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Everything posted by Bill1996

  1. The reason they were added is pretty simple... People suggested they be added and nobody countered with a "they're only appearing once" comment, or any reason to not add them, actually. Keep in mind that they are both on open deals and, in Yuko Miyamoto's case, he is assigend to BJPW, which would trump any apperances in CZW in the game, anyway. Red, meanwhile, is still contracted to TNA and I haven't seen where he will "probably not make another appearance for Chikara never again" anywhere... Not trying to sound like an ass, but if you can predict the future, do me a huge favor and PM me the PowerBall numbers for Monday's drawing. Really, I don't see how adding either in the way that I did hurts the ingame play in any fashion. If you're playing as TNA and want Red, sign him to a written deal. if you're CZW or Chikara and don't want Miyamoto or Red there, cut them... They should be free to release. In the end, I'm trying to get the updates as accurate as humanly possible for the first day of the release month (in the most recent case, April 1, 2011). as far as I was made aware by the thread last month, those two changes were the best way of getting the most accurate update. If it won't be accurate in May, suggest they be removed (like you have) or, even better, provide some sort of proof that they were indeed one time only deals. Notice JBL wasn't added to WWE, because I recall reading FROM HIM DIRECTLY that it was a one time shot in WWE (for now, anyway). If you have proof like that for Miyamoto or Red, by all means, share. -Bill
  2. If you think there should be a change, by all means suggest it. That's pretty much the only way I know that someone feels that something isn't right. Obviously, reasons behind suggested changes are a big plus, so others can see why you're suggesting the change. -Bill
  3. Is it just me, or are all of the pictures from TNA's website in bmp format all of a sudden? Am I missing something, or is there a way to save them in jpg format? Any help is appreciated, thanks! -Bill
  4. Well, I did a little playing with this after finding it out and the nice thing is, those numbers aren't "hard-set." Meaning, to be a main eventer at the Regional level, Ayumi didn't have to be at 56 or above... The writers didn't complain when I had her as a Main Eventer at 46 over. She (along with the other Japanese women in Shimmer, certainly deserve more than the 8-9 overs they had as of the start of the April update. I'm using Shimmer as the example, simply because I was at the events last weekend and therefore, got a pretty decent guage of their card position and how over they were with the fans. That also works both ways, meaning I could actually have Daizee Haze, for example, with a higher over than Ayumi, but still keep her at the Upper Midcard level, which is where I feel Daizee belongs, Shimmer-wise, on the card. As of now, this is what I had for Shimmer: I'm not saying it's perfect, but I feel (again, based on last weekend's shows) that it's accurate and that it all works in the game, meaning, I got no complaints from writers when I started the game up. As always, it's up for discussion. One quick note on Allison Danger... I have her at 34 and, to be honest, I don't think she's as over as many would believe, at least compared to other workers in the promotion... She seems to be always involved in storylies with the lower midcard/midcarders and is usually one of the first workers to be the one to elevate an up-and-coming worker to the next level. Don't get me wrong, she's damn good at what she does and I'm not knocking her one bit. But, popularity-wise, the Japanese girls got far bigger pops than Danger did. -Bill
  5. I guess that didn't make it over from the March thread, so.... I didn't put these in because they happened after the game start date of April 1st... They have all been adjusted and, assuming nothing changes, will be present in the May update. -Bill
