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Media 2.0

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Everything posted by Media 2.0

  1. I have to say this looks to be a good season. And this 'Project DNA' thing while odd...if they keep it up throughout the whole process looks to be interesting. Although that little group of guys...well at least three of them seem to be like..basically the same person lol :|. They'll all probaly turn on each other soon. But as for Amazing Race...I've never seen any of the seasons, but I have to say when they announced Alison..winner from last Big Brother, it made me kind of want to watch it..
  2. But it really didn't seem like it was the whole black people making fun of white people thing at all . It seemed as....well as the plot stated, two undercover cops, undercover, simple as that. If you wanna say it was joking on anything...you can say they were joking on the Hilton Sisters....a lot. lmao
  3. Ehh...that sucks to me, I don't have online play. Was thinking about getting it, but even then...there are a lot of dumbasses if you decide to play against someone you dont know. I just hope they dont rely to much on online play. Meaning taht if you don't have online play, teh game wont' be any worse to you.
  4. This is definitely on my games to get list, to bad I have no money . But I saw 'Making the Video Game' on MTV for this and teh game actually does look sweet. Like you said...seems like GTA, or City of heroes or something, the map looks fucking huge. So I'm definitely gonna try and get this.
  5. It all comes down to opinion... Don't think you wanna see it, then simple enough don't go see it. I just got home from seeing it and I thought it was funny. And the guy from Friday After Next, the bald black guy..he was Tmoney or something in that American Gladiators rip off, his roll is perfect . I liked it, but as I said it all comes down to opinion, if you hate the Wayans, no point really in going to see this movie. Only thing I hate, is like ALL there other movies, they leave out some of the funny parts from the commercial . Of course it's incentive to get the DVD, but still that's teasing..and false advertisement in a way.
  6. Meh...of course I probaly just have a bad sense of humor...or just different from everyone else, but I love the Wayans brothers. (Barring Shawn, but I can tolerate him) so right now this is #1 on m list of movies to see. I mean Big Momma's House was kinda the same concept, but that movie wasn't completely bashed before it came out or anything, and that movie was pretty good too, so this shouldn't be bad at all.
  7. I agree...I loved that movie. It may have also had to do with the atmosphere of the theater I went to (Movie was LOUD almost made it seem like a true horror movie with how many times people jumped) but I still loved the movie also.
  8. You honestly think that? Here's the three Wrestler's of the Day so far. Undertaker (June 21st) http://cube.ign.com/articles/525/525171p1.html Kurt Angle(June 22nd) http://cube.ign.com/articles/525/525525p1.html Rey Mysterio(June 23rd) *NEW* http://cube.ign.com/articles/525/525756p1.html Taker looks fucking ace. It's the other two that look freaky...IMO Taker looks basically perfect.
  9. Well thx for replying to my response from May 12. But really, if that's what he meant then my mistake. But it's not that big of a problem I don't think...I think it would probaly be even more annoying with the ropes in the way. *Tries to think back to no Mercy*....well at least with the angle that they use on HCTP that's probaly better.
  10. Jagged Edge. I just like their songs better...whether it be for the words, or the music. Plus was never really a fan of 112.
  11. Heh..I'm always the one to go against this arguement...my question is what would be the fun in that? I mean seriously..the point of the game kind of, is supposed to be nonstop action. If finishers in the game took your character out for ten minutes...well that would really put a damper on the game. Even if it is more realistic, I really don't wanna be out 10 minutes, even 2-3 minutes if I get hit with a finisher or fall off the cell. There would just be no fun in that... And it's funny because sometimes I see people complaining about the fact that one finisher from their computer opponent takes them out...when that's the same thing they somewhat complain about there not being.
  12. ...So live action means Real or something evidently? Oh. I mean, there have been plenty of action cartoons and CGI's...so I just took 'live action' as you know..a suspenseful fantasy adventure.
  13. Evidently I'm the only one...but my guess is it would be animated :/. Either that or CGI..most likely the latter. Somewhat like Toy Story or something.
  14. New Day of Reckoning videos...and most look fairly bad ass graphic wise. http://media.cube.ign.com/media/665/665526/vids_1.html Just to let you know, they don't have Taker's entrance music and vid in yet, but the entrance itself is ace. And there may even be buried alive in the game, because watching the Rock/Rey video at Survivor Series, you can clearly see the bulldozer as well as the dirt pile just like the real one. Don't know if that's just part of the set or in the game or not yet though. IMO the graphics this year look awesome...but the gameplay, while the moves look great, I hate the way teh like random punches and grapples that miss and stuff look. It doesn't look 'crisp' I guess. And the effect on the finishers annoy me, but that still doesn't take away from the fact that the graphics on this game look great.
  15. Meh...it may be just me but does Charlotte Bobcats sound like a completely crap name? Or if that's not the way to put it...sounds like it should be a WNBA team or something. :ohwell:
  16. I dunno..do you really like wrestling? Or do you really like football? It depends on what you like better I suppose but it looks like Madden and SDvsRAW are gonna be the two this topic narrows it down to.
  17. Well...I have to say I can't really blame him. How would you feel if it was you? He's stated a few times on his show..he could just be walking with his kid or something and someone'll shout "I'm Rick James Bitch!" And I bet that truly does suck...although I'd probaly say it if I saw him from instinct lmao :ohwell:. But yea...I can't blame him, may have lost some viewers though...but hell he'll still most likely be the toprated comedy central show.
  18. Hmm..that's fairly surprising. I know I for one actually liked the show though.
  19. Well..it ends in two hours, so I guess not. And there's actually an episode I've never seen. ...I've never seen this Goth episode...with Candace Cameron.
  20. Right now they are around the episodes when Jack first appeared. So they're on the "pre-college" episodes.
  21. Why would they put a pornstar on the list...? Other then the famous ones such as Pamela Anderson, Carmen and stuff, don't expect to see any porno, especially hardcore porno chicks up there. Plus Gauge is cute..but she isn't like one of those super hott chicks.
  22. That means from now on...it's the OMG!@!#12#F It's the Britney/Esther kiss1@!
  23. Media 2.0


    Well..since it's some girl from you school. On this board I'm guessing it is just you..
  24. Media 2.0


    She's 13? :/ WOW. Whatever, I'd do her. But I believe she'll be another one of those 'one hit wonders' and her hit isn't even that big of a hit. Just shown every now and then.
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