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Everything posted by Bill1996

  1. Very quick update... I'm planning on releasing the October update within the next couple of days. I'm hoping that it will be out sometime tomorrow, but it might not be done until Saturday afternoon. Wanna get as much on this one as possible and not sure how long it's gonna take. Like I said, it'll be out Saturday afternoon at the latest, but could be as soon as tomorrow. -Bill
  2. While I had a few minutes and am thinking about it, wanted to address a few things: First, some responses to posts: The only news I could find on this dates back to May… Are we sure this is legit? On one hand, I get what you’re saying, but Undertaker himself isn’t unsackable in the game, nor has it ever even been suggested. I personally don’t see why McCool should be, just because she’s married to Undertaker. I initially thought of making him unsackable, as I assumed the game would drop him if you weren’t playing as WWE. But, then I thought, what if the player is running another promotion besides WWE and would like to use an “Anonymous GM” type angle? If you notice, the ONLY thing connecting the Anonymous GM to WWE is the pic I put with the full update. He’s not named “Anonymous RAW GM,” nor does he have “RAW_GM” as his pic name for a reason. It works twofold: If you are running WWE, you can use him and do angles as they do on RAW. If you are another promotion, he’ll be released and, if you want to bring an anonymous GM type storyline into your promotion, there he is, waiting to be signed. All’s you’d have to do is find a new pic to replace the one I included, if you downloaded the full update. Keep in mind that this whole “Anonymous GM” was really an experiment. I’m hoping that people are actually using the GM and can give some kind of feedback on how it works, if we need to modify it some, or if it just needs to be scrapped completely. To be honest, with doing updates, I don’t get to actually sit and play too awful much, so I don’t know something is “broken” unless someone tells me. So, what I'm gettign from this is that the two "Ice Creams" and USApe are portrayed by people already in the game...? If that's true, these three would be duplicates and should be deleted, correct? On to other things: With two weeks on NXT 3 in the books, I am working on updating the 6 workers' stats as the program progresses. Obviously, Kaitlyn has been added and, since they are in a competition, I have been doing my best to evaluate them on a "side-by-side" look. I'm viewing the NXT competitions where the fans "pick the winner" (like the dance-off and joke-off) as possible boosts to over and charisma, while the physical competetions (flag race and obstacle course) are being tracked, but not really affecting any stats. When I evaluate workers in groups like this, I follow one rule: No two workers can have the exact same number for any stat. Meaning, if one of the 6 workers has an 85 for attitude, the other 5 must have something different. Of course, most times they are within a point or 2 of each other, unless something stands out that warrants a significant jump or drop (such as Maxine's DUI arrest last year). Obviously, as the weeks go on, adjustments will be made and discussed. As of now, here's how they look ingame: If anyone wants to suggest changes and take any FCW matches into account, feel free. In no way am I claiming these are perfect by any means. -Bill
  3. FWIW, when I create stats for someone I've never seen, or can't find much on, I look for opponents they have had that are in the game. With the Divas NXT, the initial stats I have for Kaitlyn were based off of what I had for Aksana and Jamie (as they were the two with the least ring experience) kind of averaged out. Of course, with NXT, some things will change every week, so the current stats I have probably won't be the ones you see in the next update. But, if you're curious... As of right now: I have a personal rule that, when comparing multiple workers, none can have the same value in any category... In the above examples, 4 of the 6 have 85 for attitude. By the time the update hits, only one will have 85. Granted, the other 3 will have very close to that (give or take a point or two, unless something happens that provokes a bigger change) but none will be exactly the same. Just a glimps on how I add workers, when I don't have much to work with... If I'm way off on something, I'm sure someone in the data update thread will correct me. -Bill
  4. Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?72sug9xynvckzae -Bill
  5. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YMFDUO2J That's the pack I was using as of the September update... Not gonna guarantee all of the pics are up to date, but there's one there for every worker/staff member I have curently and all of the pic names are correct, assuming you're using the September 2010 update. None are in kyky or anything, just basically a "plug and play" pack that matches all of the pic names up correctly. -Bill
  6. No, I meant that one person was actually in the game under two different names. The ones ou posted above would be alter egos... There were some instances where the same human being was listed as a worker two times, meaning they could possibly face themselves (IE Draculetta vs Daffney). Daffney is in the game and has an alter ego of Draculetta, so the names will appear as alter egos, but not as two separate people. In the instances I referenced, it would be like Having one worker named "Mr. Perfect" and a totally separate worker named "Curt Hennig." If that were the case, theoretically, you could sign them both and have them wrestle each other... Not exactly realistic. Also, just FYI: Hopefully, this all makes sense. BTW, the other Lunch Lady is Fantasia: http://www.glorywrestling.com/gg/Fantasia/F.asp -Bill