  6. Quick question, while I'm thinking about it... Hope someone can answer... When starting a game, you have the option of checking "Auto put workers at Ideal position." I assume this is so, when you hire writers, you won't get the "wrestler X is being too much" or "wrestler Y isn't being pushed enough." The thing is, Ideally, I'd like to have the game start so you don't have that, WITHOUT having to check that. I just started a game with the just released April data and the writers are telling me that certain workers (specifically, the Japanese workers in Shimmer, with the exception of Hamada) are too far up the card. Thing is, in real life, they are upper midcard/main event, yet in game, it says they are too high until I lower them to openers. We need to fix this, in order to make the game as realistic as possible. Now, I have a chart that shows overness for card position: My question is, is this ALL that goes into determining a worker's card position? So, for example, with Shimmer being a Regional promotion, all's I have to do to get the writers to keep requesting demotions is to follow the regional section of the chart? Quite simply, if I give Ayumi Kurihara (who is a Main Eventer in Shimmer in real life) an overness between 56-70, will the writers still want to move her? If so, what all determines what the writers will accept for a worker's position? I'm likely going to experiment with this, but figured I'd post, to see if anyone had a quick, straight answer. -Bill EDIT: OK... Just did a quick test and apparently, all's that needs to be done is to get the over in those ranges and the writers are cool with it. Guess that means I'll be working on adjusting overness this month... -Bill
  7. Site is running really slow, so gonna be real quick. Want to make a couple notes before I forget, though. Wiki's the only place I found 12/5/51 as his birthdate... Pretty much everywhere else was 12/5/53. This article in 2003 from Slam (Which is usually pretty accurate, from my experience) has him as just turning 50: http://www.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2003/12/05/278136.html I've seen his birthmonth at August 2nd and September 2nd... The only "tiebreaker" I have is the fact that his myspace lists him as a Virgo, which would be August 22-September 23rd, meaning, for him to be born on the 2nd, it would have to be September 2nd: http://www.myspace.com/skayde1 Fair warning... 177 pics total in the Full Update. Tried to fill a lot of holes. -Bill MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=67GF2N0Q DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UXFGDNY8 Banner/Logo Pack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=APE30LF9 MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?wyz1g7bdm73v7a7 DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?jnt0ir2zko549hf Banner/Logo Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?w1yf5fdbyfwsq0y
  8. OK, final quick note: Decided against posting the banners and logos here... What I'm gonna do is just upload them to their own folder that way, if people want them, regardless of whether they download the FULL or DATA version, they can just download it separately. With me planning to overhaul all of them next month, this is just a small pack for the new promotions, along with a new ECCW logo, which is what prompted me to look into doing an all-new pack next month... Basically, the ECCW logo I had was at least 200 years old. I'll post these links with the udates as well, which will be out in a few hours... But figured some would want a sneak peek. This pack includes: A banner for SAW A banner for NWA-F1 2 logos for SAW 1 logo for NWA-F1 1 logo for ECCW MegaUpload Banner/Logo Pack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=APE30LF9 MediaFireBanner/Logo Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?w1yf5fdbyfwsq0y -Bill
  9. OK, very quick note here (since it's 4:30 AM): The plan is to have this out tomorrow afternoon, likely before 5 PM EST. As of now, there are 34 promotions (meaning one blank spot). The two promotions gone are WLW and ISW. The two added promotions are SAW (Showtime All-Star Wrestling) and NWA Force-1 Pro Wrestling. I have personally made logos and banners for these promotions, so at least I have something to put in those spots. I will likley post those in this thread tomorrow first thing before I get started on finalizing the update. My question: If I post them here, is there any reason to include them in the update Zips? I'm thinking I should, just because, when next month's thread goes up, this will will fall like a rock and people likely won't see this thread. In total, everything is like 85KB, so they aren't big, byte-wise either. If anyone can think of a good reason to NOT include them, please feel free to comment. I really don't want to double the amount of zips to include and not include banners and logos. I'm also thinking, at the start of this month, I'll be taking a few days to do an all new logo and banner pack... Some of the ones I'm using look old as hell If there's interest in those, I can zip them and throw them up when I'm done. I'm not an artist, by any means, but I like to incorporate parts of their actual website on the ingame banner, when possible. OK, off to bed for a few hours. -Bill
