should have at least had to be part of a PRO WRESTLING event to be considered. Ideally, my hadline would be having to have wrestled in one actual match in order to be considered, but I'm sure that would cause an issue somewhere, as, just off the top of my head, Linda McMahon ha never been in a "match," but not having her in the database doesn't make much sense. On the other hand, it would finally put to rest the great debate of Jaime Koeppe. Some other things I have jotted down to mention, before I forget: I have no problem with people mentioning that "Person X" signed with WWE and is being sent to FCW. But, if the person is in the database already, don't expect a name change to happen until their profile pops up on FCW's website. Perfect example of this is Su Yung being named "Vannah." I didn't make that change intentionally. Siple reason: I had no idea how the name would be spelled in FCW. Sure, the reports spelled it "Vannah," but if I go on that and spell it that way and FCW puts her profile up as "Vanna," now I have to change it again. With all of the notes that I take, in all honesty, renames are a HUGE pain in the ass, so I wanna get them right the first time and not have to rename, just to correct a spelling mistake. That's the reason I don't make changes to most workers that are named one letter differently (like Go Shiozaki, especially when the alternative is listed as an alter ego). It's the "You say 'tomato,' I say 'tomahto' rule... If it's actually incorrect (like I I have entered "Stacey Kiebler" instead of "Stacy Keibler" when the first is OBVIOULY incorrect, then sure, by all means, correct me. But, before posting a potential misspelling, please check the alter egoes. If "your correct spelling" is there, chances are, it won't be changed, unless there is a major outcry. I'll keep it noted and eventually get to it, but by then, they might be using the spelling I had listed initially (BTW, I'm still a bit pissed because, after waiting all that time to change "Serena Deeb" to "Serena," WWE cans her and she's using "Serena Deeb" again). Gonna actually start another post (yeah, it'll be a double post... Sue me). But, I'm totally switching gears in the next post and don't want to lump it all together... The next post I'm actually discussing, instead of re-hashing... You'll see. -Bill
  24. Actually just finished this before I had to run some errands that can't wait any longer, so here are the links... Most likley will post some thoughts within the next day or two. -Bill MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9LT2Z37K DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T2GGWXIK MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?1vuy54vzrhkbe5d DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?c0n5e4cza60d6m4
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