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Everything posted by thuganomic

  1. Yeah, you know, like he did last year in the playoffs. >_>
  2. Bullshit. It was a light tap. Here, syco.
  3. ....that doesn't really mean downloadable roster updates. It could just mean it's an update over 2007
  4. thuganomic


    Nah, I'm tired of Scrubs already. When even Carla is acknowledging that they're rehashing the same "morals," it's time to go. And JD's already had this hissy fit last time Dan's been here. It's really time for JD to grow up, and it'll be interesting to see whether or not he acts at least kind of mature for the remainder of the season, but I'm betting against it.
  5. The PS3 so far doesn't allow custom music to be played during games. However, there are rumors that new firmware upgrades in the future would allow for this.
  6. Champion, off of Graduation, sampled steely Dan's Kid Charlemagne
  7. Plus, it tends to be far more exciting than most NBA games.
  8. It doesn't. March Madness is the "playoffs" and the championship game is in March, whereas the NBA finals is in June. The season officially kicks off this upcoming week. It's about three months shorter than the NBA season, basically.
  9. Wow, completely forgot about Weezer, but that's a pleasant surprise. Kanye and Weezer make this one of the better fives so far.
  10. thuganomic

    Stephen Lynch

    Stephen Lynch, is simply put, the man. I mean, his songs are a bit one-dimensional, but the dude can sing, and he's got charisma out the wazoo if you've ever seen his live shows. I really like "Talk to Me" and his Nazi song.
  11. If you care even a little bit at all about the writers, you'll understand why there's a need for the strike. People expect this one to last a while, as it doesn't look like either side is particularly desperate. Basically, yeah....see what Beatnik wrote.
  12. NBA 2k8 if you want a more realistic game. Live if you want a more arcade-like feel. I always prefer the 2k games, and this year is no exception.
  13. I'm the one who said that the Bulls cannot win a championship with the team they have now. No team in the modern era without a superstar has won a championship. Jordan, Shaq and Kobe, Duncan, Shaq and Wade. Luol Deng will forever be a Scottie Pippen type player, and the rest are all above-average starters, but they have nobody come clutch time who can take over a game. If they want to get to the next level, they'll trade for Kobe. Personally, I'd go with a Ben Gordon, Tyrus Thomas, Joakim Noah, and a 1st rounder swap for Kobe. That's about as close to win-win as you can get. With the addition of Tyrus Thomas and Noah, the Lakers now have THE deepest and youngest frontcourt in the West. Ben Gordon can replace some of the scoring.
  14. thuganomic

    The BEST Song

    Shortlist for me. "Yesterday" by The Beatles "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson "Sweet Child Of Mine" by Guns N' Roses "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen "Saving All My Love" by Whitney Houston "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen "One" by U2 "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash Either Queen or Beatles take it for me, I think.
  15. Shane Battier....playing his role perfectly. The unsung hero, definitely. He hit the three pointer, and then made the smart foul. Let's hope this is the season Yao-McGrady finally leads the Rockets into the second round. >_>
  16. Damn Rockets. Let's pull out this win.
  17. Most of the egos are gone though. A-Rod's out, Sheffield's no longer around. I doubt Abreu's gonna be sticking around either. This is a new team filled with a (hopefully) lot of youngsters in the future. Girardi's the perfect guy to mold these guys, especially if he has the confidence from ownership, which I think is true.
  18. I'm just gloat for the last time that I'm in first place. Damn Ronnie Brown.
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