  10. OK, quick update: Finally got a good chunk of rest from this past weekend and am gonna try to cram as much in as possible before releasing the April Update. It could be out as soon as tonight, or as late as Sunday at this point... Absolute worst case, though, it will be out before WrestleMania gets underway on Sunday afternoon. As of right now, there are 35 promotions in the game... The 34 that were in last month and NWA Force-1 Pro has been added. Usually, I take a promotion out before adding a new one, but decided to do it the other way this time. As I stated before, I plan to remove Wrestlicious, Inter Species Wrestling and WLW... However, I don't know which ones will be out in time for April. Chances are, I'll remove the ones with the least amount in them first. I'm also planning on adding Showtime All Star Wrestling, but again, dunno if it'll get done before April's update. While I'm thinking about it, I went through all of the owners in the game and found 5 that I couldn't really find anything on... Perhaps we can remove them, or switch them to another position (RA, Prod, Writer, etc). Here's the list: Angus MacDudley Billy Randall Jay T. Prichard Sal Gardner Tony Smalls Any more info on these guys would be greatly appreciated. Think that's all I got for now. -Bill
  11. Yep, also know... Had a great time at the shows, but have a shoddy internet connection at the hotel, will likley post when I'm home Wednesday or so. -Bill
  12. That's one I'll get to see for myself... Heading out tomorrow to go to the Shimmer Tapings this weekend. Also, wanted to make a few notes before I signed off... The laptop's coming with me to Berwyn, so I'll probably be working throughout the weekend, while sitting in my hotel room: They probably will be changed, after I get enough Road Agents that the game won't need to create any... Right now, I have just enough RA's, so that the game doesn't have to create any. Moving them now would open two holes. His myspace says July 1st: http://www.myspace.com/amarsuloev After researching, I see 1/7/76 and 7/1/76... With him being Russian, do they use d/m/y there, as opposed to m/d/y... 1/7/76 in Russia, I believe, would be July 1st. Has he ever even been an actual pro wrestler, or is has he just done MMA? If he's never been in pro wrestling, perhaps he should just be deleted...? -Bill
  13. Ok, so, the people who posted... We're kinda on the same page here... That brings me to the ones I'm looking at and I'll add in Jasmin St. Claire: Kristi Myst: 49-10 Terri Runnels: 52-77 Stacy Carter: 35-50 Rena Mero-Lesnar: 50-55 Trina Michaels: 66-28 Veronica Caine: 58-19 Lizzy Borden: 72-23 Jasmin St. Claire: 79-71 Any reasons why these are so low? Trina Michaels, I think I entered and based her stats off of other porn stars entering wrestling, so that's probably why hers is where it is. Lizzy, I know, served time in prison, but a 23 behavior? Terri and Stacy, I can't think of anything major that either of them did (besides their isolated flashing incidents). I know Rena (Sable) wasn't an angel, but they did hire her back after a couple years and when she left again, she did so on good term, IIRC. Veronica, Kristi and Jasmin probably haven't been touched much, unless someone suggested a change in the past, though I honestly can't remember any. I'll do a little more research on my own, but if anyone else has ideas on making changes to these to reflect today, or has info as to why the stats might be that low, please feel free to chime in. Meanwhile, back to working on staff... As of now, I need 19 writers and 19 medics in order for the game to not have to create any. Also, while I'm thinking about it, anyone know if Desmond Wolfe (Nigel McGuinness) and "The Suicide Blonde" Irene are still dating, married, etc? Guess that spoils one of the new workers for April... -Bill
  14. OK, so I've been working on the April update and hit an issue that don't have an answer to, gameplay-wise... So I wanted some opinions and perhaps some guidance... Fair warning, could be a mini-rant here: I'm adding Olivia to the game (NWA-H) and learn that she is former porn star Olivia O'Lovely. The stats tht were given to me for attitude and behavior were 80... Here's where my issue begins. My initial thought is, "No, a porn star can't have attitude and behavior of 80... That's too high." Then, I looked at the definitions: Now, there are some porn stars that have had no problems outside of their profession, meaning (at least in my head) that their attitude and behavior shouldn't