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Everything posted by TOG

  1. Good, but not as good as this. ← No, he's right, you're retarded. It's unamazing that you hit a straight with Queen Nine. You only needed three cards. I hit 4 cards to make a straight, and a straight was my only way out as he had a poket pair of kings. After the flop you needed 2 cards. I went all in before the flop, with an 8 and a 2. One out, and I hit it. My hand was better. ←
  2. I know they have 50 cent tables, FTP has tables as low as .05/.10 but what I mean is how low they'd allow a private tournament buy-in to be.
  3. EWB needs a nice little, affordable buy-in, hold'em tournament. Like five bucks or something. Also, a lot of times in home games with new players, moreso than any big error in the way they play their cards, I see a lot of people who find out about tells on TV and then try to send out false ones and fool everybody. Don't bother.
  4. My bands are far too true to their fans to sell out and make money.
  5. xEND·TO·CALAMITYx -- Emo Destroyer -- Thrash Hot Blooded Apache -- Indie I propose Cloudy makes an EWB group.
  6. The game is $50. The first month is free and you get a 10-day free pass to give to someone else. If you pay by credit card, it costs me like $15 a month, but you can get it cheaper by paying for more months at a time. I will warn you though, after the free month you'll be addicted, no matter whether you consider it expensive or not.
  7. I've been telling you pricks that for ages. Come to Smolderthorn. And Matzat, the big issue with warlocks has to do with the soul shards. Not only can they not stack and therefore kill bag space, but they're very essential. The problem is, you have to kill something worth XP to get them. At level 60, there aren't all that many easily accessible mobs worth XP, but you're still going to need shards. That makes you the only class that needs to grind even after hitting 60. A warlock with enough shards is definately a force to be reckoned with, and warlocks are king for PvE. I'm an orc shaman on Smoldy by the way, so for the Horde and all that.
  8. I'm not fond of Dog, but I saw the episode of Mindfreak you talked about and liked it, and wanna see Inked. Can you help me with when those two are on?
  9. Care to back that up with fact? ← It takes a great toll on your body and unlike football you don't have a week maybe two to recover. That might be what he's referring to. To me it's the toughest sport to play out of the North American big 4. You try skating while controlling a puck going up ice while peeking over your shoulder to see if you're gonna be blindsided. ← I've played both league and club hockey before, so I know how difficult it is, but I fail to see how they earn their money any more than other athletes. Almost all professional athletes are overpaid for what I consider "games". You tell me how they are worthy of millions but cops, doctors, and teachers aren't. ←
  10. I want a Janelle so fucking badly. The more intelligence she shows, the hotter she becomes.
  11. The North American servers have a PVP-RP server coming, and there have been some HUGE patches lately. Warlocks still suck, but less.
  12. I'm actually all for Bra and Panties, Buried Alive, and so fourth. While i'm not excited by seeing Virtual Victoria getting her clothes torn off it was a new type of match, and at least in HCTP (Haven't played anything since that), it was fucking difficult. I had fun with it. However, I also think THQ's priorities are fucked up, and there are things far more important.
  13. Personally, i'm pulling for Matusow. Sure, he's quite the... character... but he's put in a hell of a lot more work to get there. He does this for a living. I'm all for the poker boom, it's a great thing, but it would still be nice to see that a pro has a shot at winning this thing. Bear in mind, I don't know any of the others, and i'm assuming they're amateurs or have considerably less experience. Also, some food for thought, would it be harder to shut Matusow up if he won it, or if he got rivered and went out in second place?
  14. TOG

    The Inside

    Holy shit. Those were awesome. Though, i'd say they were a little quick to turn him bad.
  15. TOG

    The Inside

    One word: BI-KI-NIS. Fox figured North Shore could pick up and be the Melrose Place to their Beverly Hills 90210 (The O.C.). As for The Inside, Fox is not sure if it can find a following minus the small cult audience watching it now. ←
  16. That applies to pretty much everyone but Xander, who actually somehow managed to be less bad ass than when they started. I wish that he'd gone the route of Wesley a bit more, albeit without entirely dropping the smartass part. It just felt that the only time he'd get his just deserts towards someone who'd wronged him was when he went on some long monologue and they were too taken aback to put him in his place. Ironic, bad ass Xander would have been > *. ←
  17. TOG

    The Inside

    I missed it, but I love the show. I've seen two, and missed two.
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