  7. This is a great idea... Silly question, though... Why not simply name the logos the way they need to be named from the get-go, that way you don't have "Mine DOESn't WORKKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" posts? Suggestions on the ones you posted: Piledriver Wrestling: Perhaps instead of the pic, have "Pile" vertical, plowing into "DRIVER" and jumbling the letters, with "WRESTLING" below that, maybe jumbling the word "Wrestling" to a lesser extent? Keep in mind, this is a VERY basic idea of mine and I'm no artist: OR, perhaps make the characters the "I" and "L" in "PILEDRIVER" and have the part of "WRESTLING" that the piledriver is taking place at be affected by the jumbled letter effect I tried to describe in the pic... The white guy could be the "I" and the one delivering the move could be the "L," especially if you bend his knees a bit more, like he's finished the move... Hopefully, that all makes sense. Rings Of Fire: Like the idea, maybe multiple rings and I would use a different color for the text. Unbeatable Wrestling Xtreme: Again, like the idea, but a bit tough to read... Perhaps make the entire graphic a bit bigger, so it fills more of the space? Also, keep in mind I'm just looking at them here... I have no idea how they look ingame. Just my opinions. -Bill
  8. That's what I have for Earl Huff... Ooba, can't even prove he is real, as of yet... Just google searched him and most of the results were EWR diaries. Is anyone else having probs getting Jamie Keyes pics? Looks like they took her off the divas page and when I click on photos in her NXT profile, it's empty. -Bill
  9. Cool, thanks! EDIT: Looks like Isis (Aloisia) is being replaced: http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/vickiealoisia Wonder what the REAL reason is for them not using her? -Bill
  10. Any chance you could point me in the direction of the source pics? Thanks in advance! -Bill
  11. Thanks I figured someone might actually be using this "person" in theSeptember DATA game. And I decided to get a head start on NXT just by doing the pros. And a new NXT Rookies Overlay.. + a NXT Season 3 based Logo Hopefully, someone is playing as WWE (Or RAW, if someone made a split)... I'd like to know how using the GM is working, or if the idea needs to be rethought/scrapped. As for NXT, for whatever reason, Isis' (Aloisia's) pic is no longer on the NXT 3 page and has been deleted from the video package as well... No idea on what it means as of yet, though. -Bill
  12. The "old" Carlitos (not Carlito) is in the game as "El Sensacional Carlitos" (worker #3878). I noticed that he was named El Sensacional Carlitos in the PWI 500, so I thought we could make that change. Quick Add-On note... Anyone that uses the "Pic Changes" text to delete pis and rename them, you'll want to go in order from top to bottom. Reason being, some workers now have names that workers used to have (Like the Carlito/Carlitos deal). If you try to rename Carlito 's (former WWE wrestler) pic to "Carlitos" BEFORE renaming the old Carlitos (now El_S_Carlitos.jpg) you'll get the message stating that the name is already used. Dunno if I had ever mentioed that that file should be worked top to bottom before, but if worker names are changed, it can make a difference. Hope that makes sense. I also posted this at the end of last month's thread, just incase anyone can shed some light: -Bill
  13. OK, guys (and girls if any play)... A LOT of additions and subtractions this month. As I mentioned, I found a lot of duplicate workers lurking in the data and I'm not even finished looking yet. The worker count is now at 5038 and there are 59 new workers in the data that were not there last month. The "Full" version is 2.32 MB, due to the 337 pics included, 142 of those are for new workers or workers who I previously didn't have a pic for. Two "experimental" things to look for this month: 1: 5 new networks. There is now a "National Syndication" network along with ESPN3, iTunes and a "TV-14 Online" and "TV-MA Online" network. Hopefully, some people will test these out and give some feedback on how they work, as I actually did research for ESPN3 and iTunes and came up with a formula to generate the potential audiences. I used the same formula to get potential audiences for the TV-MA and TV-14 networks. 2: The very last worker in the Data is The Anonymous RAW GM... At least at the start of the game. I wanted to try to replicate the angle they are doing on RAW with the GM, to see if we could translate it to the game somehow. The worker is just named "Anonymous GM," so he could eventually be signed by any company. he was put at the very end for a reason. Again, hopefully, someone will test this out to see how it works and, if it bombs, we can delete him pretty easily. Of course, if you already hate the idea, you can simply delete him before you start the game. I'll likely take a few days to regroup all of my notes, etc, as I did an awful lot of work on everything this month. Hopefully, it shows. MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H8N8IC7O DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=83XZF2G3 MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?08otc3ra1rc7zdi DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?89cbr765euk8cqm -Bill