be low, simply because they were in porn. I don't recall lowering attitude or behavior for Sable, Torrie Wilson, Christy Hemme, Ashley Massaro, Maria Kanellis, etc just because they posed for Playboy. Now, if they did soemthing that warrants a drop, yes, sure... But I'm asking, should the lone fact that a worker was in adult material (be it Playboy, Penthouse, porn, etc)be enough to warrant a drop in their attitude and behavior? I'm leaning towards no. Just want to throw a few attitudes and behaviors up ther for comparison. Off the top of my head, all have been involved in some sort of "questionable" material. I could be missing some, this again, is just a short list: Mickie James: 83-81 (Legshow) Torrie Wilson: 98-94 (Playboy) Annie Social: 91-87 (NWWL) Tylene Buck: 90-82 (Nude in many magazines, I believe also does porn now) Kristi Myst: 49-10 (Former porn star, was in XPW, I believe) Maria Kanellis: 94-92 (Playboy) Terri Runnels: 52-77 (All's I can recall is that she flashed one of Goldust's opponents at a house show... Perhaps I'm wrong? Stacy Carter: 35-50 (Took her top off on a WWE PPV, cheated on Jerry Lawler (according to his book, anyway)) Rena Mero-Lesnar: 50-55 (Playboy, "handprint bikini") Trina Michaels: 66-28 (Former porn star) Jillian Beyor: 87-83 (Playboy playmate) Rebecca Dipietro: 80-81 (Playboy) Veronica Caine: 58-19 (Porn star) Beulah McGillicutty: 90-83 (Penthouse) Lizzy Borden: 72-23 (Porn star, in prison) Bobbi Billard: 89-77 (Playboy) Candice Michelle: 90-89 (Playboy) Now, again, I realize some f these people have done things outside of the adult entertainment industry that might be a reason to lower their attituse and/or behavior. I'm not really talking about that. What I'm talking about is what appears to be a severe cut in those stats for some workers, simply because they were in porn. The ones that jump out to me are Kristi Myst and Veronica Caine. Both of them have behaviors under 20, while Lizzy Borden not only did porn, but went to jail for distributing obscene materials. Borden has a higher attitude than Terri Runnels and I can't recall Terri involved in any criminal activity. Annie Social has actually been nde in the ring before, but has very high attitude and behavior. The only thing I can relate this to ingame is the ability to have a worker do a buck naked match. I don't even know the requirements that a worker would agree to them, but really, just because a person was a porn star, or appeared in an adult magazine, doesn't mean they'd wrestle nude. My guess would be Annie Social (who is the only one I'm aware of that has been nude in a wrestling ring... Didn't ever catch NWWL) probably nowadays wouldn't even do that type of match and that she is closer to being deserving of her 91-87 than Stacy Carter, Terri Runnels, Kristi Myst and Veronica Caine are of deserving their low marks. I guess, in the end, I'm wondering if we should do some sort of a chart that takes points off of attitude and behavior if someone poses nude, or appers in porn? Like 3 points off for Playboy, 5 for Penthouse and 7 for porn? Being in adult materials doesn't neccessarily make someone hard to work with, or a troublemaker. I'd also think that appearing in an adult magazine or movie would also boost the worker's overness, since it seems as if anytime a diva (or knockout, not forgetting Traci) appeared in Playboy, their company publicized it, which made the person more popular (or at least was pushed a bit more than before). Just something I'd like to get feedback on. Don't wanna punish the porn stars, just becaus they did porn in the past. I'm a sensitive guy, you know. -Bill
  15. This was what I had in my pics folder as of the latest update (March 1, 2011). Won't guarantee that all of the "right looks" are there, but at least you'll have a pic to fill each spot (at least all of the ones that I have filled: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9XLRT1DO Fair warning, next month's update will have a lot of pics in it... I'm at 65 new workers/staff already. -Bill
