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Everything posted by LexChaney

  1. Good always beats evil. And Aaroan won. The chosen one and most deserved housemate of the year. But I say if Mark decided to stay I think he would have won.
  2. To me and Walker is doesn't make any difference that we may be the only two watching. Over on WGZ we used to be all the time. >_< Good times. I think Aaroan really does have a shot of winning Big Brother. Just the way he has been tonight has to either make him win the show or go down as one of the best housemates ever. I have love for Aaroan so shut it.
  3. It was funny as hell with the plane and banner. Even if you stop people taking their banners in. You can be sure fans will find a way to show you what they think.
  4. And Faye got voted out over dummy Louise. I have no faith now knowing that Aaroan won't win this years show. If it's Alex I'm going to be pissed off. Fuck you UK.
  5. Adam and Joe are simply awesome. I still watch a lot of their stuff on YouTube. Vinyl Justice was funny as hell back in the day. Another I must mention sums up my chilhood. Men Behaving Badly. I have them on DVD now so it's worth a watch to see when Leslie Ash was actually fit. Tony and Gary. GREAT!
  6. A-Team. That takes me back to Saturday afternoon. Saturday afternoon used to be awesome back in the day on ITV. One show I have to point out that I loved from this era was Early Edition. Also friday nights on BBC 2 it had to be Bottom. Plus channel four with The Adam and Joe Show. Damn I feel old. Also speaking of soaps. Emmerdale. The only storyline I ever loved from the show was from when I was a kid. The Dave Glover and Kim Tate storyline with them being found in bed with the best line to me ever. 'What do you call this Dave? Overtime'.
  7. If that's Ray Liotta its already an awesome game. Trailer looks cool as hell. The mountain looks even higer this time.
  8. Oh damn. Supernatural I hated them three moments. Anything with Dean really. But for a brief moment I cared for Sam too.
  9. Anyone seen the film No Reservation? I hate love romance films. But this is like not one but is one. It's a nice heart warming tale I guess. Also the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral. The scene with John Hannah. Another one which is such an amazing film. Stand By Me. Everything about that really.
  10. I never wanted any of them to leave really. I was happy Aaroan stayed. They really should have put everyone up so dead weight Tom would have been gone. I'll miss Harry.
  11. God. I have a lot. >_< The main ones are at the moment. Supernatural game. Not a shitty done Prison Break style game either. An RPG one would be good where you get to pick out what Dean says. I can see the options now. Maybe open world kind of or something where you can pick up the cases you want to do and then level up after them. Will you let Sam go to the darkside? The Charlie Sheen game. How many drugs can you take and how many women can you bed.Smash as much shit as you can in the hotel room before the cops come. Before coming up with an epic arrest photo and then peform online rants. Make a great game. Also speaking of the survival horror. As mentioned. There was a game that was going to be made called Camp Fire. Where your the killer and you can pick off the victims in a lot of different ways and arrange them to spring out at the rest of the party. Also down to picking the items of stuff your killer wears. It never got made. http://worthplaying.com/article/2007/7/12/news/43484/ Also IGN has images of the costumes on offer from the game that they never made. Plus a video I think. http://uk.xbox.ign.com/objects/612/612838.html
  12. Most of us would never admit to getting teary eyed or crying at a TV show or Film. But sometimes it just happens. It can trigger a memory in us or we can relate to what is happening. So EWB. What moments in Film or a TV show have made you get misty eyed? It doesn't matter how random or stupid they seem. As everyone is different. I've put spoiler tags around stuff if someone may not have seen the film or show we are on about. Even if they are old ones. [Terminator 2] [Cast Away]
  13. The wrestling challenge is funny as hell. If Aaroan was doing the announceing he was awesome lol.
  14. Does anyone have a picture of The Von Erich Cup by any chance?
  15. Baha. Dolph was and is a god to me after the first punisher. He had the look and no emotion down to the finest detail.
  16. Thomas Jane was the worst punisher I have ever seen. The guy in Warzone was actually good. It can go either way really. Hopefully maybe they show him being a detective with his family still alive and for it to show us the death of them maybe in his work that the courts failed to protect his family in a case or something. Maybe do it over two episodes so you see it and get a feel for it. If it goes straight in with the deaths you can't really know how much his life will have changed from before to being the punisher. Fuck knows really how they can cross it with him still being a detective. Sounds like Dexter and Max Payne put together. I can't really think of any actor to play him. Fuck Jane. Maybe the warzone guy?
  17. Who's up this week for eviction and how it was done.
  18. Why does Wrestling have to look so good and I can't watch it don't have Sky -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EddieG
    3. LexChaney


      Okay then. You can buy it for me :) And true C-Mil. But by the time you get on there it's usually been removed. Plus better watching it on a TV and stuff.

    4. GoodEvening


      I have sky and still cant watch it....what? screw sky sports and there insane extra charge on my bill

  19. I'm better off asking here since its wrestling related. Am I right in saying that Jemma Palmer once signed a deal with the WWE but never reported to FCW due to the fact she couldn't get a visa in the usa as it states. As some people on the big brother forum think she's worked over there for FCW and the WWE and still is.
  20. Kangaroo Jack. For a kids film this had me laughing and enjoying the film. Just needed a Paul Hogan cameo really.
  21. Heavy Rain is worth picking up. Has a great story and lots of different characters that you might take a shine too. I've been replaying it and its still good.
  22. They should do a wrestling challenge task in there. Jay will do we since he looks like AJ Styles. Anton and Aden are both cunts and wimps. I can see Harry actually winning big brother now. If he keeps that up. Since Marks left he and Arroan are my faves.
  23. From the look of the preview for tonight its going to be good and more "Legend" Harry moments hopefully Faye will stay I prefer her to Maisy. The shopping change had me laughing a lot. Arroan is someone who I think has a chance of staying til the final. I don't think he will win. But if he stops sitting their looking into space all the time and lives it up I think he will win.
  24. I hope somehow he or they find a way for Mark to come back. Watching him on BB's bit on the side and you can clearly see how much of a great housemate he is and how much the show will miss him and that he is clearly the winner of BB 2011. The ink blot bit was funny. "Its looking at me going you shouldn't have left you knob head."
  25. Yes it is. The celebrity one finished and now they've put the 'normal' people in the house. Exactly. When he mentioned it I was kind of sad. But not for one moment did I think he would go through with it. I guess he had to do what he had to do. He said he had done what he had to do and he was happy with it. It's that he didn't find it fun anymore. And that is when you know its time to go. If he had stayed he could have won the show.
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