  14. Might not be as much work as you might think... For Example, I think that if we put ESPN3 in as an Online network, the risks would be the same as they are for ESPN and ESPN2, and you just lower the potential audience, maybe the production values a bit too. The "branded" online networks, you just find something close (or that is affiliated with) an exosting station, drop the audience and maybe prod values a bit and it should suffice. Generic ones would be just that... Generic, so they would have generic numbers. I've jotted some ideas down and have already added a "National Syndication" as a network, so there will be some new networks added by the release time tomorrow. The trick is going to be getting people to test them for accuracy. They'd have to be objective and not say something needs changed just because it something doesn't work 100% to their liking. For the record, I did go back and check a couple older scenarios to see what they did with "Superstars" and "Challenge" back in the early 90's... Short answer is, not much. I believe one was on Fox, the other on USA, which might have been accurate for the person who made the data, but, where I live, both shows were shown on our CBS network. That was what promped me to create the "National Syndication" network... It's generic and is where Wrestlicious' show now is. EDIT: Off Topic: Anyone know why Carlos Colon and Ray Gonzalez have a "Hate" relationship? I was changing "Rey" to "Ray" and noticed this... Colon owns (or is part owner) of WWC, where Ray has been champ 14 times and still works there. If these two hated each other, I'd think they would not be working together... For the moment, I have deleted the relationship entirely, at least until we can get some clarification -Bill
  15. I agree that Wrestlicious is pretty much like the older WWF shows used to be, being old enough to rememebr actually watching them. The two networks ingame as of now that Wrestliciosu airs on are America One and The Fight Network. For the moment, I have TakeDown on Fight Network, because the potential audiences seem more realistic for TakeDown there than they do on America One. As of now, there is no "National Network," only Local and Regional. Perhaps adding a "National Network" would be an idea. Another idea would be to check out the data from a scenario set in the 80's or 90's and see how the "Superstars of Wrestling" and "Challenge" shows are set up in those, then incorporate it into this data. A lot of promotions now have their shows online. OVW is a perfect example. They're currently set to the "Regional Network," but how many stations actually broadcast OVW's show? I'd venture to say most people who see their show see it online, like I stated with Wrestlicious. We could add a generic "National Network" and some "Online" networks as well... Doesn't have to be one or the other. I do think, regardless, that to "keep up with the times" and make the updates as real as possible, we have to do something regarding the networks. Hell, some promotions probably have content on phones now... Like I said, if we can come up with a rough outline within the next day or so, I can put it into the September update, people can give feedback on how it works and we can go from there. If we do multiple online networks, perhaps we should do one that would be a "TV-G" one that's a "TV-PG" and so on, adjusting the risk and audience for each, of course. -Bill
  16. Just off the top of my head, I forsee "online" networks working one of two ways: 1: Make one, generic "Online" network (Like Local and Regional are) and just set everything lower proportionally to what the local network has. Regiona's Production Values are 20, Locals are 10, so online would be like 5. Cut the potential audiences for Local networks in half for the online network's potential audience, but boost the risk up some. 2: Make like 5-10 "Set" online networks. I'm pretty sure ESPN3 would fall into this category and I'm sure they aren't the only one with setup like theirs. Bite.ca puts episodes of Wrestlicious online, which is where most people see the show. With Wrestlicious Takedown not yet being in the game as a TV show, (Honestly, I don't know where it fits, network wise... It's on all over, which is more than regional, but it's so scattered as to where it airs, it's tough to determine... Any ideas on this, please let me know) this would allow that to be added as well, without being "out of place" on one of the networks currently in the game. Just brainstorming. Might research it a bit and try to implement something for September's update. At least something in there will give us something to work on getting as accurate as possible. -Bill
  17. OK, guys, long, drawn out posts arguing your case on something don't help either... Anyway, perhaps a suggestion to anyone who wants to follow the forums, what I do is simply copy the last post I've read into a MS Word document. If you copy the name of the poster and the post number, it should form a hyper link that, when you click on the post number, will take you right to the post. It's how I know where I am on the thread, anyway. On to other things: September should be ready to go on Tuesday, around the 3 PM mark. I've done a lot of "cleanup" work this past month, meaning a lot of stuff most won't even notice, but simplifies things for me and take big chunks out of my "To Do" list. One thing I have noticed is that there are a LOT of duplicate workers... There was even one worker in the game under three separate names. I also figured out that "The Prodigy" ingame was indeed a duplicate of AC Brown. In the Alter Egos, AC Brown was an Alter Ego for the Prodigy and vice versa. The guy actually has another name he works under (Malek Avalon) and I was able to find his birthmonth, age, etc that way... At least we won't have to research him anymore. I have also added a junkload of workers and even got some staff in and fixed (WWE needed a major overhaul, as most of the medical staff weren't "WWE," they had just worked on WWE workers. As of right now, 20 workers have been deleted since last month due to either death, a duplicate, or I mentined deleting them for another reason in this thread. The worker count, counting the deletions is 5034... That means there are 54 new workers in September's update... I might even get a few more on before it's done. As always, the best way to get a worker on is have as much info as possible on them and I also prefer to have links to their birthmonth and age, just to double check. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I have literally spent hundreds of hours working on getting everything 100% confirmed correct and I've still got about 33 pages of notes to work on. The data now has 928 staff members and for the game to "run well," I'm still needing 22 medics, 24 writers and 4 road agents. That might change between now and Tuesday, but plase hold suggestions on staff until you see the September Data... I might have already added the one(s) you suggest. Think that's all I got for now. -Bill
  18. Here's the problem with some of these... If I recall correctly (haven't played EWR in a while) if you try to release someone in the game and they have a loyalty relationship with someone else in the promotion, the other person threatens to leave as well if you release the other. For example: So, if you tried to release Finlay, Maryse would leave as well if you did so and vice versa. In real life, if WWE released Finlay, would Maryse threaten to quit over it? Personally, I doubt it. Same thing the other way, If Maryse was released, would Finaly leave? Again, I doubt it. I know in most cases, Trainer/Student relationships are reflected by Loyalty relationships, but I do think we need to look over the loyalties (including the ones already in the game) and adjust for what will make the gameplay more realistic. I think, in this instance, Maryse or Finlay might be a bit upset over the other being released, but wouldn't quit themselves. To me, that would equate to a friendship in game. Couple of notes: Ted Dixon was removed from the data as he is a duplicate of Big Daddy Hoofer. Other possibilities of workers being removed: Christine LeMaster: Unless we can find something stating that she has actually worked at a wrestling event, as opposed to just deciding not to sign with WWE, she'll liley be removed. Apolo Dantes: He last worked in 2006. Following his dismissal from Arena Coliseo Dantés formed his own wrestling school and promotion called "Dantés' Wrestling Factory." Enough to remove him from the workers section and add to staff? I would think he'd be a Owner/Road Agent/Trainer? Right now, we need Road Agents the worst of the three. Anyone with more info, please voice your opinions. Brazo de Oro: On CMLL Booking team, luchawiki has him listed as a “former CMLL wrestler and “current CMLL staff.” Luchawiki says he plans to retire on October 5th, but didn't say what year... Is he still active, or should we look to move him to the staff section? If staff, what position? Again, Road Agent sounds the most accurate. Christopher Nowinski: He's in the staff section under production, but a lot of websites I have read regard him as a "concussion expert," due to his extensive research on the subject. This might be a bit of a stretch, but could we possibly move him to Medical because of this? I'm not saying he's a doctor, but he does seeem to have credibility as a medical expert, at least in the concussion field and, to be honest, we need medics the worst of all staff members and they look like they are gonna be tough to come up with. Just a thought. Any opinions on any of this are welcome. Probably post some more infor and news and notes within the next day or so. -Bill
  19. The Mason Ryan one is here: http://www.uned5.co.uk/galeri/barri-reslar/barri-griffiths-8449.jpg -Bill
  20. No biggie. Thanks for looking. -Bill
  21. Destiny Rains, I'm pretty sure, is a worker made up by the data, because she's not in the update. But, I have the rest of them: http://www.mediafire.com/?qf1ik8e8oq6qliv -Bill
  22. No rush, I have a few of each of Belle and SanAntonio, just thought those might be a bit better to try. -Bill
  23. Any chance you could point me in the direction of the Marti Belle and Tina SanAntonio source pics? (Hint: If I ask for a source pic of a worker not yet in the data, there's a pretty good chance I'm working on adding them for the next release). EDIT: If you also have the source for Lagana, I could use a better one of him, as everything I've found is pretty small. -Bill
  24. Technically, I got the pic from here: http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/photo-the-new-wwe-tag-team-titles-109473 But obviously, that's where they got the pic... I don't really care for the new ones either... They look too round and too bronze-like. I like that they look like they are trying to make them a bit more old school, but just didn't do very well here, IMO. If the center and side plates were more of an oval, as opposed to perfect circles, they had made the heads on the center plate smaller and facing one another and gottem some color in there, I think they'd look 1000 times better. But, just my opinion. I'm partial to most of the 80's-style belts, since that's what I grew up with and they seemed to stay with those styles for a very long time. -Bill
  25. Since I know it won't be long that people will be requesting this... Didn't know which was easier for you pic cutters to work with... -Bill
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