  16. OK... Now that I've slept... I won't be adding a Tough Enough roster split, nor will I be adding a TV show. I didn't add "Reaction" for TNA and I kinda see it as an extension on RAW. After realizing that you can't do 2 shows in one day, I was thinking about making Tough Enough on Tuesday, but, of course, that's when NXT airs. Now, if NXT is no longer done once Tough Enough starts, we can reconsider. But, neither the brand split nor the show will be in April's update. The cast will most likely be under a WWE development deal, with a wage of 10k... All WWE DEV deals currently pay between 12-15k and their just competing for a spot. Chances are, the losers that they choose to retain (if any) will be headed to FCW. So, that's about the best I can do within the constraints of the game. Also, just to put it to bed, FCW won't be it's own promotion. The problem with doing it this way is pretty simple: I only have 35 promotions (34 if you count the open slot) that I can have and, anytime I mention that a slot might be opening up, I get a huge slew of suggestions for new promotions. This thread alone, I believe, had around 20 different promotions suggested for one open slot. While I'm on promotions, this is pretty mich what I have decided to do, but I won't guarantee it will all be doen by the April update: Removing the following promotions from the game: Wrestlicious, World League Wrestling, Inter Species Wrestling Adding the following promotions to the game: NWA Force-1 Pro, Showtime All Star Wrestling The only thing I can guarantee so far is that Force One will be in (because it is already). The plan is to delete the three I mentioned and then add Showtime. The reason these two were chosen? Simple. Posters gave detailed info about them... THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION TO MAKE LONG POST SUGGESTING NEW PROMOTIONS!!!!!!!! If all of the above gest done, there will be 33 promotions in. That will leave 2 slots open. But, I will not even begin to discuss the next promotion to be added until I have done ALL OF THE ABOVE! Pending on how much time I have, it might all get done and I don't want a boatload of posts requesting a promotion to be added, when it could be a month or two before I'm even looking to add another. As a matter of fact, I might even make a separate post regarding the next promotion when I'm ready. PLEASE don't request more promotions until I give the green light! Think that's all I got for now. -Bill
  17. As much as it pains me to say this, I was planning on adding the three Jersey Shore cast members to the game this month... The RAW guest hosts and Carey, who literally made one appearance like 10 years ago, not so much. It also looks like we're gonna need to add some of the tough enough cast to the game as well. Looks like a few of them are already in, at least. Not sure how the game would handle 4 roster splits (Raw, Smackdown, NXT and Tough Enough) along with 5 TV shows (The first four mentioned, plus Superstars) but it looks like it'd be the most realistic thing to do. But, as of now, I've been up around 35 consecutive hours (I blame MLB 11 The Show and the NCAA Tournament) so I'm probably not thinking as clear as I will be after a night's rest. Perhaps someone can make those changes (Tough Enough Roster Split and 5th TV show) to see if it even works? Can you do two shows on the same night? I understand Tough Enough will follow RAW on Mondays. -Bill
  18. Thought it was cool that I share a birthday with Chuck Norris... Was a bit disturbed that both James Earl Ray and Osama Bin Laden were born today, though. -Bill
  19. http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83226 -Bill
  20. Hope this helps: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83226 -Bill
  21. I've seen a lot of requests for these things lately, so I figured, since I was up early on the morning of my B-Day and am waiting for the college basketball games to start, I'd throw these together. Someone had PM'd me for the pic pack and I just threw the logos and banners into a zip file. The pic pack includes every worker pic I have in "my game" as of the time of the last update (March 1, 2011). The banners and logos are the folders I have in "my game" and actually include a logo and banner for NWA-F1, as I have pretty much gotten them into the game already. Some of this stuff might not be up to date, but is what I have and hopefully, fills some holes for those who hve been asking. -Bill MegaUpload: Pic Pack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9XLRT1DO Banners: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TI1JBQOK Logos: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DUYD8K83
  22. Wrestlicious will almost certainly be gone and I had planned on replacing them with NCW Femmes Fatales, with the hope that eventually, that could be expanded into NCW, with the Femmes Fatales being a "brand split," which would essentially give us two promotions for one. But, one major thing that I look at is what posters on the board want. Now, that doesn't mean that "The customer is always right," and that I feel obligated to add everything posters suggest, but it does play a factor. That being said, It's hard to deny that KrisClassic has gone out of his way to provide pretty much everything needed regarding the NWA Force-1 Pro promotion and seems to have a decent backing from other posters, so they will most likey be the promotion to replace Wrestlicious. I personally don't want to have more than one "empty" promotion slot, because then there likely will be a large amount of "You have an open slot, why not add X to the game?" I've always liked having one promotion open for the players, in the event that they wanted to add their own promotion (and I believe the backyard to global challenge requires that the player start with an empty promotion). That being said, we don't HAVE to leave a promotion slot open. Chances are, there will be an open promotion for April's update, but if people aren't using that, there's no reason to really have it remain open. Problem is, I don't know how everyone else plays EWR. -Bill
  23. Still need to find a promotion to remove that nobody will object to... -Bill
  24. I'll kind of answer this backwards... First the promotions going out of business: I think that happens at the start of the game, regardless of how good or bad the ingae business times are. I don't know that boosting cash, size, etc is gonna prevent that. In other words, I think the game is coded to knock some promotions out of the game... I could be wrong, though. The best way to improve the quality of the promotions, at least, IMO, would be to have people that are dedicated to keep an eye on certain promotions. I'll kinda walk you through how I do updates and hopefully, it'll hep get people on the same page, if they want to help further: Basically, I copy and past all posts made in the stats update thread into a word doc. Then, I edit the posts to shorten the document to a "workable level" (and what I mean is, I cut out all of the unnecessary stuff... For example, in my word doc, your post would look like this): Just makes it more concise for me... Once all that's done, I usually make suggested changes, especially if I don't know anything about the worker, situation, etc. If I see something I might want to address, I make comments underneath the post (in my word doc) and then cut and past it later in the month, as you've seen me do before. If people disagree about a worker's stats, I'll usually go with a happy medium. Other than that, the majority of the updates are just me researching to try to fill holes in the data, such as finding a pic for a worker that doesn't have one, finding birthmonths ansd ages, etc. Of course, if I see or read something that justifies an ingame change, I'll do that as well. In fact, if you look at the last two relationships in this month's data, I bet you can tell who's book I've been reading. Obviously, I can't follow all 34 promotions, but obviously will make adjustments when necessary to the ones I do follow. For the record, I visit WWE and Shimmer's websites pretty much daily. TNA, I don't follow as much, which is why sometimes things slip through there. Most of the other promotions, I follow or research on an "as needed" basis. In short, if nobody posts anything regarding those promotions, I assume everything is well. Until this post, I didn't know that LLUSA didn't have an owner slotted (because nobody had mentioned it). Now, the closest thing I have to an owner for them is a CEO named Steven Ship. Might not be perfect, but I can add him into the game as the LLUSA owner, set his preference to High Flyers and solve that problem pretty easy. The absolute best source of info when it comes to updates is this thread. That is what accounts for at least 90% of the changes. It would be ideal to have an "expert" for every ingame promotion, that could look at the data I put out at the top of the month and post a list of what needs done to that promotion to make it as accurate as possible, but don't know if that is feasible. To give you th cliff notes version, the best way to get changes done is to suggest them. Unless it's something outlandish (like giving Kelly Kelly 100 Brawl, Speed and Tech ) I'll probably take a look at it. -Bill
  25. As usual, gonna be brief here, gonna actually start prepping for April. Likely be back in a couple days with comments, notes, etc. MegaUpload: FULL: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0DJCH7Z8 DATA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FQPLTIEH MediaFire: FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?1c3g1tr5q3s2e8c DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?fa3bk1f0d2qftfx -Bill
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